Chapter 412

Chapter 412

He explained to Ye Chen, “In fact, it doesn’t mean that there is no money to prepare materials, no money to hire people, no money to arrange and design these kinds of institutions and traps. The main reason is that Ye Chen’s strength is too strong. do you know?”

“Although he is the leader of the Pokémon Alliance, his terrifying strength has far exceeded the level of strength that normal people can have. It is not surprising that he is the ceiling of human limits, and the height he has reached now Many of us have been struggling to reach the height of 13 in our lives and even generations after generations!”

“Therefore, no one in our business will take their own lives and their own careers to make a bet to capture such a Pokémon that is absolutely impossible to succeed.”

Ye Chen heard what Boss Jin said, and probably understood what was going on in the future, but he continued to ask, “But if the real money is in place, don’t you plan to take this order? According to the current form? Ye Chen has been targeted by a certain force. Although I don’t know who that person is, at least it can be seen from this Caterpie incident that Ye Chen and his Caterpie must be the target of that person to save!”

“So I’m here to discuss business with you now. Compared with the previous time, we have a greater chance of winning and certainty when we do this thing, and we can completely hide behind our back and wait until the end. Wouldn’t it be better to rewind the net and just sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman?”

Ye Chen considered this point of departure. Boss Jin hadn’t thought about it before, because the thoughts and cognition he has always brought in is that in normal times, Ye Chen is already strong, and they are in Ye Chen’s hands. If you snatch Pokémon, it is absolutely impossible!

However, after being reminded by Boss Ye, he suddenly realized that there was also a Caterpie incident during this period. That’s right, if they really had the intention to do this, they could indeed plan well. After a while, they used this fermentation as a cover. They didn’t act for the time being. After both sides were defeated by a fight, they came out again and came out to reap the benefits of the fisherman. Isn’t it beautiful?

After Boss Jin realized that he could really take advantage of this incident to move his hands and feet in the middle, he looked at Ye Chen’s gaze, and suddenly changed.

With a meaningful smile on his face, he proactively stretched out his hand to Ye Chen and said, “Boss Ye, it’s really a good strategy. It’s not easy to see the current situation so thoroughly. Ah!”

“Since you think this is feasible, and you are willing to invest, let’s discuss it specifically to see where we can work together, and what kind of benefits we can get for each other after the event is successful.”

“If it’s the best, we will try to improve the follow-up incidents, try to be as clean as possible, so that they will not be able to find us even after investigation. 070

After listening to Boss Jin’s words, Ye Chen couldn’t help but sneer in his heart, and he was indeed a personal spirit. Before discussing this matter, he had already thought about obliterating all clues related to him afterwards. Drop, and then let yourself innocently so that the police can’t investigate him.

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