[ps: Chapter 167, reviewed. Headache! 】

Under the tireless education of the Ship Maiden Order.

Of the 700,000 newborn children, there are 500,000 deep believers, more than 100,000 devout believers, and tens of thousands of fanatics.

Jiang Shuihan, who learned of this result, was blinded!

The IS mecha plane is only a million people!

In a hundred years, the number of direct people has doubled?

This fertility rate is really blowing up!

However, if you think about the era of the population explosion, in just two or three decades, the population has soared from three or four billion to more than one billion.

Jiang Shuihan was no longer shocked.

What does that mean compared to that?

However, these young believers were strictly protected and educated by the ship maids of the Executive Yuan.

These are seeds.

They are all the seeds of the grassroots managers of the Jianniang Sect to build in various planes in the future.

Enterprise, Yamato, Wujiu, Rongguang and other cute girls are absolutely not allowed to allow these young believers to have something to lose!

And these operations are carried out in an orderly manner with the tacit consent of Jiang Shuihan!

“Governor. We’ve entered the meteorite belt! ”

Looking at the size of the surrounding meteorites, even some meteorites, I don’t know how many times larger than the battleship of the Steel Sea Dragon Ji.

Or, in other words, there are planets that are thousands of kilometers in size everywhere, partially cut apart and discarded in the meteorite belt.

“Uh-huh. What about the adventurer ship? ”

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Jiang Shui Han asked Steel Sea Dragon Ji.

“Still hanging behind! However, the other party is suspected of being heading towards a different meteorite entrance ahead! ”

Saying that, Steel Sea Dragon Ji pulled out the star map in front of him.

The meteorite belt is too big.

The range in this, even if you choose a random place, you can enter and exit this meteorite belt at will.

“Let’s go first!”

Saying that, Jiang Shui Han croaked his teeth slightly.

Near this meteorite belt, it was indeed somewhat difficult to counter-kill this team of adventurers.

Really compare.

That team of adventurers knows this place better than he does!

And the river is cold, the only place that can rely on it.

It can be said that there is basically nothing!


Without saying a word!

As the cold voice of the river fell.

The Steel Sea Dragon Ji began to accelerate directly towards the depths of the meteorite belt.

Acceleration in the meteorite belt is no less than racing on a wrong-way lane.

In a frenzy.

“The rabbit has entered the pit! When is it time to hunt? ”

“Let’s go inside first, on the edge of this meteorite belt. It’s easy for the rabbits to escape! ”

“Okay, hunt the rabbit in the meteorite belt. By the way, sell it inside the black market loitering exchange! ”

“A wave, quick breakout. How cool! ”

“I’m worried that someone will rob us then!”

“Then kill him!”

On this adventurer spaceship, the three or four adventurers of this adventurer squad grinned one after another.

Who dares to rob them? Kill him!

They’re adventurers! Nothing but those unusual demigods!

In the meteorite belt, the more it sails inside.

The harder it is!

Some meteorites can even block the exploration of the radar on the battleship.

In this, probably under the radar, there is no obstruction ahead!

But when you drive past, there is a vast expanse of debris meteorites!

So here’s the problem. Can’t this debris meteorite layer pass directly across it?


But these slag meteorites like the turret on the steel sea dragon Ji are everywhere in this starry sky.

If you go straight to the past.

Then, it will cause damage to the appearance of Steel Sea Dragon Ji of different sizes!

If it is not necessary, this crossing is still counted! Make a detour!

“It’s a pity, the value of these meteorites is not very high!”

Look at these debris meteorite layers in front of you that can block radar exploration.

Jiang Shui Han couldn’t help but smile bitterly and shook his head.

If it’s cost-effective.

Jiang Shui Han definitely didn’t mind mining a wave of these debris meteorite layers and then collecting materials.

But…. Value for money is not worth it!

In Jiang Shuihan’s helpless bitter smile, Steel Sea Dragon Ji continued to advance in the established direction. 、

After reaching a massive fragmented planet.

Steel Sea Dragon Ji, stopped!

“Let’s get here first! I’ll get you something ready first!”

Saying that, Jiang Shuihan directly took out a large amount of resources left by himself in the Divine Kingdom!

Even if it’s to prepare for battle.

Jiang Shuihan is also going to carry out the last wave of upgrades!

Throw all your resources out.

“What about people?”

“Ahead? Blocked by those slag meteorites! ”


“Captain, there are two demigods of the Hell God system watching in the back? What to do? ”

“Regardless of them, if they want to do it, kill them directly!” Robbed their God Domain! ”

Looking at the demigod of the Hell God line who followed behind him, it seemed that he suddenly discovered himself and the others.

The face of the adventurer squad directly turned cold!

They are all people from the Federation of Gods, and the adventurer squad doesn’t want to do too much!

But the people of the Hell God line want to step forward to pick peaches to eat?


No two words!

With this cold order, the adventurer squad was a little eager to try.

It’s like you’re ready to do something!

However, it is also approaching in the direction of the river cold.

The captain of the adventurer squad also frowned.

This… It’s really easy to be counter-killed???

“Good! I’m spending almost as much of this resource. Next. Just waiting to kill those guys! ”

Saying that, Jiang Shuihan’s heart felt comfortable for a while.

The last resources are all consumed.

And the ship girls, the overall strength has also improved to a certain extent.

“Star War! It’s a pity! ”

Looking at the shining meteorites around them, whether it is a company, Yamato, or a harbor water ghost.

There was a slight confusion in his eyes.

After looking at the hull of this Steel Sea Dragon Ji.

Looking at the battleship cannon of that door!

The ship girls all felt that their battleship was a mess!

It’s like waste.

People also want to enter the starry sky war!

“God Domain War, it’s up to you! After all, I don’t have anyone else to trouble besides you! ”

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