“Ready to fight!”

Looking at the hundreds of Yalong thousands of meters away, and the thirty pterosaurs flying in the sky.

Lexington drank.


A deep-sea beast ship lady was also at this time, holding a shield in her left hand and a chopping knife in her right hand, and the appearance of a fierce beast naval gun around her waist firmly guarded in front of many ship girls.

A deep-sea missile ship lady lifted the tube in her hand, and many tubes behind her waist also opened the protective compartment!

The deep-sea missile ship is the one with the lowest number of river water cold points, and it is also the one with the most outrageous consumption.

If it is said that the ordinary ship girl can replenish the cannon attack and magic energy by swallowing the primordial matter and active energy.

Then, even if these deep-sea missile ships swallow the primordial matter and active energy, it will take a while to breed missiles!

In simple terms, skills have CDs!

“Those dragons on the other side are very likely to be very anti-demon! Better combat readiness! ”

Orika among the natural ship girls whispered to several ship girls in charge.

Orika, the dark elf ship girl with an extremely intelligent head, looked at the figures of those dragons on the opposite side, and thought slightly in her heart.

“Understood, that means that you are likely to suffer from melee combat!”

Lexington, who nodded, bowed slightly.

“Praise to His Majesty the Supreme Crown, may your glory envelop us forever, and may we bring you the crown of victory!” Looking at the two hundred hideous dragons in the distance.

A girl with light blue hair, Prince Eugen held a steel shield and prayed slightly.

In this voice, there is an unwavering idea!

“Well, for the crown!” Javelin, who also had a serious face, said seriously.

[Log]: The battle begins, please prepare the cadets on both sides for battle.


With an order, Jiang Shuihan directly gave the order.

The battle begins!

“Kill, whoop !!!”

Outside the group of ship girls, ten kilometers away, thirty pterosaurs that could soar in the sky roared fiercely at the one hundred and seventy ground dragons below.

“Wha!!!a For the sake of the Dragon God under the crown, kill! ”

“Kill each other! Kill! ”

“For the Dragon God Crown!”

With a low roar, the dragon sub-dragons of the thorny dragon, the ground dragon, the tyrannosaurus rex, the velociraptor and many other images roared one after another.

Hideous skin, and ferocious claws, plus incomparably hard skin, and strong melee combat ability.

Yes, these earth-walking dragons have become a vital faith race in the hands of this god!

“Whoosh!! Kill! ”

“Pay attention to the orders under the crown, the opposite side is very strange!”

A black dragon roaring in the sky roared low to the many nine-colored pterosaurs waiting around him.

They can soar in the sky, even if they lack some melee strength compared to the ground dragon below.

But the crown of mercy gave them a talent that the earth dragons could not have, dragon magic!

This is a magic that is built on the blood of a dragon that they can perform.

Compared to the magic of other factions, it is not even a little stronger!

“Carrier-based aircraft, take-off !!!”

When the battle began, Mrs. Lexington unfolded her ship.

One by one, the improved fighters rushed directly into the sky.


These fighters similar to the size of golden eagles, in the eyes of those nine-colored pterosaurs with a size of about tens of meters, are simply as annoying as flies!

It’s fast.

In the extremely short speed, these fighters rushed directly to the opposite side of the nine-colored wing dragon!


Looking at the dense array of hundreds of golden eagle-sized fighters in front of them, these nine-colored pterosaurs roared one after another.

Dragon’s breath!

One by one, the instinctive attacks directly attacked the fighters who pounced.


Just approached, these fighters attached to the front came directly to a snakeskin position.

Abruptly avoided the attack of these nine-colored pterosaurs.


Bursts of carrier-based cannons directly attacked the wings of the nine-colored pterosaur.

Back of the wings, front. Even the roots of the wings!

Wherever these fighters could be found, they were attacked by a continuous stream of carrier-based cannons.


A deep sound of pain vented out on the bodies of these nine-colored pterosaurs.

There were even some fierce and fierce nine-colored pterosaurs rushing down, and one after another carrier-based aircraft were directly killed on the spot!

“Target lock, start group artillery coverage!!”

When Mrs. Lexington was harassing the nine-colored pterosaur.

Helena directly gave the most accurate coordinates to many deep-sea ships.

Artillery attack!

A hundred deep-sea beastification ship girls opened their hideous naval guns!




One after another, the hideous cannon barrels directly emitted that deafening sound.


Even those earth dragons who were more than ten kilometers away could hear this sound.

“Danger! Disperse! ”

These ground dragons, who themselves were scattered and made breakthroughs, spread out faster.

It’s late, though!

A shot of goods like red flame fell from the sky and smashed abruptly on the ground.

The high-explosive artillery fire combined with the scorching temperature ploughed the earth opposite.


The screams of the earth walking dragon directly resounded.

“Put !!!”

It is a pity that the ship lady did not leave her hand at all. Under Helena’s command, the Abyssal Beast Ship Lady began a new round of artillery fire again.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The firing of naval guns seemed to completely kill the other side.

Javelin, Rafi, and even Eugen were on guard.

“Target lock, start launching!”

The deep-sea missile ship locked onto the nine-colored pterosaurs in the sky who were anxious and eagerly rushing over.

One fighter after another is like a death squad, constantly pinning down these nine-colored pterosaurs, but looking at the ground dragons below that have been hit hard.

The nine-colored pterosaur directly didn’t care about these golden-eagle-like fighters.

Kill the other party, you must kill it!


With the slight voice of the deep-sea missile ship girl, it sounded.

One cylinder after another flew directly out of the ship’s missile compartment.

The bazooka in his hand even flew out one tracking missile after another!


Missiles flew in the air.

Looking at these missiles, the nine-colored pterosaurs’ hearts couldn’t help but feel impatient.


Dragon’s Breath!!!

With a mouthful of powerful dragon breath, several missiles in front of these dragons were directly detonated.

The fighter took advantage of this time to continue to perform a face-riding battle against the dragon, and the carrier-based cannons continuously swept the dragon’s head.

After that, numerous shipborne missiles broke through the air.

Straight to a close-range acceleration!


When it reached the perimeter of the dragon for several meters, tens of meters later, a burst of dripping sounds sounded directly.

Exploded, one by one the shipborne missiles exploded directly!

Nine-colored pterosaur, after the earth-walking dragon. It also perished.

Another second-kill battle!

Looking at this kind of battle situation, many new students and old students couldn’t help but feel slightly bitter in their hearts.

They have never seen the religious race under Jiang Shuihan fall into a fight, or even continue to fight!


[PS: It is said that I can’t tell the difference between the stupidity of the C series, R series, and B series. Okay. Oh wrong! The previous changes can’t be made for the time being. After that, adjust and identify according to the current data!

Granblue: It’s a big category. The internal camps are like Iron Blood, Donghuang, and Chongying. The C system, R system, and B department are all in the same camp.

B-series Ship Girl: Javelin, Rafi.

R Ship Girls: Lexington, Eugen, Julena, Prestige, Snowwind.

C series ship girl: Yamato, Xiaoxiang Thunderbolt, Muyue type ship girl, including replica ship girl, a total of twenty-one!

Deep Sea Ship Maiden: Now it is dominated by the R series.

R series: harbor water ghost, purple ink, deep-sea beastly ship girl, deep-sea missile ship girl.

Nature Ship Maiden: Mainly wooden warships, one of the reasons is magic.

The above is the current classification of ship girls. 】

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