Chapter 242: Looking for a slate! [Listen for subscription and support!)

Chapter 242: Looking for a slate! [Listen for subscription and support!)

“Are you all right?

Ye Chen looked at Garchomp with concern, after all, his Mega CharizardX just beat it hard.

“Roar! (I’m fine, thank you, I lost)

Seeing Ye Chen’s attitude so friendly, Garchomp also changed Chen’s attitude.

After all, the opponent’s strength is far superior to that of his side, and the other party is still willing to reason with him in a friendly manner.

Reasonable powerhouses are the most respected. At this time, Ye Chen’s position in Garchomp’s heart is much higher than before.

After all, Ye Chen beat Rhyperior a bit miserably before. As a friend of the Super Armor House, he must have a bad impression of Ye Chen.

“Oh! (Well, you won 13, you won, we promised your terms and helped you find the rock slabs of Arceus)”

Kabutops came out, willing to accept the bet, and expressed his willingness to fulfill the agreement.

“Hey! (Just, I want to know what you are looking for slabs for, although we have promised to help you find slates, we can’t go back on it)

“Hey! (We need to know if you are a bad guy who spy on the power of Arceus’s slate, after all, Arceus was used by humans before, and then lost his slate)”

The Mirror Blade Helmet is very sensible, and he hasn’t put down his guard against Ye Chen. After all, if Arceus’s slate falls into the wrong hands, it will have a great impact on the order of the world.

What’s more, these little Pokémon of them are relatively righteous little Pokémon, and they don’t want this world to be destroyed.

“Actually, Arceus asked me to help it find the slate. It has some things now, and it is not convenient for it to find it on its own initiative.”

Seeing that Kabutops was so skeptical, Ye Chen confessed to Kabutops. After all, it seemed that they were very supportive of Arceus.

“If you don’t believe me, I can prove to you that my Pokémon has been blessed by Arceus.

“Come out! Metagross!”

After that, Ye Chen released Metagross Poké Ball in order to dispel their worries.

Kabutops were shocked when they felt the breath of Metagross, this is a second-level beast!

How can this kind of beast be subdued by humans? Is it really blessed by Arceus?!

Although Metagross is still a little different from the wild unfettered second-level beasts, it is a genuine second-level beast, far beyond the comparison of ordinary little Pokémon.

When they saw that Metagross had a pattern similar to that of a slate and could greatly control the surrounding steel elements, they couldn’t close their mouths in shock.

The breath on Metagross is indeed similar to that of Arceus slate, and it is also a second-level beast.

Why don’t these four little Pokémons believe it? Even if Ye Chen wants to force them to help, this Metagross can do it easily.

Obviously Chen kept his hands during the match just now. If Ye Chen sent this Metagross at the beginning, even if the three little Pokémon were on together, it would not be enough for Metagross to warm up.

“Hey! (Well, we believe you)”

After the shock, Kabutops recovered and shouted at Ye Chen.

“Wow! (The deepest part of this desert is a volcano, and we have hardly been there)

“Hey! (However, the rock elements there are indeed rich in recent decades, and they have spread outward)

“Wow! (Although the four of us are not the strongest existence in the depths of this desert, they are not bad, after all, there is no weak person who can stand in the depths of this desert)

“Hey! (The four of us can be said to be well-known in this desert. Today I will find the little Pokémon I know to inquire about the news, and we will meet here tomorrow morning)

“Hey! (You must not rush to the deepest crater by yourself, it is said to be dangerous, wait for our news)

Ye Chen nodded. He believed what Kabutops said, and didn’t worry that Kabutops would flee with his friends.

After all, the Koichi that the four little Pokémon showed in the battle before are good, they are the master of keeping promises.

“Okay! We see 960 tomorrow. You only need to give me accurate information, and you don’t have to accompany me.

Ye Chen understands that since the place is more dangerous for these four little Pokémon, he can’t force others to go.

The mirror sword helmet also nodded, indicating that Ye Chen can go, and he left with the remaining three little Pokémon.

Ye Chen returned from the depths of the Phantom Desert to the periphery of the Phantom Desert, and encountered Steelix who was guarding the gate.

Seeing Ye Chen emerge from the depths of the Phantom Desert unscathed and unharmed, Steelix looked shocked.

Under Steelix’s gaze, Ye Chen rode away on Flygon. After making sure that there was no Pokémon around, he entered the mysterious cave of Mawile boldly.

Although to myself these little Pokémon outside the Phantom Desert are salted fish, for this group of Mawile, it is the opposite.

Ye Chen still wants to leave this phantom desert, if after he leaves, because of his carelessness, Mawile’s cave is exposed, Ye Chen’s heart will be quite sad.

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