“Am I, born again?” When she opened her eyes and looked at her hands, Alicia couldn’t help but be dazed.

I remember that after entering the Monster City, Walter and the others suddenly defected and defected to the dark elf queen Orika.

In the end, it led to the almost total annihilation of its own side.

It was as if he had died in the flames of war.

“I’m Alicia?” Feeling her memory, Alicia had a slight headache: “No, I am the ship of His Majesty, the seventh king of the Canglan Kingdom!” ”

“Sister, sister. You’re alive? ”

In the confusion of Alicia’s head, a light voice came directly from behind on one side.

“Prim, is that you?”

Looking at this girl elf who threw herself into her arms, Alicia couldn’t believe it.

Her former most simple sister Princess Hua Yue has now become an elf.

That’s a big change!

“It’s me, sister.” Princess Hua Yue who looked up, Prim smiled sweetly at Alicia, “But, sister.” Now you are so beautiful. Like a High Elf! ”

Staring carefully at Alicia for a while, Princess Flower Moon, Prim suddenly went up and took a sip.

Alicia, who was kissed by her sister, was stunned and did not react.

“King Ben, this is…” The Dark Elf Queen, Olika looked at her natural elf skin, and her whole brow furrowed.

Reborn, still a nature elf.

This made Orika, who became the Queen of the Dark Elves, very difficult to accept.

“Her Majesty!”

As Orika pondered, a familiar voice entered Orika’s ears.

Turning his head to look over, a tall royal sister was looking at him with a look of uncertainty.

“Chloe, is that you?”

Familiar voice, familiar demeanor.

Is that you?

“It’s me, Your Majesty!”

The master and servant hugged each other tightly at this moment, and cried with joy.

“Your rebirth was given by His Majesty the Great Crown, the God of Machinery, Vladino Blazer!”

“Be thankful! Ship girls! ”

Looking at the dozens of ship girls below who are not doubting each other’s lives and doubting themselves.

The de facto commander of the natural ship, Sophia suddenly spoke.

In the midst of this coquettishness.

Looking at the slight vigilance of those natural ship girls around them towards their dozens of reborn ship girls, and the many deep-sea ship girls who surrounded them.

So strong.

It was these beastized deep-sea ships that destroyed the army of more than 30,000 monsters outside Monster City. ,

“Praise to His Majesty the Great Crown. Your miracles shine on us, your light shelters us, and your divine grace lives on. ”

Ship Maiden Faith Rank, Fanatical Believer. Lock up!

This is not a simple adjective.

After these reborn ship ladies reacted, one by one, they bowed down in the direction of the temple with an excited face.

This kind of kneeling is even more than other ship girls.

The former Queen of the Dark Elves, Orica Disclentia, is crawling on the ground like a loyal dog at this moment, worshipping the god of machinery.

The Dark Elf Queen’s most loyal subordinate, the half-elf Chloe, also knelt on the ground with a humble face, with great respect.

Alicia Alcutorous, who was once the strongest Knight of St. Iris, is as religious as a lost lamb who has found her faith.

The soft flower moon princess Prim Filli was hot, and her eyes released the fanatical gaze. Loyalty to His Majesty, loyalty to His Majesty.

Kaguya, the witch leader of the former High Elf Goddess, felt at this moment that the god of machinery, Vladino Blazer, was his lifelong faith.

Loving freedom, yearning for ease, and having no faith predecessor mercenaries, Maya could not help but kneel respectfully on the ground, murmuring the god of machinery, the brilliance of Vladino.

Lulu, who hates humans the most, formerly has Harlem blood, but now has a half-elf body, also kneels on the ground religiously.

Even Claudia Lei Bangtaiying, who had a marriage contract and became the commander of the Seven Shields Alliance’s Royal Capital Guards Division, knelt on the ground with a reverent look at this moment. Thank you for your kindness under the crown.

These are all excellent natural ship ladies that Jiang Shui Han can see at a glance.

[Name]: Orika Disclentia

[Class]: Elf Queen

[Race]: Nature Ship Maiden

[Ship Type]: Elf battleship

[Rarity]: Purple rarity

[Rank]: Fourth order

[Faith]: God of machinery, Vladino Blazer

[Talent]: natural affinity, battleshipization, ship-matery,

[Specialty]: Unified Army C, Governing the Country B, Government Affairs D, Staff Officer D

[Skills]: Natural Magic Thirty-Four Styles, Elf Sword Art, Night Assassination Technique,

This is the exclusive information panel of Orika, the dark elf.

It is different from the ordinary ship girl panel before, but it is a little different from Sophia, the hero who commands the ship girl.

Something is missing.

If you let Jiang Shui Han evaluate, it is insufficient than the top, and there is more than enough.

This kind of ship girl is not just Orika alone. Chloe, Alicia, Prim, Kaguya, Maya, Lulu, Claudia are all such data panels.

It is somewhat similar to the blue ship girl, but it is a little different.

In short, none of them are replicable whiteboard properties. All in unique purple quality.

That’s great.

“Perhaps, these ship ladies can be selected to form a knightly order?”

Looking at these natural ship ladies with extraordinary potential, Jiang Shuihan had some thoughts in his heart.

After all, who can still have a few powerful knights under their command?

Nature Ship Maiden? Deep Sea Ship Girl? Granblue Ship Girl?

These are races, and then they grow in size.

It is impossible to attack with the whole army every time.

Be sure to pick some excellent ship girls and form a fleet or knight order to fight!

“But don’t worry for the time being, the ancestral sect hasn’t had time to be promoted to the order, and after being promoted to the order, let’s form a knightly order!”

Nodded, Jiang Shuihan postponed the formation of the Knights of the Divine Faith for the time being.

“Then the next thing is to start lighting the ship girl.” Rubbing his hands, Jiang Shuihan finally put all these natural ships in order.

This rectification also made Jiang Shuihan find some problems.

That is, some excellent souls can be integrated into the natural ship girl for rebirth.

After all, natural ships are all made of wooden warships, how much autonomy can they have?

Supporting death is a little stronger than beasting the deep-sea ship.

“Five destroyers, one heavy patrol, one light patrol, and an armored aircraft carrier, as well as a battle cruiser!”

Looking at the total nine warships that were taken out, Jiang Shui Han muttered slightly, “I hope you don’t disappoint me!” ”

Nine warships, this nine battleships Jiang Shuihan spent more than 100,000 credits.

According to the seller’s information, these nine warships are either legendary battleships or warships of some ages.

In short, it is not an ordinary thing!

“First of all, point the destroyer!”

With a slight finger, Jiang Shuihan set his gaze on the destroyer.


With the cold of the river, the power of the point is released.

[Log]: You are igniting the current battleship, and the current five warships require a total of 5,000 faith points.

[Modifier]: Detects that you are ignoring the current battleship, the faith value begins to halve, and the quality begins to improve.

[Log]: Your point has undergone irreversible changes, please pay attention to check it in time.

When the light fell, Jiang Shuihan looked at the five destroyers present and couldn’t help but rub his eyes.


“It’s really a legendary destroyer, no wonder five destroyers alone cost 60,000 credits.”

At this moment, Jiang Shuihan completely agreed with this price.

One of the ace destroyers in the ship-girl system is here.

Dawn! Sound! Thunder! Electricity!

Known as the four small.

In addition to this, there is a destroyer that has also experienced a legendary life.



[ps: Thanks to [Sleepy] [I just read books] [Crazy three I love you] [QQ11***54] [15***76] [Supernatural] [Novel fans] for their monthly pass support! Thanks to [18***90] [Innocence] for your tipping support! Thank you [Innocence] for your support! 】

[ps: What the big guy criticizes is that if you don’t release your wife, there are definitely not many people who see it. ] So, next put the wife and call the reader! Xiangye appeared, pulling the wind all over the screen! To add to the fact that my Mrs. Lexington is pink in the Turquoise system. Mistook Radiance for a wife! Crying!! 】

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