Chapter 315 Tombhead Clown

Chapter 315 Blacephalon

It was also a coincidence that he came here. In fact, Tai Li really didn’t know anything.

Although Tai Li has never acted alone in Chenghua Forest, he has walked back and forth with the large troops several times. He has also heard a lot of things in the crowd of trainers coming and going.

Seeing that Ye Chen wanted to inquire about the situation here, Tai Li began to knock on the side, “You want to find Pokémon, right?”

“It’s the rarer one?”

Ye Chen nodded.

“This is the second, I mainly want to find out the truth here.”

For example, Yaoyao’s Ye Pokémon has too much malice towards humans, and Rage has already made them completely unrecognizable.

It was caused by some criminals, which made these Pokémon have so much malice and misunderstanding towards kind-hearted human beings.

The Langer next to him has been recording the surrounding scenes, shooting non-stop.

When the camera turned to Ye Pokémon, Ye Pokémon shot Lange out without hesitation.

“What are you doing?” Lu Yao asked.

Still kindly stretched out his hand.

“I’m shooting a video, as the material, oops, it hurts.

Lange was supported by Luyao to stand up and scratched his head: “I am actually a director, specializing in filming the growth of Pokémon. I like music and love to travel.”

“I’m from Kanto, and I came to Hoenn because of the lack of material recently.”

Ye Chen didn’t care about these things like Lange, but gave Lange some Pokéblocks enthusiastically and generously.

“Eat it, you can recover from your injury.”

“Thank you.” Lang scratched his head, smiling silly.

“Ye Chen, let me tell you the truth.”

Tai Li bluntly said: “There are some rare little Pokémon, but they come and go without a trace, and the weather is getting colder. I heard that they are some magical Pokémon. We may not be able to find them.

Telling the truth, Tai Li, looking at Dali’s customers, the grievances in my heart have dissipated a bit. Now that we have taken this job, we must uphold the service program of Dali’s bodyguard team. Dedicated service.

The weather

Ye Chen nodded, this factor really had a great influence.

Although there are no large areas of dry and baldness in the forest, you can still feel the fallen leaves from time to time with the cold night wind.

“Even if Petalburg Woods has a relatively rare little Pokémon, it will naturally not come out because it is cold now.”

Tai Li breathed a sigh of relief, so to speak, Ye Chen should give up looking for the target of Pokémon, right?

“Then is there a lake in Petalburg Woods?”

Ye Chen continued to ask.

If there is a lake, there is usually a small Pokémon.

All things aquatic, this sentence is not convincing.

The rejoicing expression on Taili’s face immediately froze this question, can he not answer it!

God has already given enough face to make it fall into autumn, but now I can’t stop the trainer from going to death by himself!

Although Petalburg Woods is very safe under the jurisdiction of the Pokémon Alliance, there are cases of accidental casualties of trainers due to death every year.

There are some places in the forest that the trainer can’t walk into at will.

Some little Pokémons are very taboo to contact people. Of course, no matter how strong Pokémon trainers are, they can’t touch the little Pokémon’s Outrage.

Obviously, Orange Lake in Petalburg Woods is such a place.

“Ye Chen, since you already know that some places in Petalburg Woods have rare Pokémon, but that is a dangerous place, you must never go!”

Going there is nothing more than chronic suicide.

“Not even an advanced trainer!”

“Did you see my Pokémon?”

Ye Chen asked.

Tai Li nodded.

“Don’t talk about it, you can definitely come back safely with us.

The reason why he was so anxious was mainly because Ye Pokémon also felt some strange fluctuations.

Since coming to Petalburg Woods, Ye Pokémon’s side has become extremely restless.

Look at the western medicine, constantly checking the terrain.

“What about this man’s blind ink! Ye Chen, follow me, I seem to have found the position of that Pokémon.”

Tai Li felt his throat mumble unwillingly, unable to utter a word.

“Well then, you guys come with me.”

Taili swallowed his saliva, put the robotic arm on his arm honestly, and then set off.

“Ye Chen, in which direction?”

Tai Li gritted his teeth and prayed in his heart that Ye Chen would not have any unrealistic ideas.

“To the direction of Orange Lake, don’t be so scared. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you can take me to the border of the area and you can go back to the training home camp. Now, let’s walk a little longer!”

Ask for flowers

Ye Chen glanced at the time, it was dark, but it was only around five o’clock now, and he could continue to move forward, not as exaggerated as the black.

Tai Li’s heart trembled, and the fear in his heart came out, can’t we just sit down and discuss things together before leaving?

Along the way, the atmosphere was a little dull, and Tai Li was a little restless.

Even people who walked a lot at night would not dare to take a trip in this gloomy forest if they had the courage.

I couldn’t see my fingers, besides the light of the stars and the moon, there was also a flashlight in my hand.

Tai Li was scared because the dangerous changes in Petalburg Woods were unpredictable.

Tai Li is very afraid that once he leads Ye Chen, Rui Yao and Lang to Orange Lake, they will disappear halfway in the next second.


Thinking of this, Tai Li couldn’t help shivering.

I could think of what I was afraid of. Halfway through, Tai Li felt that his arm had been touched by someone, and then a pair of bright red eyes were staring at him.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

Tai Li screamed and quickly tried to escape, but his body was lifted up uncontrollably.

Tai Li looked back and saw a Pokémon staring at him with red eyes.

He didn’t come up in one breath and fainted.

This Pokémon has no head.

To be precise, this Pokémon’s head is in his hand, playing like a ball.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen’s gashapon system issued a reminder.

Blacephalon has a distinctive head. The yellow eyes are located at the ends of the head. They are surrounded by two pink and blue hexagonal star patterns. The pink and blue dots all over the head connect the two eyes. .

Below the head is a white part like a turned-out collar, with folds on the edges, a small hole in the center, and a long blue-yellow-pink-striped neck and body underneath. There is also a white ball attached to the neck.

Under the collar, there are two magenta and lake blue arms, with white hands like clown’s gloves on the ends, and there are flared laces on the wrists. A small white ball is also stuck behind the buttocks, which seems to be its tail.

The sharp end of the part under the body representing the pants is connected to the white boots, and a magenta and a lake blue ball are attached to the top of the ankle. The color is just the opposite of the color of the arm over there, and a white ball is attached to the heel. You can keep your balance in Helping Hand. P.

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