Chapter 401

Chapter 401

But being able to become a princess in the box, and being a lady to accompany the guests in this nightclub, how can it be a good thing?

In fact, she has been accustomed to scenes like this kind of jealousy. It’s just that there are rarely such women who dare to be so blatant in front of the boss, and everyone contradicts each other among the ladies who are also accompany wine.

Because in this way, not only will the boss’ interest be swept away, but the most important thing is that “Zero Six Three” will make the boss shame if there are outsiders on the court. , Maybe they feel that the boss’s woman is restless, or the boss can’t even control his own woman.

This will lose face in front of other bosses and other guests.

As a result, box ladies like them who often hang around in the night scene know that even if it is conflicts and anger, they can’t be so jealous in front of the boss and guests.

Today, what happened to her unexpectedly was that this woman didn’t know if she had no brains, or because she had just come out, she dared to conflict with her in front of her boss.

Although she is very dissatisfied with this woman’s behavior, but she has been in such a night scene for such a long time, naturally it is impossible to have a general knowledge of her, so the woman immediately put on a pure and innocent look. He even sobbed his shoulders slightly, pretending to look like Karen was raining.

She didn’t even get up, just sat on the ground, stomped gently, lifted her mouth, and muttered dissatisfiedly at Ye Chen. I broke the key, don’t you feel bad?”

While she was talking, she gave Ye Chen a wink at the same time.

Means like her are actually commonplace in night markets. After all, everyone wants to please the boss who comes here to consume.

Therefore, for women like them, Charm to the boss, to please the boss, is very common.

But for Ye Chen, this is not something that he can accept!

As soon as the woman finished speaking, he immediately burst into a burst of smoke, almost relying on his own powerful self-control ability to reluctantly turn himself or on the spot, and threw the woman directly out.

Although they are acting in this box now, Ye Chen is not the kind of person who is completely unprincipled. Turning around, she gave Miss Sheng Lan directly into her arms.

Then he took Miss Sheng Lan arrogantly, and said to the box girl who was still sitting on the ground: “Don’t think I don’t know your little thought! Who gave you the courage to dare to stand in front of me? The people around me pushed away. Do you think you have a bit of beauty, so you want to hug your thighs anxiously, or do you really have no brains?”

“You’re just a night girl. The people with your boss have a higher status and status than you anyway. You dare to push him away because of your self-confidence, and you are still shamelessly giving me Charm.

After Ye Chen said these words, he kicked fiercely towards the carpet in front of him, his eyes were cold and he said with a fierce expression, “Fuck me, just like you, a woman who only spreads her legs to please a man, Lao Tzu is the most disdainful. That’s it!”

“In this kind of place, you have to learn to look at people’s faces alive, relying on your own figure, a little bit of beauty 5.9, just take yourself seriously, you are still too young girl!”

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