119: The new investment world, Lu Shu, I want to eat candied haws!

“Sure enough! No matter what the world is, it will not be as simple as it appears in books and movies.”

“After all, what books and film and television dramas show is the main storyline, but there are many things hidden behind this, in fact, in the real world, you need to explore by yourself.”

“Fortunately, these hidden plots will not affect the overall situation.

Lin Tian muttered to himself.

This time things were simple, Buddhism was willing to make compensation, and even return Yang Jian’s true spirit.

In this case, for today’s Yang Zhan, it is not difficult to just reshape the body for Yang Bi.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the investor Lin Tian, ​​who has greatly changed the world of the prequel to the Lotus Lantern!】

[Because the change is huge! It even affects everything that follows, so I get a super reward!)

Greatly [Improved the progress of opening the Mythic Prehistoric Investment World, and obtained an S-level rating, controlling the Lotus Lantern World, and rewarding a Zhongqian Investment World! 】

Lin Tian listened to the voice of the investment terminal with a smile on his face.

At this time, there were as many as three Zhongqian Investment World in his hands.

As for the super reward, this may be because he lost even Journey to the West.

After all, the golden cicada in this lotus lantern world is the reincarnation of Yang mosquito. At this time, because Yang Jiao has returned, there will be no golden cicada in the future. Isn’t Journey to the West completely changed?

You must know the world view of the Lotus Lantern World, but it has successively experienced Fengshen and Journey to the West!

Yang Jian, Nezha and the others were raised during the period of conferred gods, and after the period of conferred gods, it would be a journey to the west. After all, when Chenxiang was born, Sun Wukong came back with the Western Sutra and became the Buddha who conquered the battle.

That is because the change is too great, so I got this kind of reward.

At this time, he clearly knew how many worlds he had to go through! He would be able to open the world of mythical investment.

One! You only need to experience another world, and you can open the world of mythical investment!

Originally, the ghost knows how many prehistoric worlds will be experienced, but at this time there is only one, only need to experience this one, oneself can open the myth prehistoric world, thinking of the power of myth prehistoric, Lin Tian can’t help it. Get excited.

After all, it is a mythical prehistoric world! Jinxian is equal to a saint! Daluo Jinxian is equal to the world of heaven!

With that world, the human race can officially announce its appearance in the universe, and there will be no other race that can truly threaten the human race.


Just when the world was in control, Lin Tian’s figure slowly emerged and appeared directly above the void. With a supremely stalwart figure, he looked at all beings in the world of Lotus Lanterns.

“Disciple Yang, see Teacher!”

“Disciple Yang Chan, see Teacher!”

Yang Xi and Yang Chan were shocked when they saw Lin Tian, ​​and then bowed respectfully.

At the same time, the figure of Daozu Hongjun appeared directly in the void.

“Little Dao Hongjun!”

“Subordinate to Heaven!

Two voices rang out from Hongjun’s mouth at the same time.

“See Your Honor!

That’s right, at this time, it is Tiandao and Hongjun who are saluting Lin Tian.

And because of the reason of becoming the master of the world, at this time, all beings in this world are instantly aware of something, and all are kneeling on the ground and saluting respectfully.Even people as strong as Sanqing are like this. This is the majesty of the world controller.

Lin Tian looked at Yang Jian and the others with a slight smile, and then directly waved, Yang Jun’s true spirit instantly condensed his body.

This is “the body of the congenital gods, your brother’s aptitude will not be weaker than yours in the future, and you will cultivate well in the future.

Lin Tian said with a smile, for him who already controls the world of the lotus lantern, resurrecting all beings in the world is simple, let alone just a Yang Mosquito.

Granting him the body of a congenital god is just for Yang Jian’s face.

“My disciple, thank you teacher!”

Yang Xi was overjoyed.

Yang Jun also hurriedly saluted.

“Yang Duo thank you, Your Excellency.”

Lin Tian nodded, then looked at Hongjun and the world’s Sanqing and other powerhouses and said.

“From now on, this seat will set up the formation of the heavens in this world, and through the formation of the heavens, you can go to all the worlds under the control of this seat, and you can also go to the earth universe where this seat is located.”

“There are countless strong people outside the world, as well as higher realms waiting for you.”

“Internal wars are not allowed to appear from now on. If anyone violates the order, heaven will punish them.”

Lin Tian said so, after all, it is his own world, how can it be consumed internally, grow vigorously, and finally become Lin Tian’s help in the earth universe, this is the best.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Tian directly called the modern universe the earth universe.

Because he believes that one day, it is inevitable that the earth civilization will rule the entire universe.

At that time, shouldn’t the modern universe be called the Earth universe? Lin Tian still firmly believes in this point.

After arranging the formation, Lin Tian left the Lotus Lantern World directly.

The mood is very good, because as long as you experience the investment world of the prehistoric series again, you can open the investment world of the mythical prehistoric world.

However, Lin Tian knew that he didn’t have to worry, he should take it slow, digest what he had gained first and then gain a new world, this was the best way.

At present, in his hands, there are only three investment opportunities in Zhongqian World, and it would be too expensive to buy Daqian World directly.

But after accumulating so much, the investment spirit coins in Lin Tian’s hands should be able to buy a thousand worlds.

But if you want to get more Daqian investment in the world, it is estimated that you have to rely on the activity of investing in the public market. Last time, the rule controllers said that the public investment in the universe is also divided into regions!

There was a Milky Way investment public activity before, but this Milky Way is the territory of the human race, so naturally the people who participated are all human races.

But the earth is divided into countries, and there are investment public offerings in the world, and naturally there are also in this universe.

What the human race currently knows is that the entire Milky Way is located in a cosmic space called the Virgo Supercluster! Human exploration outside the Milky Way is almost nonexistent.

It is impossible to even understand what the space of the universe is defined outside the Milky Way, whether the universe is really boundless and vast, or each galaxy cluster can even be regarded as a separate world.

According to those human race rule controllers, the last time the Virgo cluster of galaxies invested in the public listing was a hundred years ago!

However, they received a secret message from the previous vicious beast civilization, saying that the past few hundred years is an extremely special time period.

Different levels of investment public offering activities, the cycle of reincarnation, after countless times, will finally appear one after another in the past few hundred years.

In other words, Lin Tian, ​​who has just experienced the Milky Way investment public auction activity, will immediately come into contact with the Virgo public investment public auction activity, and then there will be investment public auction activities above the entire Virgo.

At that time, there may be an opportunity to compete with countless races in the entire universe in the investment space.

And it is said that in this universe, the activities of investing in the public market will change.

“It seems that there is not much time for Virgo’s investment in the public auction, so it is better to finish this investment in the public auction first, and then proceed to the development of the mythology.

Lin Tian muttered to himself and finally determined his plan.

In this case, in the time of digestion, he can just get the three Zhongqian investment worlds.

Although the vision has become higher, only Daqian World can make Lin Tian interested, but if Zhongqian invests in the world, it is actually not bad, Xing can’t say to give up.

As for Xiaoqianjie, it is estimated that after there is no crisis in the earth in the future, he may go in for a leisure time, otherwise, investing in this Xiaoqianjie will not be of much use to Lin Tian.

Before investing in Zhongqian World, Lin Tian also opened a chat group and asked Shi Hao about their current situation, because they had been in the Earth universe for some time.

After arriving in the universe, I realized how amazing the universe is.

Do you think the universe is in the same time and space?

In fact, it is not! According to the rule controller, the time flow rate of different galaxies is different! In theory, the more powerful the galaxy, the slower the time flow rate than other galaxies, which will lead to, within the same cosmic starry sky, People from other galaxies have more time to cultivate than you.

The earth is the weakest race in the universe, so it is natural that time flows the fastest.

Group owner Lin Tian: “Are you all okay now?”

After all, Lin Tian is worried about their safety. This Earth universe is terrifying. The weakest human race has twelve rule controllers that are comparable to saints, not to mention the Milky Way, which is beyond the territory of the human race.

Shi Hao: “Master is back? I’ve entered a galaxy in the Virgo galaxy cluster, and I’m training in a civilization. The people here are so powerful, and I’ve encountered several rule controllers.”

Ye Hei: “Me too, I have entered other civilizations, only then did I know that my earth human race still has a long way to go!”

Lin Tian’s disciples are basically all human races, except for a few people such as Shen Gongbao and Jiucing.

But even if they are not human races, they also regard themselves as earth creatures. Among many civilizations, in fact, before they leave the planet or even the galaxy, they will be divided into different races.

After all, every planet has many species.

But really out of the galaxy, all things can evolve and become stronger, so either eliminate other species, or limit their growth.

But the best way is actually to accommodate! All beings on earth, even if they are not human races, are part of the earth, such as Shen Gongbao and Jailing Cing.

The non-human races in each world can be regarded as a member of the earth human race.

The earth human race is no longer a race in a simple sense, but a title of civilization, representing the civilization of the earth!

Seeing that everyone was talking back, except for Ye Hei, Paraffin and other powerful people, most of them were still traveling in the Milky Way and communicating with the human races on many planets.

After all, different planets, because of different environments, have different images of the human race.

Also because of the differences in image and some physical structures, their cultivation methods will naturally have their own characteristics as they continue to evolve.

At the same time, if they travel in the galaxy, they can also help the human race to resist the attack of the beasts.

That unknown civilization, after destroying the beast civilization, is still in control of the great world of the beast civilization, constantly throwing beasts at the earth civilization, it seems that it is exploring the strength of the earth civilization, and there will be a war in the future.

After understanding the situation of the disciples, and seeing that they are still safe, Lin Tian can rest assured to continue investing.

At the same time, they were informed in advance that after a period of time, the public investment activity of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster will be launched. At that time, it will not only be a simple investment in the world, but there will even be novel activities, even actual combat competitions and so on.

Hearing that they could compete with geniuses from other civilized races, Shi Hao and the others immediately became interested, and they would return to Earth when the investment public offering started.

After finishing everything, Lin Tian directly opened the investment terminal, ready to get all the three Zhongqian investment worlds in his hands.

“Zhutian Investment Office, firstly conduct an extraction from the investment world of China.”

Lin Tian ordered directly to Zhutian Investment.

【In the process of world extraction!)

[Congratulations to the investors who successfully obtained the investment world: the devil spare the world!)

Lin Tian was stunned when he saw this world.After thinking about it carefully, I also knew this world in my previous life, and it seemed like a novel. Fortunately, because of his strength, Lin Tian’s memory of his previous life can be clearly remembered.

After all, it’s not a novel, and you can recite like the world of Dou Qi and the world of martial arts.

If the Demon King spares the world, the overall force value is naturally beyond the mortal level, but it does not reach the golden immortal level. Otherwise, it will be the Great Thousand World, not the Middle Thousand World.

The strength of the cultivation base is divided into: F-level, third-level, D-level, C-level, B-level, and A-level!

When you reach the A level, you can stay young forever, communicate with the power of heaven and earth, and even live up to 800 years old!

If it is above the A level, it is the realm of the gods! The lifespan of this realm can reach three thousand years! It can shatter the void, and on the earth can cause the world to shatter.

Above the Divine Treasure Realm is the Two Universe Realm. When you reach this realm, a small world will naturally be formed in the body. At the same time, the lifespan is long, and the years are long, but it is only a snap of a finger.

And if it is above the realm of two acres, it is the realm of the god king!

However, this realm is in the original work, and no one has reached it in the later stage! Even in the finale of the protagonist, it is only two universes, because if you want to become the king of gods, you need to sacrifice the heroine.

Of course, in the end, the protagonist has the possibility to achieve the realm of the god king by swallowing the evil thoughts of the god king, but as of the end of the plot, he has not officially become the god king.

This is the division of the cultivation realm of the entire Demon King Forgiving World.

The following Divine Treasure Realm and Two Universe Realms seem to have a very powerful introduction. However, the A-level ability users before the Divine Treasure Realm, in fact, the overall strength has not jumped out of the restrictions of the planet.

C-class can compete head-on with thermal weapons, and it is estimated that A-class is a bit dangerous to face nuclear weapons.

Therefore, if it is above the Divine Treasure Realm, it should be at the level of immortals, but different worlds have different realm spans.

Perhaps the Divine Treasure Realm is only comparable to Earth Immortals, but in the realm of the two universes, it may be comparable to True Immortals.

That’s about it, but this is one of the few modern worlds?”

Lin Tian smiled slightly, and every investment world he has made so far seems to be ancient.

This demon king (Nuo Zhaozhao) spared his life, and is the only world with a modern world view. You must know that those worlds invested in the past are the closest to the modern world view, which is only the world of ghosts, but it was the Taisho period, that is, the 1980s. Around the nineties.

It’s not like the world of the devil’s life, but the pure modern world!

The modern order of the earth’s universe has long since disappeared, because it is in the apocalyptic world, and although modern facilities are retained, all that can be seen everywhere are militarized bases.

Therefore, it is rare to have a modern world, and Lin Tian is still looking forward to it, so this time he decided to stay a little longer, and even wanted to feel the breath of the modern world after a long absence.

“I guess when this world is under control, it will be very popular, right?”

“A traverser like Man Yan can never refuse the modern world.

Lin Tian smiled slightly, although Ye Hei’s world, strictly speaking, also has a modern world, after all, Ye Hei’s stalk in the parking lot of Mount Tai is enduring.

But when one thinks of the world view of Xiaotian World, it is difficult to connect it with the modern city.

In a flash, Lin Tian disappeared directly into the palace, and when he reappeared, he came to the world of the devil forgiving life.

As a quasi-sage powerhouse, in a small Zhongqian world, he really has no fear.

Even a single sneeze could destroy the entire world, so he naturally entered it without any fear.

Looking at the familiar cities, familiar streets, and familiar food stalls below, Lin Tian felt like crying. What happened?

After all, he traveled to the parallel world of the earth universe. In fact, strictly speaking, it didn’t take long. Most of the time was spent in the investment space.

Nostalgic for hometown is the plot of every Hualong people.

So Lin Tian’s figure flashed, directly transformed into modern clothes that he hadn’t seen for a long time, and then appeared on the street, looking at the familiar street, the lively crowd, and the Mandarin and various local dialects in his ears, Lin Tian’s face Involuntarily put on a smile.

He likes this kind of world, like this kind of atmosphere, after all, it is the feeling of home!

As he was walking, he suddenly heard a voice.

“Lu Shu, I want to eat candied haws!”

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