Chapter 274: Go to Hoenn Region! [Listen for subscription, please support!)

Chapter 274: Go to Hoenn Region!

“Send it. It’s okay, it won’t cost much.

Ye Chen touched Luyao’s head and comforted.

Don’t worry, “Well, you can comfort everyone in Dongxue Town. I will go to other places to buy some frozen Potion for the emergency.”

After speaking, Ye Chen walked out of Luyao’s emergency room, waved his hand and left.

“Come out! Flygon!”

Ye Chen just walked out of Dongxue Town and released Flygon from Poké Ball, planning to find a cheap place to buy some frozen Potion.

After all, these frozen potions are purchased for the villagers. Under the premise of ensuring the quality, we must minimize the price as much as possible and strive for the highest cost performance.

For Ye Chen, the money is not bad, but it is different for the villagers.

Therefore, Ye Chen decided to go to the Pokémon Alliance in Hoenn Region to check the information to see where the frozen Potion is more cost-effective.

“Flygon! Departure! To the Hoenn Region Pokémon Alliance!”

After thinking about 977, Ye Chen gave an order to Flygon. After all, the time was urgent, so I had to go to the Pokémon Alliance nearest to Dongxue Town to check the information.

After arriving at the Hoenn Region Pokémon Union, Ye Chen went all the way unimpeded by the permit Cynthia gave him before, and soon arrived at the library.

Ye Chen looked up books about various Potions and found that there is a town in Unova Region called Icirrus Town. Its geographical environment is roughly similar to Dongxue Town. It is also the place where frozen Potion and pear fruit are produced.

After comparison, Ye Chen found that the price-performance ratio of frozen Potion in Icirrus town is a bit higher than that of other towns. Buying in large quantities can save a lot of money.

After checking the information, Ye Chen took the map of Unova Region and rushed to Icirrus town non-stop.

The Unova Region is relatively far from the Hoenn Region, and there is a whole Sinnoh continent between the two.

Fortunately, Ye Chen’s Flygon (bdfi) flies very fast, and Ye Chen’s physique is far superior to ordinary people and can adapt to long-term high-altitude flights.

Flygon flew at full speed for two and a half hours before reaching the town of Icirrus.

The architectural style of Icirrus town is quite different from that of Dongxue Town.

The architectural style of Dongxue Town is retro. Villagers like to live in bungalows, and each household is far apart. In addition, the population density is low, and the living environment is relatively beautiful.

In the town of Icirrus, the modern atmosphere is relatively strong. The houses are mostly duplex, and the houses are arranged closely. It takes a lot of effort to see the scenery in the distance through the houses.

Of course, due to the close arrangement of houses, the area of ​​Icirrus is not as large as that of Dongxue Town.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Ye Chen put away the Flygon and walked into the town on foot.

Ye Chen thought about it for a moment and decided to talk to the mayor of Icirrus to explain the situation first, and see if he could buy some good frozen Potion at a low price.

After asking the passer-by for the address of the mayor’s house, Ye Chen immediately left for the mayor’s house.

“Ding Dong!”

Ye Chen stood at the door of the mayor’s house. After ringing the doorbell, he waited quietly for a while.

“Come on! Come on! Who? Please wait a minute!”

The voice of a middle-aged woman came from the room.


It didn’t take long for the door to open, and inside stood a kind-looking middle-aged woman in an apron.

“Excuse me, are you? What’s the matter?”

“That’s it. I want to buy a batch of frozen Potion. I want to ask the mayor. Is the mayor at home?”

Ye Chen looked at the kind-faced woman in front of him and answered her question.

The situation is more urgent. If the mayor is at home, please let me see him.

“Late, it turned out to be like this. My husband is not at home now, he is out of town to investigate the ecological situation around him.”

The mayor’s wife understood the purpose of Ye Chen’s visit and pulled Ye Chen into the house.

“He said he would be back around lunch, and he might be back soon. Come in and wait a while. Don’t freeze it.”

At the kind invitation of the mayor’s wife, Ye Chen couldn’t refuse, so she could only follow the mayor’s wife into the house and sit down.

“Boy, why do you need to freeze a lot of Potion? Is there anything urgent?”

The mayor’s wife made tea for Ye Chen and asked Ye Chen a question.

“The shoppers who come to our town to order large quantities of frozen Potion are usually department stores in other towns, or the small Pokémon Medical Center. Very few individuals come to order.”

Ye Chen faced the mayor’s question, so it was difficult to conceal it, so he had to explain the current situation of a large number of small Pokémon frostbite in Dongxue Town.

“Ding Dong! Ding Dong!”

Just as the mayor’s wife was chatting with Ye Chen, a hurried doorbell rang.

“Ding Dong! Ding Dong!”

“Come on! Don’t worry!”

The mayor’s wife quickly got up and ran to the door.


“Huh! Huh! Huh! Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law!”

A panting young man appeared at the door, a little anxious.

“The mayor is in danger! People from the German company blocked him in the woods outside the town!”

“The mayor led those people into the woods and told me to come back to report! Huh! Huh! Huh!”

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