Chapter 218: The Sixth Game! It’s on the shelf for subscription and support!)

Chapter 218: The Sixth Game! [Listen for subscription and support!)

“Om! (Fifth battle Articuno wins!)

“Om! (Let’s play the sixth game!)

The little Pokémon on the sidelines was no surprise at Ye Chen’s victory. No matter what little Pokémon Ye Chen sent to fight, he was not so surprised.

The sixth little Pokémon who came out was Shiny Boss Lairon. The chosen battle location was the center of a piece of silver-white ore, still in Sandstorm.

Ye Chen used the system’s detection capabilities and found that these silver-white ores contained a mixture of steel and rock elements.

Since it is the last little Pokémon to appear, his strength is definitely stronger than the little Pokémon that appeared before.

“Come out! Flygon!”

Although his own Flygon has already appeared, but the first battle Flygon basically did not consume energy.

Ye Chen is currently in addition to Metagross, only Flygon is the most suitable for fighting in this environment.

Although the flight system of Flygon is restrained by both the steel system and rock system of Shiny Boss Lairon, the ground system of Flygon can restrain the steel system and rock system of Shiny Boss Lairon.

Attribute restraint is basically 50-50.

In addition, Flygon has level suppression and can fly. As long as there is no accident, it will be no problem to defeat Shiny Boss Lairon.


With the sound of Roar from Shiny Boss Lairon, the last battle is officially started.


Shiny Boss Lairon obviously has more combat experience than Cradily and Tyranitar who were defeated by Ye Chen before.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to use Flygon’s flying ability to consume Shiny Boss Lairon to death.

However, Shiny Boss Lairon did not give Ye Chen the opportunity to repeat his old tricks, and directly used the surrounding steel and rock elements to condense a thick protective cover on his body.

“Flygon, fly to the sky””!”

Ye Chen let Flygon fly to the sky, regardless of whether he can break the shield of Shiny Boss Lairon, first take advantage of the position.


Shiny Boss Lairon used to lose weight and suddenly floated into the air with a small amount of rock elements and steel elements, shortening the distance with Flygon.


As Shiny Boss Lairon floated up, Shiny Boss Lairon began to condense the steel elements below him upward.

“Flygon! Use Sand Tomb to interrupt Shiny Boss Lairon!”

Ye Chen knows that in the case of such strong steel and rock elements, Shiny Boss Lairon must not be allowed to condense a large amount of steel and rock elements.


After Flygon used Sand Tomb, Shiny Boss Lairon thickened his protective cover.

“jump jump jump!”

Sand Tomb continued to bombard Shiny Bosdora’s protective shield.

Although Flygon’s Sand Tomb is very powerful, it can continue to damage Shiny Boss Lairon’s protective cover.

But because there are rich elements of steel and rock around it, and Shiny Boss Lairon has a very strong control over steel and rock elements.

Shiny Boss Lairon’s protective cover is damaged, and how many steel and rock elements are there to make up for it.


The steel elements and rock elements in front of Shiny Boss Lairon condensed more and more, and they all made the sound of element collision.

Shiny Boss Lairon directly forcibly stripped the steel element from the mixture of the two elements and launched it towards the Flygon.

Not good! It’s an alloy burst!

In the environment of Sandstorm, Flygon’s flight speed was hindered, and it was almost impossible to avoid the alloy burst that had been launched.

This attack on Flygon will definitely cause a big problem, after all, the elemental power has been covered for so long.

, Jiu Flygon, use Dragon Rage! Attack the side of the light, bursting the alloy to the bombardment offset!

In this case, we can only find ways to make the alloy burst of Shiny Boss Lairon shift.


Flygon’s Dragon Rage deflected Shiny Boss Lairon’s alloy burst bombardment.


Just when Ye Chen thought he had avoided Shiny Boss Lairon’s powerful attack, an accident happened.

When the alloy burst was about to pass Flygon, it exploded.

Huh? There is still this kind of operation?

Ye Chen never expected that Shiny Boss Lairon had the ability to control alloy bursts that had already been launched.

(Nuo Li’s Shiny Boss Lairon realizes that his attack is about to fail, and directly controls the launched steel element to explode.

Flygon, who was still in the air, was directly bombarded by a powerful explosion, and it took a while to stabilize his figure.

Fortunately, Flygon is stable in terms of quality and level, Shiny Boss and Lairon, without any injuries.

“Flygon, use the gravel in Sandstorm! Continue to use Sand Tomb! Increase the power of Sand Tomb!”

Ye Chen observed that Shiny Boss Lairon’s elemental protective cover became thinner after the alloy burst.

Will this be a turning point? In short, Shiny Boss Lairon must not be given a lot of time to condense the elements.

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