The era of high martial arts

Chapter 213 Return to the ancient capital

In the early morning, the sun rises, the sun bursts out from the vast sea of ​​clouds, and the sky is filled with morning glow. This kind of scenery is rare in the world.

Li Changan stretched and found that he had sat on a big rock all night.

After trying his best to recall what happened last night, Li Changan finally figured out the outline of what happened after a few minutes.

After drinking three and a half glasses of wine last night, my consciousness was not very clear. I sat down on the ground. Because the spiritual energy in my body was too active, I started meditating directly.

I remember that I was meditating in the house last night. How could I be here?

Oh no, Li Changan suddenly heard that Xiaoran was still in the house.

As soon as a carp jumped up, Li Changan jumped down from the big rock.

Fortunately, the thatched house was not too far away from here. Li Changan saw the direction of the thatched house in a few jumps.

Li Changan hurriedly opened the door and found Xiaoran still lying on the bed, sleeping with his head covered.

After careful observation and confirming that Xiaoran was fine, Li Changan felt relieved.

There was no trace of the old man in the room. When I glanced around, I saw that there was still a note on the table.

Li Changan strolled over and held the note in his hand. There was a paragraph written on it, which should have been left by the old man yesterday. There were not many words written on it, and Li Changan read it in a few seconds in less than a few minutes.

"Young man, sometimes the confrontation in front of you does not mean the confrontation in the future. Since both humans and monsters exist in this world, they have the right to survive. I hope you can understand these sentences. In addition, the way out is always Just go south, you can leave in about 20 kilometers.”

There was no signature on the note, and Li Changan became curious about a person for the first time.

Who is that old man?

It is a consensus among everyone that you cannot be disturbed while meditating. But the old man not only moved Li Changan, but also moved him to a big rock several thousand meters away.

Why did you get it on the big rock? Li Changan was a little confused again.

Seeing that Xiaoran was still sleeping soundly, Li Changan did not disturb her, but walked around the room and finally walked outside the door.

The house was neatly tidied, and not a single bit of food from last night was left.

It seemed like no one lived here. If he hadn't seen the place being cleaned up, Li Changan might have had this idea.

The old man disappeared after all. He was like a mist, floating over suddenly and disappearing again, leaving only endless reveries.

Li Changan got some benefits last night. I don't know if it was because of the wine or something. After one night of meditation, he condensed six more drops of spiritual power, and the amount of spiritual power in his body had reached 25 drops.

Now Li Changan's realm has reached the middle stage of ancient martial arts.

When school first started in March, Li Changan entered the early stage of ancient martial arts. In late May, Li Changan became the middle stage of ancient martial arts.

This kind of progress can be said to be rapid. If it were told, others would probably be envious.

However, Li Changan was not satisfied with his progress. When Zhang Feiyu first entered the top ten of the ancient martial arts list, he had almost 90 drops of spiritual power.

He only had twenty-five drops, which was still far from ninety drops.

Zhang Feiyu is Li Changan's role model and Li Changan's goal. The so-called goal is to match or surpass.

Zhang Feiyu can enter the ancient martial arts list and become number one on the list. Li Changan feels that he must also enter that list, and the time must be shorter than Zhang Feiyu.

As soon as she knew that the sun had risen in the sky, Xiaoran woke up leisurely.

She slept from around eight o'clock last night to around twelve o'clock today. She could sleep for such a long time, maybe because of the half cup of wine she drank last night.

"Brother Chang'an, where are we?" Xiaoran had just woken up and was still a little confused about this place.

"I'm not sure, but I've found a way out, let's go." Li Changan said.

Xiaoran ignored this and stretched out her hands, as if to let Li Changan hold her.

Li Changan didn't dare to make a mistake and quickly avoided it, "I'll go out first, you get up quickly."

If Shangguan Yue begged for a hug like this, Li Changan would definitely be eager to do so, and would have a headache facing Xiao Ran.

In a flash, Li Changan appeared outside the house.

Xiaoran seemed to mutter something in the room, but Li Changan didn't really listen, let alone answer.

It is more troublesome for women to clean themselves up, but this is outside the base after all, and there are no mirrors or cosmetics.

But even so, Li Changan waited for half an hour.

"Aren't we saying goodbye to that old uncle?" Xiaoran asked after walking out of the house.

"No, I've already said goodbye. Let's go." Fearing that something would happen again, Li Changan deliberately lied.

If Li Changan's guess is correct, the old man should no longer be here.

The two of them walked towards the south together. The note said that they would be able to get out of here about twenty kilometers away.

Twenty kilometers, at the speed of a warrior, it would probably take about two hours to get out.

However, the two of them were not in a hurry and walked slowly towards the south, enjoying the scenery on the roadside.

It was about two o'clock in the afternoon when we left here.

Because of the residual temperature, the temperature is the highest throughout the day at this time, and this time is also the hottest time throughout the day.

Looking behind him, Li Changan found that he and Xiaoran actually walked out of a huge rock.

The place they entered yesterday should be a magic circle or a small world.

He reached out and touched the rock behind him. It was real and not illusory.

It seems that you can only come out, but there is a high probability that you will not be able to enter.

I don't know when the mountain rat beast tide has ended, and this area has returned to its previous scene.

Perhaps because of the beast tide, there were very few monster beasts, so there was no big danger along the way.

The two continued heading south, preparing to head to the main city of the ancient capital, where there was an Internet connection and they could contact relatives to report that they were safe.

Because he didn't know the location here, Li Changan walked straight south without looking at the map.

It was almost evening when we arrived in the ancient capital. As soon as the personal terminal had a signal, countless text messages were displayed on it.

The text messages are basically missed calls from my relatives and friends.

Li Changan quickly called back one by one to report that he was safe.

When I called Shangguan Yue back, I couldn't help but coax her.

However, Li Changan's action aroused Xiaoran's dissatisfaction, and he snorted and ran away.

In order to find Xiaoran, Li Changan finally spent a lot of effort to please him.

Finally, I found Xiaoran at the Gudu branch of Zhang Jun Company.

Facing the eldest lady, the person in charge of the branch tried his best to please her.

Finally, the person in charge of the branch arranged a place to stay for the two of them.

At this time, there were probably no flights back to the imperial capital, so the two had no choice but to buy tickets for tomorrow morning.

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