502: place

502: place

“So for the sake of head researching clowns, I would like to ask you to help him produce them. After that, the work of incubating Pokémon eggs can be handed over to me. What kind of accident should happen to him.”

Hearing Ye Chen’s words so polite, Russa Minai was embarrassed. She proactively said: “Leader Ye, you don’t have to be so polite. In fact, we should be pleased to you, although we have always been committed to it. Research on Ultra Beast, but the Ultra Beast that really let us take over the production has never been!

“This time you brought Blacephalon, and the timing is so good, it is ready to give birth, so we should ask you to let Blacephalon stay with us. He has any accidents, and I hope your stelehead clown can use us to study it and observe its entire production process.

This is the case for people doing experimental research. Every dynamic of Pokémon, what happens in every age group, they will want to observe and record, so Ye Chen can understand the request of Miss Russa Minai, so he, She and he also agreed to let Miss Rosa Minai observe this production of the head-studded clown.

Regarding Blacephalon’s pregnancy and subsequent egg laying, Ye Chen and Rosa Minaminet have studied and discussed a lot. After determining a lot of precautions, Ye Chen looked at the time and found that it was not too early, so he got up and wanted to take Luyao and the others away, not to bother Lusha Minai too much.

Before they left, Ruza Menet also made a special statement that during this period of time, she would take good care of the clown, and deliberately expressed her attitude, saying that after the smooth production of Blacephalon, the one that was produced The Pokémon egg will definitely be cultivated by Lu Cheng himself. They are only responsible for sticking to the entire production process, and will not interfere with Ye Chen’s Blacephalon and the Pokémon egg.

With these words from Miss Russa Minay, Ye Chen and the others are relieved.

Later, Miss Luza Minay arranged for the old housekeeper in his house to send their extension Lincoln to escort Ye Chen and others back.

On the way back, Ye Chen and the others were originally discussing where to eat in the evening and what special delicacies in the Alola Region have. Suddenly, Miss Luza Minai called again.

After seeing the caller ID, Ye Chen became nervous immediately. He wondered if Blacephalon was left there in an accident, so Miss Luza Minay was anxious and called right away.

In the end, I didn’t expect that after the connection, it turned out that Ruza Minai wanted to ask Ye Chen where they would settle during this period and how long they would stay.

In fact, Ye Chen didn’t think about this, but Ye Chen didn’t care much about where to stay.

He directly said that all of them will stay in the hotel during this period, and as for how long to stay in the Alola Region, it depends on the situation of Blacephalon, its recovery after 130, and the hatching of Pokémon eggs, if there are no special circumstances. If Blacephalon is fully recovered, he will take them and leave.

In this way, his stay in Alola should not be short.

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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