Chapter 154: Metagross Appears! It’s on the shelf for subscription and support!)

Chapter 154: Metagross Appears! [Listen for subscription and support!)

Ye Chen was really angry now.

I never thought that my own strange forehead dragon would be unable to defeat such a Serperior.

Obviously this little Pokémon lime has been hidden for a long time.

Obviously, it was specifically for Ye Chen to come to Yin.

The Mega Gardevoir I saw some time ago may not be the main force of Lime.

This Serperior should be the main force of lime.

Ye Chen is a little angry now, but he also feels that he is indeed a little older recently.

The absence of mega Evolution is actually very disadvantageous in the later stages.

It’s just that I didn’t meet any very powerful people before, so I didn’t need to do anything to win.

When I met someone with similar strength and couldn’t do Mega Evolution myself.

The gap in strength widened at once.

Even if his little Pokémon has a hierarchical advantage.

But it can be smoothed after mega Evolution.

In fact, Ye Chen himself did not expect that he would really lose.

It’s just that this antagonist Serperior is really a bit powerful.

It can be said that 920 is one of the best among non-sacred beasts.

Your own Weird Dragon itself has no way to Mega Evolution.

It is understandable that Serperior, who met such a mega Evolution antagonistic Serperior, lost.

But this made Ye Chen a little angry.

Metagross’s huge coercion suppressed everyone almost instantly unable to breathe.

Everyone looked at Oreburgh’s body of Metagross and made a sincere admiration.


“Metagross finally appeared!”

“This… is simply not an ordinary little Pokémon! It is definitely the most powerful little Pokémon I have ever seen in my life!”

When everyone saw Metagross, they almost believed that Lime was definitely lost.

No matter how great Serperior is.

It is absolutely impossible to beat Metagross.

Lime also subconsciously held her breath when she saw Metagross.

This is my goal this time – Metagross!

I finally (bdfi saw this little Pokémon that I wanted to see all his life.

Before, I was still a little skeptical about this extraordinary little Pokémon.

How could there be such a terrifying little Pokémon in this world.

Champion quality Shiny Metagross is not unheard of.

Although it is rare, the strength is indeed very strong.

But it’s definitely not that exaggerated, it can only be said to be a bit powerful.

It’s not that there is no way to surpass it.

But when I saw Ye Chen’s Metagross, I felt an absolutely unsurpassable feeling from deep in my heart.

No matter how you operate, it feels like it is impossible to beat the opponent!

“This… is really exaggerated!”

Lime murmured.

But soon Lime’s eyes became firm.

Even if you can’t beat Metagross, you must try it to what extent!

“Serperior, use Leaf Storm!!

With an order, Serperior’s elegant body immediately emerged with terrifying destructive energy, and it condensed into huge leaves!!


There was a sound of shaking eardrums.

Countless energy blades are attacking Ye Chen’s Metagross!!

After the last attack, Serperior’s special skill has risen sharply.

The current Leaf Storm is even more powerful, almost twice as powerful as the previous Leaf Storm!!

But Ye Chen didn’t have any instructions, and he let Metagross hit the blow hard!!

The audience off the court suddenly exclaimed!

They could clearly see the power of Leaf Storm just now.

The strange forehead dragon has such a strong defense power, just being scratched and receiving such a huge damage.

The current Metagross even hits hard directly, and no defensive skills are used!!

This is simply looking for death!!

“No! Ye Chen is stupid? Such a horrible trick must be avoided!”

“Could it be that Ye Chen is confident that he can hit it hard?? Impossible!”

“Wow, I dare not watch it!”

Under such a terrifying blow, if Ye Chen’s Metagross really did not resist.

Then Metagross must have a miserable end.

The best results are serious injuries.

And all this is the result of not avoiding yourself.

However, the corner of Ye Chen’s mouth just smiled.

Ding Ding–!!

A crisp voice sounded.

The astounding result appeared!!

Metagross didn’t even show any wounds on his body!!


“Damn, am I dazzled??

“What is this??”

I saw that the Metagross on the field was still intact, and even his body was not injured at all.

Just standing there quietly can invalidate the attack on the other side!!

Lime was also shocked.

No way, does this world still have such a huge defense power??

As the trainer of Serperior, I know the attack power of Serperior best.

In this case, even if you are a little Pokémon with a full level of 100, you will be seriously injured.

But Metagross can actually hit hard? “?

Of course she didn’t know that Metagross was not a Champion quality for a long time, but a real second-level god!!

When there is a gap of more than ten levels, it is not too easy to deadlift this one!!

“You’re done attacking, it’s me now!”

Ye Chen looked at the lime and smiled slightly.

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