“Nikko Onsen? Moonlight Spa? Isn’t this the shipgirl’s bath? But then again, this is really a god! ”

Looking at these two sealed legendary props, Jiang Shuihan couldn’t help but smack his lips!

This is very important for the faith race, and it is extremely expensive for high school students, and it is said that it is given away directly!

It is worthy of Shenhao!

Legendary props, each of which is above 100,000 credits on average!

What’s more, this kind of legendary props that can assist each other, the total value is more than 250,000 credits!

“This is the feeling of being targeted by the big guy!”

The slightly grinning Jiang Shui Han directly chose to use!

Joke, when something reaches your own hands, is it possible that there is still a reason to spit it back?

Not to mention, these two are equivalent to the hot springs of the ship’s bath!

“Modifier, start modifying!”

Saying that, Jiang Shuihan directly threw these two legendary props in the air!

[Modifier]: Start modifying Moonlight Onsen, Nikko Onsen. Is the hot spring effect detected?


[Modifier]: Moonlight hot spring, Nikko hot spring begins to merge. Faith points cost six thousand points. After the fusion, you get the Sun Moon Hot Spring, and the effect is doubled!

“Faith value costs six thousand points? I…”

The modifier directly swallowed six thousand faith points at once, making Jiang Shuihan almost want to jump violently.

This is only leaving yourself more than a thousand points!


Sun Moon Onsen

Grade: Top legendary items

Introduction: Exclusive healing props for the ship girl. Can absorb sunlight moonshine and store it.

Side effects: Soaking in the hot spring can quickly restore the ship’s injury, relieve fatigue, restore the spirit, and eliminate the damage bonus caused by the dark system, the holy light system, the natural system, etc. For the Abyss Department, the damage effect of the Hell Department is doubled! At the same time, you can mobilize the memory daylight and moonlight at one time to accelerate the treatment!



Modifier, awesome! Plug-in awesome!

Looking at the product of this modifier modification, Jiang Shuihan directly gave a thumbs up!

The value of the two legendary items is only about 250,000 credits.

However, the value of this top legendary prop starts at 500,000!

There is still no market for the price!

The main reason is to eliminate the damage bonus of the mainstream god system, and double the damage effect on the abyss system and the hell system!

“Now, there are nearly two thousand faith points in the God Domain! Take advantage of this effort to make another ship girl! Under the starry sky, Jiang Shui Han temporarily stored the Sun Moon Hot Spring, and thought slightly: “Sell all these things.” Buy Moon Star Plugin! ”

Looking at the starry sky shining with a few points of light, Jiang Shui Han pondered.

Sun Moon Onsen is able to absorb daylight, moonlight!

But now in the God Domain, the sun star is only the most ordinary low-end version, and the moon star is even less!

Just move, Jiang Shuihan came to this sea level!

The remaining eleven ships!

“After lighting this ship girl, I am going to buy the Moon Star plug-in, but an ordinary Moon Star plug-in costs 60,000 to 100,000, and the replacement of the Sunstar plug-in costs some credits!”

“Then in the next step, we must take the task hall of the Jinshui City Government Hall as the main goal!” That is, it exercises the combat effectiveness of the ship girl, and can obtain windfalls, and can also earn some credit points. ”

“The main thing is to be able to leave a good impression of those who are poor, hardworking, self-reliant and strong in college admissions offices!”

Thinking about it, I thought about some of my follow-up situations. For this point, Jiang Shuihan has some ideas!



In the hall of quests, the fastest credit is always the battle!

“That’s it!”

Looking at a multi-turret battleship below, a slight heat appeared in Jiang Shuihan’s eyes!

There are two sects of battleships, the Multi-turret God Sect. As well as the Giant Ship Cannon God Cult!

It’s unfortunate. Jiang Shuihan is a pagan who is both.

The battleship below Jiang Shuihan is the most seriously modified one that has been blinded by its predecessor.

Looking at the suspected heavy patrol ship below, Jiang Shuihan began to use his theocratic power: “Start to ignite!” ”

[Log]: To point the current battleship, you need to consume a thousand faith points, do you start to point it?


With Jiang Shuihan’s consent, a light blue light rose directly from the sky.

“Is this, the mechanical god, His Majesty Vladino Blazer is creating his compatriots?”

In front of the collection station, the eyes of the javelin who were just about to rest shone with a touch of excitement!

If it passes now, will she be able to see the crown?

Move, move. The javelin holding the metal spear stepped directly on the horizontal plane and began to sail rapidly.


“This is, something is wrong!”

Looking at the few black-purple silk threads wrapped within this light blue light, Jiang Shui Han frowned!

[Modifier]: Start to point the ship girl, and the cost of faith points is halved! The current failure rate of the ship girl detected is 40%. Do you want to start modifying patches?

Watt? Forty percent failure rate?

Could it be the reason why the predecessor made a few blind handfuls on this battleship?


Betting on luck, Jiang Shuihan never believed it!

[Modifier]: The patch starts to be modified, the faith value costs 400 points, and the patch is modified.

[Log]: There have been irreversible changes in your point process, please pay attention to check in time!

When this light blue with a little black-purple light began to dissipate from the sky.

A battleship of one or two hundred meters directly dissipated!

Left in place was a ship girl.

Seeing this ship lady in front of him, Jiang Shui was stunned!

“Yes, how is this a deep-sea ship girl?”

[Log]: The point is complete, congratulations on obtaining an outstanding race believer!

Log: You have a new race, have you started editing the information?

[Modifier]: The point is completed, start to lock the current belief race believer rank, please select: pan-believer, deep believer, devout believer, fanatical believer!

“Mad believer!”

[Modifier]: The believer rank is successfully locked, and the starting belief level of the same racial group is a fanatical believer.

[Log]: A fanatic believer has appeared in your God Domain, please pay attention to check it in time.

[Log]: Your fanatical believers have worshiped you, please pay attention to check in time.


【PS: Thanks to [UNJ] for the monthly pass support! 】

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