Prince Eugen!

The boutique in the heavy patrol is also a ship girl with a legendary life.

In the Iron-Blooded Empire, a country with a small naval pit, Prince Eugen undertook a large part of the coastal defense business!

As Prince Eugen’s voice fell, another golden light exploded directly.


A virtuous silver-gray long-haired beauty wearing a slim dress, Lexington walked up with a slight smile.

There is a strong temperament in this smile.

Hang Mom!

Or armored aviation mother, Lexington!

Looking at the one in front of him, Lexington, who was affectionately called Hang Ma by many destroyers, and affectionately called a good lady by several battleship big sisters.

Prince Eugen snorted slightly.

Even among the blue ship girls, there were originally camp differences.

In this case, it is only good to play, or play badly!

“Granblue Ship, Lexington-class No. 1 ship, Lexington, see the supreme crown, may the miraculous brilliance under the crown forever envelop the little ones, may they return safely on the battlefield!”

In the pious gaze, with the gentleness of Hang Mama.

Lexington, worthy of you!

“Ah, it’s Lexington mom!”

At this time, the two small destroyers of Raiden also discovered Lexington and the re-patrol Prince Eugen.

In the hearts of these little guys. Hang Mom is always dripping mother!

“The size of the blue ship girl has begun to expand!”

Gently holding the command knife on her waist, Sophia smiled and said softly.

In this voice, it seemed to be said to himself, and it seemed to be said to this deep-sea heavy cruiser girl next to him.

One, can’t name at all. The deep-sea ship girl who was finally given the name under the crown.

Behind Sophia, there is a group of nature ship ladies.

In a short period of time, Sophia gathered all these natural ship girls under her command.


Zi Mo, who snorted coldly, didn’t care about this at all.

Jealous. Or is it expanding the power in your hands?

No ship lady dared to say that she was not interested in the power of the ancestral sect.

Whoever wields a great deal of power will be better able to bring faith to his crown.

This is an open and dark battle between them.

Jiang Shui Han saw it clearly. But don’t block too much.

Healthy competition is better than a pool of stagnant water!

After the aircraft carrier Lexington landed, the remaining two purple light masses also exploded.

One has light blue hair and swaying in front of him, obviously a light patrol, but he has the strength of an aviation mother.

This is also one of the best among the shipwives.

Ru shake Helena!

Also affectionately known as Julena.

The life of the battleship is either to bring support to teammates, or to continue to support teammates.

Otherwise, how could there be such a title similar to that of a nanny, Julena?


My support from Julena? Who doesn’t want it!

“Huh? Sister Lexington, I miss you so much! ”

Soft and sticky voice, plus that light voice.

Ah, who can not sink into the arms of Julena!

“I miss you too, Helena. You’re not small! It’s almost catching up with me! ”

With a gentle hug, Lexington quipped to Helen.

It is obviously a light patrol, but it has a huge amount of aviation mothers.

Rulena, suffered from many elementary school students, light patrols, heavy patrol girls. As well as the jealousy of some of the big sisters of the war patrol column.

Jealousy, enviable separation of the walls of the mass.

“Gentlemen, I am the battlecruiser Royal Prestige, do you need afternoon tea?”

A tall girl dressed in a black and white maid outfit, black maid leather shoes, and a pair of white knee-length socks.

With a smile, he looked at the loli girls hugging together in front of him.

The exceptionally delicate blonde hair that was combed, and the maid with a maid hair ornament stood with the prestige of the long prestige.

“Oh, it’s prestige for you! Welcome! ”

Gently patting Rulena’s back, Lexington walked towards the prestige with light steps.

“Prestige sister with Lexington mom. This is simply bliss! ”

“Uh-huh. But I want to eat the cake made by my mom Lexington. ”

Behind Xiangye, thunder and lightning glanced at each other, and their eyes were filled with countless happiness.

Prestige class battlecruiser No. 1.


Known as the chief maid of the Royal Navy, she is also known as the non-chieftain god of war.

It really provoked the Royal Navy’s war position in the non-chieftain lands.

It has many dazzling achievements.

Pity… It is a colonial-class warship.

It is this kind of identity that completely covers up her non-chieftain glory as the god of war.

“Four small drives, Javelin, Rafi, Eugen, Julena, Mrs., and the non-chieftain God of War.”

Looking at the total ten blue ships below, Jiang Shuihan couldn’t help but nod.

Very good. This wave is not a loss of its own.

After spending about 100,000 credits, he bought back Mrs. Eugen, Julena, Sixiaoqi, the non-chief God of War, and Rafi.

Perfect blood earning!

It is much more cost-effective than buying hundreds of ordinary warships and fusing them into beastly deep-sea ships.

“In this way, this side has to find a way to make ordinary ship girls.”

After thinking slightly, Jiang Shui Han found that it was more cost-effective to buy these legendary or ancient warships

“The purchase of ordinary ship girls is for the time being. Find a time to promote this ancestral sect of your own to a sect! ”

“The skills and talent attached to the legendary ship girl are really amazing.”

Jiang Shuihan couldn’t help but pout while opening these data panels.

By now, Jiang Shuihan could see what was going on with the rank of this belief race.

The lowest rank of the blue ship girl is the third order, and among the four small drives, Xiangye’s rank is in the fourth order.

The rank of the heavy patrol Eugen is also in the fourth order.

The rank of prestige of the non-chieftain goddess of war is the fifth rank.

And the airline mother Lexington is even more powerful, the rank is in the sixth order!

What do you mean?

In other words, the non-chieftain god of war maid chief can completely go head-to-head with the seventh-order pagans as long as they start the battleship.

Even an opponent of the eighth order is not unable to fight!

And Lexington is able to follow the eighth order, hard steel ninth order.

Do not underestimate the non-chieftain God of War, and the combat effectiveness of Lexington.


[PS: Thank you [Liu Shiping] for your monthly pass support! 】

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