“Praise the great mechanical god Vladino Blazer under the crown! May your light shine forever on the shipgirl! ”

On the golden sand, the maiden javelin did not care about the sand on her knees, and prayed respectfully and religiously to the wrench that rippled slightly in the sea.

Javelin’s face, except for the innocence exclusive to the girl. All that remains is devotion to the gods!

[Log]: Your fanatic Javelin prayed to you, and you earned one hundred faith points.

[Modifier]: Your fanatic Javelin prayed to you, and you received 100 Faith Points.

One hundred faith points!

Quite a bit!

This is still the javelin devout prayer of fanatics! If you are a pan-believer, a deep believer, maybe the faith value born in hundreds of believers is not so much, right?

What’s more, Jiang Shuihan also has a modifier that can increase the faith value additionally!

“My faithful believer, now I am the god of machinery, Vladino Blazer. Pass on an oracle to you and clear the island of the undead! ”

Looking at the javelin praying sincerely, Jiang Shuihan thought slightly, and directly edited an oracle and sent it.

Is the third-order javelin strong?

Very strong!

From the data panel alone, Jiang Shuihan can feel how outrageous this kind of arrogance is!

Crush grade!

The equipment on the ship girl, nothing else.

Just that twin 120mm main gun, one shot down, directly cleared the field within 100 meters, and the aftermath within 300 meters directly shook your internal organs to crack.

Naval guns are more powerful than aerial bombs! This is the power of battleships!

But now, Jiang Shuihan wants to see how powerful the ship’s cannon is?

“Obey your oracle, the great mechanical god, Your Majesty Vladino Blazer!” When the faith was answered, the face of the javelin girl became more reverent.

Respectfully bowed to the deep sea, and the javelin directly stood up and held the javelin in his hand!

The task under the crown must be completed.

Not only done, but perfect!

Thinking of this, Javelin secretly clenched his small fist, and a serious look appeared on his face, staring at the island that was not too big, but not how small it was!

“Discover the target!”

Over the javelin on the hillside of the isolated island, he saw the skeleton soldiers and ghosts on another beach.

Seeing these creatures, a look of disgust appeared on Javelin’s face.

The disgust under the crown is the disgust of the believer!

The love under the crown is the love of believers!

This is the relationship between believers and gods!

“Start strangling!”

Looking at these undead creatures, Javelin’s face became serious.

Two third-order ghosts, two hundred first-order skeleton soldiers.

For Javelin is nothing at all! But this was the first oracle mission Javelin himself received.

Be sure to do it well!

I glanced at the torpedoes and main guns on my left and right sides!

The javelin moved!

The cannon hanging from the waist on the left directly poked out its head!

The two hundred skeleton soldiers on this beach, as well as the two ghosts, did not notice that they were now being targeted by a little girl!

“Target, five hundred and forty-seven meters away, range one hundred and seventy-two meters!”

He looked at the location of the hillside where he was and the size of the skeleton soldiers’ gathering. In the observation of the javelin’s eyes, data directly emerged.

“One shot to load! Start preparing! ”

Without any movement, the javelin holding the javelin in his right hand opened his left waist!

Above the left waist, the two-mounted gun directly began to click and reload.

It’s so fast, it’s just a second’s effort!


With a faint sound of mechanical collision, this gun on his waist directly aimed at those skeleton soldiers five hundred and forty-seven meters away!

“Start test firing!”



With the sound of javelins falling!

The mini cannon on his waist directly let out a roar!

The two flames began to shoot rapidly directly towards the position directly below.

When the cannon flew away from the waist of the javelin, it came directly to the location of the two ghosts and two hundred skeleton soldiers at a speed that Jiang Shui could see with the naked eye!


An explosion sounded and exploded directly on the side of the island.

Billowing smoke, straight into the sky. A flash of fire, the two hundred skeleton soldiers on the opposite side, and the two ghosts were wrapped in it.

A radius of 100 meters was blown up into dust by artillery!

The sand in the sky began to float down slightly directly from the sky!

On the beach, a deep pit with a depth of more than three meters appeared!

Dozens of skeleton soldiers in this vicinity were directly shattered by the aftermath of this naval gun explosion.

That’s right!

The skeleton soldiers were shattered by this naval gunfire!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shui Han couldn’t help but grit his teeth!

Is the strength of the ship girl so terrifying?

It’s just a reload. It’s still a test launch!

Two hundred skeleton soldiers and two third-order ghosts are enough to cause trouble for a considerable number of high school students!

But now…

In front of the javelin, but not ears!

“Two shots loaded, ready!”

As for the question of whether to kill the opponent, Javelin does not think about it at all.

Straight to the second loading!

Always ready at a round of launches!

For the cautious javelin, Jiang Shuihan did not say anything!

This is a veteran, a veteran of the battlefield!


This wave was perfect!

Jiang Shuihan’s heart is very Nais!

[Log]: Your fanatic disciples launched a destruction of two hundred skeleton soldiers and two ghosts in the God Domain! You lost two hundred skeleton soldiers and two ghosts, please pay attention to check it out in time!

[Modifier]: You have obtained seventy-five soul fires.

When [Log] sent a message to [Modifier], Jiang Shuihan directly gasped.

Total extinction?

What a total annihilation!

A test shot directly killed these two hundred skeleton soldiers and two ghosts.

Looking at the cautious state, looking at the javelins that were full of dry bones on the beach, ready to fire a cannon.

Jiang Shuihan’s eyes became more and more fiery when he looked at this girl!

A destroyer Javelin has such a powerful combat effectiveness.

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