481: message confirmation

481: message confirmation

I don’t think that two days have passed. During these two days, Ye Chen was at a loss and couldn’t find any other relevant information about Ultra Beast at all.

Except for the information of an expert and scholar who specializes in Ultra Beast in Professor Oak, Ye Chen and the others have never inquired about any more information, and they can’t even choose a little useful related information.

So at the moment they can only pin all their hopes on Professor Oak, and hope that Professor Oak can contact them as soon as possible to the so-called entrepreneur, that is, the one who specializes in Ultra Beast. experts and scholars.

While waiting for him, the abnormality of Blacephalon’s body became more and more serious.Now he not only emits a strange dark purple light from his head, but even various parts of his body will appear from time to time. The color, combined with his characteristics that can explode gorgeous Ember, always makes Ye Chen and the others have the illusion that Blacephalon will expose themselves at any time.

So to be on the safe side, Ye Chen and the others now work in a division of labor one by one, and everyone takes turns guarding Blacephalon to prevent him from having any accidents?

At the same time, they also want to urge Professor Oak to contact the person as soon as possible.Now whether the person is in the Johto Region, the Kanto Region, or even the Alola Region, they don’t care anymore.As long as they can solve the status quo of Blacephalon, they are all Willing to give it a try.

During the difficult waiting period, Ye Chen couldn’t help even wanting to call Professor Oak to urge him, but he also thought that since he asked others for help, he should not urge too much, otherwise. I’m afraid Professor Oak will feel unhappy too…

So for the sake of politeness, Ye Chen has been holding back and not urging Professor Oak.

By the third day, the longer it took to wait, I was impatient, and all his patience would be exhausted, because he was seeing Blacephalon’s situation getting worse and worse. There may be danger at any time.

When Ye Chen couldn’t help but wanted to take the initiative to call Professor Oak, Professor Oak also took the initiative to call Ye Chen.

After seeing Professor Oak’s call reminder, Ye Chen hurriedly connected the phone and asked urgently, “How about Professor Oak, have you found the person’s contact information?”

I found it. That person is called Rosa Mina, who is the chairman of the Alola Region Ether Enterprise.

Professor Oak told Ye Chen all the basic personal information of Ruza Minai…

And also emphasized, “Ruza Minai has always liked Pokémon in particular, and is full of love and enthusiasm for Pokémon. The Ether Fund she established is also in Helping Hand to support and protect all kinds of Pokémon.”

“As for Ultra Beast, it is because Ruza Minai’s husband has been tracking and studying Ultra Beast since her husband’s disappearance. This job has turned into her own job.”

In this case, Ye Chen thinks this Lusha Minai is still somewhat credible, but Ye Chen still has some doubts. He asked Professor Oak and said, “There is a way to contact this Director Lusha Minai, Let her come and take a walk with us?”

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of ask for 5.9!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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