Chapter 355

Chapter 355

Louise didn’t slumped on the sofa with them, but stood alone by the window, because the opening direction of Ye Chen’s leader’s office was facing the scene outside the alliance headquarters, so she could clearly see Everything to the outside.

She pointed out the window and said: “Come here soon. There seem to be more trainers outside. I think it should be the news that Ye Chen returned to the headquarters. They are all coming to the headquarters now.

After hearing Louise say this, Ye Chen and Yaoyao hurriedly came to the window and looked around together. As expected, as Louise said, at first there were enough aggrieved trainers outside the Pokémon Alliance headquarters. Yes, but now the number of people has obviously tripled. It took less than half an hour before and after, so many people have already arrived.

Thinking of the news that Caterpie could use the power of Mew, Evolution to become Rayquaza, made many people crazy, Ye Chen couldn’t help but sighed and said, “Sure enough, having strong strength is a goal that everyone pursues. It is also a goal that everyone can do. Crazy product”

Lange looked out worriedly at the trainers who wandered around the headquarters. Their purpose was obviously very clear. Everyone’s eyes were locked at the gate of the Pokémon Alliance headquarters.

Obviously, they are waiting to see when Ye Chen will reappear, and once they get out of the Pokémon Alliance headquarters, after going outside, they may do it right away, or they may follow Ye Chen behind.

Lange analyzed the current situation, and then said, “Ye Chen, it seems that we have to hurry up. If we continue to delay like this, there will only be more and more trainers onlookers!”

“At that time, I am afraid that we will not even be able to get out of the gate of the alliance headquarters, let alone make the next plan.”

“And once this kind of thing happens, it won’t be glamorous. After all, in addition to being a trainer, you also shoulder the identity of the leader of the Pokémon Alliance. You can’t make a big deal because of Pokémon. It makes everyone’s faces ugly- Bar.”

The reason why Lange said this was because the people outside were all staring at him, and it was because he had been eyeing Ye Chen’s-Mew.

The only possible way to get Ye Chen’s Mew is to snatch it.

Ye Chen is now the leader of the Superior Alliance. After learning the motives of others, it is impossible to take the initiative to take preemptive actions. In this way, the wind direction of the fishing reel may be bad for him. On the one hand, he is biased towards ordinary training players. side.


So all they can do is wait for the ordinary trainer to take action and pretend to respond.

Since Lange could think of this reason, Ye Chen would naturally not ignore it. He nodded and motioned Luyao to open the office door now.


Yaoyao is a little unclear, but since Ye Chen ordered it, she will definitely do it.

Since then, he walked over and opened the office door, but he didn’t expect that when the office door opened, he saw a large number of people surrounded by Wujue outside, and they stood with their heads sideways and their ears raised. Eavesdropping a little further from the door.

And he didn’t dare to lean too close forward, maybe because he was worried that he would be discovered.

ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!! Corpse,

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