Chapter 211: Deadly Desert! [Listen for subscription, please support!)

Chapter 211: Deadly Desert!

The Dead Desert is located at the extreme edge of the Fangyuan Region, far from the Kanto Region.

Since this whole area is no man’s land, and there are sandstorms in the desert all the year round, it is extremely difficult to explore the entire desert.

Most explorers just reached the outskirts of the dead desert.

No one has ever known what the deepest part of the Dead Desert is like, and none of those explorers who dared to enter the depths of the Dead Desert have ever come out.

Many little Pokémon can’t stay in the powerful Sandstorm for long, let alone ordinary people.

Many people here make a living by going into the outskirts of the desert to collect some special “Nine-Forty-Seven” ores, so some companies specialize in researching and developing the supplies needed to enter the desert.

Just in case, before entering the desert, Ye Chen bought the best quality goggles in a small town outside the desert.

After all, I can’t always rely on the detection ability of the system to explore in the desert. This ability consumes a lot of my mental power.

As for the water problem, don’t worry at all.

Ye Chen hid some sacred blue fruits in his system backpack without telling Lugia, and the sacred blue fruits contained extremely rich water elements.

Once you are short of water, just take out the holy blue fruit and let Gyarados draw some water elements from it.

After getting ready, Ye Chen rode Flygon into the dead desert.

Fortunately on the periphery of the desert, Sandstorm is intermittent and not serious.

Since people often enter the outskirts of the dead desert, even if there are water stones, they have long been picked by others.

According to what he knew, Ye Chen decided to go to the depths of the dead desert to find water stone.

Although the Sandstorm in the depths of the Dead Desert is very strong, but his Flygon itself is adapted to the desert Sandstorm environment, plus it is already a second-level god, even if it encounters some conditions, it can be resolved.

After making plans, Ye Chen took the Flygon to fly to the depths of the dead desert.

As it got deeper and deeper, the scarce plants around almost completely disappeared, and Sandstorm became more and more intense.

Fortunately, Ye Chen has an ancient heritage, and he has strong adaptability to various elements.

Coupled with the protection of Flygon, Ye Chen is unimpeded in the depths of the dead desert.

Just when Ye Chen had relaxed his vigilance and wanted to make Flygon fly a little lower, a light wave suddenly appeared below.

“Flygon! Get away quickly!”

Seeing that an attack was flying towards him, Ye Chen hurriedly issued an order to Flygon.

Flygon’s speed was very fast, and one side of his body avoided the attack.

Due to the Sandstorm weather, even wearing goggles, the visibility is extremely low, Ye Chen cannot see the little Pokémon underneath with naked eyes.

“System, investigation!”

In order to determine who the opponent is, Ye Chen activated the system’s detection capabilities.

【Pokémon): Garchomp

[Attribute]: Dragon + Earth

[Features]: Sand Hidden Technique

【Quality】: Champion


[Carry props]: none

[Skills]: Dragon Rage, Dig, Nijin, Sand Tomb

Worthy of being the depths of the dead desert, the quality and level of the wild Pokémon is so high.

Due to the characteristics of this Garchomp sand concealment technique, it is easy to hide itself in the environment of Sandstorm, which is why my Flygon did not find this wild Garchomp just now.

“Flygon, fly down!”

It is not clear that the little Pokémon in the dead desert has a special place. Ye Chen decided to go down and meet this Garchomp.

Garchomp was a little surprised to see Flygon avoiding his attack so lightly, and he still stood still.

“Come out! Weird jaw dragon!”

Ye Chen was afraid that his other little Pokémon would not adapt to the Sandstorm climate in the dead desert, so he sent out the strange jaw dragon.

Since the strange forehead dragon has the attributes of dragon + rock, it is completely unaffected by Sandstorm, and coupled with the natural king of dragons, it is even easier to deal with the dragon-type Pokémon.

Garchomp was shocked when he saw the monster jaw dragon released from Poké Ball by Ye Chen.

It had no idea that a mere mortal could conquer the king of dragons-Kailong.

Moreover, this strange dragon looks far superior to the average strange jaw dragon, and he is definitely not its opponent.

“Weird jaw dragon, let the mountains and the earth crack!”

Under Ye Chen’s control, the strange neck dragon controlled the rock element in the desert, and used his own skill to break the ground.

Since it is in Sandstorm, the skills of the monster jaw dragon have been greatly enhanced.

Before Garchomp could react in shock, blame He Long’s attack on 5.8 hit Garchomp’s body.


With a loud noise, the place Garchomp had just stayed was blasted out of a big pit.

Poor Garchomp fainted in the middle of the big hang before he could figure out the situation.

Ye Chen was also startled when he saw the power of Weilonglong’s trick.

I originally wanted to keep my hands and prevent the monster dragon from using the dragon attribute skills of attribute restraint. I never expected that with the bonus of the surrounding environment, this trick of the monster jaw dragon was so powerful.

After solving the Garchomp who jumped out to make trouble, Ye Chen took back the monster jaw dragon.

Continue to ride the Flygon and fly to the center of the dead desert.

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