Chapter 193: Mirror Light Ray! [Listen for subscription, please support!)

Chapter 193: Mirror Light Ray! [Listen for subscription, please support!)

The light between the two sacred beasts became bigger and bigger, and it quickly covered everything in the entire cave.

Ye Chen and his Metagross also shivered under the pressure of the two mythical beasts.

This is no simple little Pokémon.

But one is the Ultimate Lozma, and the other is the creation god Arceus directly.

Both are the ability that the owner can destroy the entire world.

“Could it be that these two monsters are going to have a duel here?”

Ye Chen’s face turned pale, he didn’t want to see such a thing happen anyway.

If two monsters fight here, there will be no shelter in such a small cave.

I am afraid that I will be killed by the aftermath the first time.

And if it spreads to the outside world, it is not uncommon for the whole world to be broken in half.

But the current Ye Chen wanted to stop the two Arceus from fighting with Ultimate Lozma, but couldn’t find any reason to convince them.

Moreover, his own strength is not enough at all, and it has nothing to do with them.

“what should I do now?”

Ye Chen was extremely anxious.

Looking at the things in his hands, Ye Chen felt that he could do nothing for a while.

“Blue Dragon Jade Pei? Even if it is summoned, Rayquaza is just to give away food, it’s useless!”

Mew “The little flower? Mew is even more useless!”

“Potion? What is it?”

“Poké Ball? It’s not two Master Balls, it’s useless”!”

Ye Chen flipped through his entire backpack, but didn’t see anything useful to calm the anger of the two mythical beasts.

Arceus itself is a beast that likes to use violence to solve problems. As a creation god, it created the entire world, but in the end it had to disperse its power because of the fight against meteorites.

Now it has been deceived by human beings, so the slabs are scattered all over the world, and its power has not been restored to its heyday.

But even so, the creation god Arceus is still the most powerful animal in the world.

Don’t talk about mega Rayquaza, even if it is to let the beasts of the world together, it may not be enough for it to fight.

Ultimate Rozma is not an ordinary character. As the boss of Ultra Beast, it is almost the only little Pokémon who can fight against the creation god Arceus.

And now in Ye Chen’s eyes, the strength of the two little Pokémon is very close.

Ultimately, the light of Necrozma’s whole body is very dazzling, while the creation god Arceus on one side is very calm, revealing calmness in the nobility.

Arceus has never encountered an enemy that can make it fearful, and this will definitely not change.

But now it has to fight the Ultra Beast in front of its own eyes!


Suddenly, a burst of light full of mysterious energy appeared, completely enveloping Ye Chen’s whole person. Now he has become a state where he has lost his ability to act.

“It’s Arceus!”

Ye Chen knew this was what Arceus did.

This is a means to protect him, but it also makes Ye Chen lose the ability to escape.

Obviously, Arceus and Ultimate Necrozma have to fight each other before they can decide each other’s victory or defeat.

Suddenly a terrifying energy burst out of the ultimate Necrozma.

The entire space seemed to be destroyed, and was distorted under this energy.

Ye Chen was frightened while watching, if this space was destroyed, the small town outside would be wiped out in an instant.

But what is strange is that this skill did not destroy this space anyway, and the seemingly crumbling place abruptly withstood the power.

It seems that this space is not a simple thing, most of it has been reinforced by two small Pokémons.

Because we all know that the fighting power between each other is very strong.

And if it is not necessary, they are also unwilling to fluctuate the outside world.

Although the ultimate Necrozma is not a kind fellow in his heart, he still knows this.

As the light on Ultimate Necrozma’s body became more and more dazzling, Ye Chen could see at a glance what it was.

“, mirror shot?”

Mirror shot, the skill of the steel type, can be regarded as a very scary skill.

There are not many little Pokémon who can use this skill, and this trick is not the ultimate Necrozma’s trick. The first attack is just a little temptation.


This energy is very terrifying.

The effect of using the same skill by a different little Pokémon (Nuohao Zhao) is completely different.

The current mirror shot is absolutely terrifying!

Even destroying a city directly is probably not a difficult task.

However, when Arceus saw this mirror shot, there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

There was no movement at all, Arceus didn’t even move at all, just stood there waiting for the mirror shot to arrive.


A clear voice sounded.

The original powerful mirror shot, at this moment, turned out to be crushed light, scattered all over the place.

Arceus didn’t do anything, just stood still and was immune to this attack!!

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