Chapter 322: Confrontation! [Listen for subscription and support!)

Chapter 322 Confrontation! [Listen for subscription, please support!”

Although it is a little shameful, both adults and children, as long as they are in Pokémon playground, have the right to be happy.

After getting out of the car, Rui Yao still had no idea.

Don’t look at Luyao’s courage on the surface, but in fact she is an extremely strong person.

Time flies really fast, and in a blink of an eye, the time has already pointed to 12:30 noon.

“Would you like to eat something first?

Lange proposed.

Yaoyao originally wanted to play, but she felt that everyone was a little hungry, so she nodded too.

“Why don’t we play another project?”

Ye Chen proposed.

“How about going to the haunted house.”

Yaoyao was full of excitement: “Okay, okay.”

By the way, time flies really fast. It’s just the time to watch some magic, plus the time to perform, the time passes so quickly.

“This haunted house is really interesting!”

“Haha, the ghost inside is really so fierce!”

Ye Chen and the others were walking on the way to the haunted house, and their expressions were still a bit worried.

Ye Chen deliberately released the ultra-ancient Gengar in order to feel a little in his heart.

But why did they come out of the haunted house, all 13 smiled, especially the children.

All of them have their heads high, is it possible that there is a ghost in it?

Now Ye Chen has done two-handed preparation, either let Gengar help, or let Gengar help.

Among his Pokémon, there is no Pokémon more reliable than Gengar.

Now, Ye Chen’s Pokémon Pokémon is as follows.

[Pokémon]: Metagross

[Attribute]: Steel + Psychic

[Quality]: Level 1 God

[Level]: lv150 (first-level god)

[Props]: Oreburgh armguards (steel attribute skill power increased by 30%)

[Special status]: Dialga blood quality fusion degree is 100%.

[Skills]: Alloy Claw, Bullet Punch, Confusion, Psyshock…

[Title]: Steel attribute control (can control all attribute energy)

【Pokémon】: Articuno

[Attribute]: ice + flight

[Features]: A sense of oppression

[Quality]: Level 2 God

[Level]: lv120 (level 2 god)

【Pokémon): Flygon

[Attribute]: Ground + Dragon


[Quality]: Level 2 God

[Level]: lv120 (level 2 god)

[Skills]: Dragon Rage, Bug Buzz, Sand Tomb

【Pokémon】: Zoroark

[Attribute]: Evil

[Features]: Phantom

[Quality]: Level 2 God

[Level]: lv120 (level 2 god)

[Props]: None

[Skills]: Bite, Night Burst, Crazy Fury Swipes..

【Pokémon: Charizard

[Attribute]: Fire

[Features]: Water storage

[Quality]: Level 2 God

[Level]: lv120 (level 2 god)

[Props]: None

【Pokémon: Gyarados

[Attribute]: water + flight

[Features]: Intimidation

[Quality]: Level 2 God

[Level]: lv120 (level 2 god)

[Props]: None

【Pokémon: Weird Jaw Dragon

[Attribute]: Rock + Dragon

[Features]: Strong tremor

[Quality]: Yashen

[Level]: lv100 (Asian God)

[Props]: None

[Pokémon]: Icefield Dragon

[Attribute]: ice + rock

[Features]: Frozen skin

[Quality]: Yashen

[Level]: lv110 (Asian God)

[Props]: None

[Pokémon]: Ultra-ancient Alakazam

【Attribute】: Psychic

[Features]: mental power

[Quality]: Yashen

[Level]: lv100 (Asian God)

[Carry props]: none

[Skills]: Petrochemical skills, Psyshock…

[Pokémon]: Ultra-ancient Gengar

[Attribute]: Evil

[Features]: Curse body

[Quality]: Yashen

[Level]: lv100 (Asian God)

[Carry props]: none

[Skills]: Shadow Sneak, Dark Pulse…

【Pokémon: Darkrai

[Attribute]: Evil

[Feature]: Nightmare

[Quality]: Level 1 God

[Level]: Jv80 (Champion)

[Carry props]: none

[Skills]: Petrochemical Skill, Night Shade

【Pokémon”: Ultimate Necrozma

【Attribute】: Psychic

[Features]: Prism armor

[Quality]: Ultra Beast

[Level]: Iv150

[Carry props]: none

[Skills]: Prism Radiation, Iron Defense, Autotomize, Moonlight

Pokémon: Blacephalon][Attribute: Fire Element, Ghost Element][Feature: Monster Upgrade

[Quality: Ultra Beast]

Level: 110][Props: None]

Another egg that didn’t know whether it was Manaphy or Fiona did not hatch.

“Why don’t these kids seem to be afraid of haunted houses at all!!

Yaoyao held the fairy Pokémon and Ye Pokémon said.

Ye Chen nodded in agreement, and looked at the crowd coming behind. There were even children who walked and shouted: “I am a ghost” pretending to be scary.

Perhaps this haunted house is not as terrible as expected?

This “children, is the haunted house fun?”

This is a tourist group, adults and children wear sun hats.

“It’s fun and fun, inside, I’m not scared at all!”

The little boy held his chest high and raised his head high and high.

“Liar, don’t you still cry when you are at the door of the haunted house.”

A little girl in the tour group stood up and stuck her tongue at the little boy just now.

“I, I didn’t cry.

007 little boy’s face flushed, and he bit his neck to retort.

“Liar, liar.

“I didn’t lie! You bullied me, I won’t play with you!”

The little boy said loudly.

“Cut, who rarely played with you.

The farce ends when the boy and girl’s parents pull away.

“Hey, thank you kid!”

Ye Chen wiped his sweat. He didn’t expect to ask a haunted house. The two would actually quarrel, but he probably had something in his heart. This haunted house should be a large-scale real fragrance entertainment project in the amusement park.

Standing in front of the haunted house one by one, the ghosts cried and howled, and if they were afraid, don’t say nothing, kill yourself and don’t want to enter the haunted house, and then enter the haunted house and find that it is like that here?

Ye Chen began to look forward to it.

There are some children who just came out with their heads upright, and they came out to see a Gengar of Ye Chen peeing directly.


“Are you three?”

When it was Ye Chen’s turn for the team, the staff asked.


“Ah, sorry, we must have at least five talents, or you can join these three young ladies!”

Ye Chen looked up and saw that it was the two people who had moved to lose Lu Yao before, and one of them was the popular flower, Shenglan.

They are Yun Mushroom, Shengxiang, and Shenglan.

“My God, it’s really Shenglan.”

Lange was about to fall happily.

What he saw was Sheng Lan herself!

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