The You Kun sailed on the vast sea for five days.

On the third day, the ship made a brief stop at a port, allowing the merchants Shainin had promised to disembark first, while he took the others on.

In the time that followed, Xie Ning rarely showed up, and spent most of his time in cultivation to consolidate his strength that broke through too quickly, so as not to be unstable.

Occasionally, when he passed by some small islands, he would quietly go to the island to take a look, find some suitable opponents to serve as a sparring partner for a few demons, and at the same time try to find a fifth demon.

All the way down, the little mantis and the white fang have not changed much, but Linglong and Bird Ha have improved to varying degrees, Linglong has been promoted to gold level 7, and Bird Ha gold level 6, but the new demon has never found a suitable one.

White Fang, Bird, and Linglong have given some bad ideas, but since they are bad ideas, they must have been ruled out by him, and the quiet little mantis is much more obedient in comparison.

Finally, on this day, Shainin came to the deck.

In the distance, a harbor looms at the end.

The other passengers also looked at the port excitedly, and the voices were all "I can finally get rid of him".

Yes, it's time to Jerome Harbor, a port just outside the small town of Kirkwall.

After another ten minutes of driving, they came to the port of Jerome to dock, and from a distance, the people in the port of Jerome who were lying or sitting idlely straightened up, and everyone looked at the cruise ship, and their eyes were clearly "business is coming".

These people are shabby, sloppy, idle, and have aggressive eyes, all of them are white-skinned, black-skinned, but not yellow-skinned.

At this time, everyone on the cruise ship looked at Shainin.

"Your Excellency, are you sure you want to go down here? "

yes, why don't you go back with us, although along the way... But you saved us after all.

"Jerome used to be Kirkwall, which was a famous dark town, and there were all kinds of rotten people, and those people were not friendly to us Chinese, so it was better not to go. A

few bolder and kinder people came over to persuade Shainin.

"Thanks, but I'll be fine. Shainin said.

Subsequently, Shainin did not pretend to these people, carried the large package on his shoulders, and slowly walked down the ship under their complicated gaze, and at the same time transferred the eyes of the people in the port to himself, to be precise, to the long large package on his shoulder.

When the cruise ship left the way it came, Shainin stepped away and walked towards the hazy town in the distance as far as the eye could see.

As soon as he took a step, he found that the hooligans had a tacit understanding with each other, and as he marched, they seemed to be scattered, but in fact they gradually formed an encirclement towards him with great skill, and not far from them was a group of guards of the country of Mili.

Finally, when the group of people surrounded Shainin and showed a malicious smile, one after another big knives and small knives and pikemen and pistols flashed out and pointed at Shainin.

This circle completely blocked the sight of those guards.

One of them spoke in a rough Chinese Chinese dialect, "Hey, Huaguo boy, hand over the things, you can go." "

Huh?" Shainin blinked, "You're going to rob

?" "Don't talk nonsense, we're not robbing, but, you know, we're just helping you carry the bulky package," the man had a threatening look in his eyes, and put the gun with a silencer against Shainin's chest, "Am I right?" Obviously,

as long as Shainin says "no", a bloody hole may be opened in his chest.

If it were someone else here, he might still be scared, especially if he was a young man who didn't look like a demon master, he would definitely be scared.

But Xie Ning would not be so frightened, he smiled slightly, and was about to let the little mantis make a move, but at this time, his ears moved slightly and he gave up speaking.

The robber urged again, and stabbed Shainin in the chest with a pistol, as if to warn him.

At this time, a sonorous footsteps and the sound of scolding and driving behind him sounded.

The robber and his accomplices immediately put away their weapons and dispersed with dejected expressions, looking like vagabonds who had failed to beg.

The sound of sonorous footsteps was also approaching at this time, and it was the guards he had seen before.

The visitor first saluted Xie Ning, and then said in relatively fluent Chinese Chinese: "Guests from afar, welcome to Jerome!" "

Oh, I think so." If you don't count what happened just now. Shainin smiled.

"I beg your pardon, these people are all ruffians and vagabonds, they have no resistance to property, and you are definitely not a demon master with such a large package, so there is such a misunderstanding.

"You misunderstand?"

"Yes, I believe it is." The guard nodded.

"Okay," Shainin shrugged, indifferent, "and what can you do for me, Mr. Guard

?" "We can help you keep your luggage, at least that will make sure those homeless people don't target you again." The guard said.

"Will the package be lost?"

"Sir, there is no guarantee. After all, there can be chaos here at times," the guard said with a warning in his eyes, one hand on the rifle at his waist, "but I suggest that you leave it to us for safekeeping." The

other guards did the same, their eyes more greedy.

Hearing this, Xie Ning narrowed his eyes.

These guards of the country of Mili are just a group of legitimate bandits, and their purpose is also a package behind them.

"That's right," Xie Ning took out a badge and pinned it to his chest, "What about now?" "

That's the Order of Advanced Cultivators issued by the Demon Alliance, which is common to all Earth Stars.

As soon as this medal came out, the guards took a step back in fright and exclaimed a few words in Mili Chinese, but Xie Ning understood these words, because the meaning was the same - even buy karma! God....

In the next second, the guard became very attentive and respectful, and made a big salute and said, "I'm sorry, Your Excellency the Senior Cultivator." Welcome to Jerome, I believe that with this honorable status, your parcel will be fine here, and there will be no one who will not be blind and want to snatch your parcel. "

It's a 'pleasant' place. Shainin smiled, patted the guard on the shoulder, and continued to walk forward with the package.

The homeless people didn't know what was going on, but as people who had been here all year round, they were more familiar with the guards than they were with their own parents, and when they saw the guards bow ninety degrees, they dismissed the idea of the package.

When Shainin walked away with the package, a homeless man approached the guard, handed him a coin, and said cordially:

"My captain of the guard, what happened to you just now? Look at your frightened look, I even thought you saw Satan."

"Almost, sir. You must know that in this small place, the appearance of a senior cultivator, even if it is not from our Mili country, is worthy of respect," the captain of the guard said, "After all, regardless of their own value, every senior cultivator has at least one gold-level guardian, which we can't beat." "

You say a senior breeder, that's a senior breeder!"

"Yes, sir.

"But he didn't bring a guard, you see. The homeless man continued, "How could a senior cultivator go out without a guard?" "

You reminded me!" exclaimed the captain of the guard.

In this way, the news that a Huaguo kid who was suspected of being a senior cultivator did not follow him, but appeared in Port Jerome with a package of 2 billion insured prices, which quickly spread to several surrounding towns and the ears of all parties.

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