475: do

475: do

So the main thing for them now is to find a true understanding of Ultra Beast. People who have been studying Ultra Beast may be able to find a way to solve Blacephalon’s problems.

Ye Chen shared his thoughts and opinions for everyone to listen to.

“I think what we really need to do now is to find someone who really understands Ultra Beast, and see if he has a certain degree of research and understanding of Blacephalon, otherwise, no matter what kind of dispute we are in, it will be of no avail, and it will still be impossible to solve the clown. problem.”

Ye Chen naturally agreed with Luyao, but they raised their own doubts and said, “Then where are we going to find someone who knows Ultra Beast and Blacephalon?”

Rui Yao’s words can be considered as a point. Ye Chen is also struggling with this point. As of now, as far as he has learned, none of the experts and scholars are engaged in the research of Ultra Beast, let alone understand Blacephalon. .

Just like when they first met Blacephalon, Professor Oak even proposed that they wanted Ye Chen Jiang to lend them Blacephalon for research.

So it is almost impossible to find a way from Professor Oak and the others.

But Professor Oak…

Ye Chen suddenly thought of Professor Oak, he had an idea right away. He immediately said, “Although we can’t think of anyone who is engaged in the research of Ultra Beast, but we don’t know that it doesn’t mean that Professor Oak they don’t know. .”

After listening to Ye Chen’s words, everyone immediately reacted, “Yes, Professor Oak and other experts and scholars must have some exchanges and communication, even if Professor Oak is not engaged in the research of Ultra Beast, but what he knows Among people, maybe someone has been studying Ultra Beast all the time.”

In this way, they might be able to ask Professor Oak about the situation.

Ye Chen thought about this and immediately started to act. He asked Luyao to bring him the phone, and then immediately dialed the number of Professor Oak Research Institute.

When Ye Chen called Professor Oak, as soon as Professor Oak was connected, his excited voice came immediately, “Ye Zui, I haven’t called me for so long, what’s wrong? Isn’t it? What rare Pokémon did you find to open my eyes?!”

Professor Oak received a call from Ye Chen and immediately said such a greeting.

No way, whoever makes Ye Chen the person he knows, has met the person who cherishes Pokémon the most, and the Pokémon he has in his hands is also the precious Pokémon that others can’t ask for.

Ask for flowers

By the way, Professor Oak wants to borrow his Pokémon and study it carefully.

So when I received a call from Ye Chen, the first sentence reflected in Professor Oak’s mind was this.

Every time I call Professor Oak, I hear Professor Oak say something like this, which makes Ye Chen really a little bit dumbfounded.

He said helplessly, “Professor Oak, you really think I am still traveling and practicing like before. I have been dealing with the pretending to be with Rayquaza all this time, and I am very busy!”

“Don’t talk about the rare Pokémon, the most you see now are Caterpie. I don’t know if you are interested in Caterpie. Are you also interested in it?”

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!


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