The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 996 Research on Stellar Changes The Seventh-Level Mountain Spirit Attacks Again

In the Guiyang galaxy, Bian Yujiao relied on the orders from the battlefield frontline headquarters and temporarily suppressed everyone's thoughts of retreat.

Twenty starships, various teams, immortals, dependents, etc. once again devoted themselves to fighting and fighting against the Void Demon Clan.

At this time, Liang Ji withdrew from the battlefield and came to the star in the center of the galaxy.

Looking at the stars in front of him that were transforming from 'Rose Sun' to 'Blood Sun', Liang Ji opened his mouth and spat out the 'Dragon Ball'.

The 'Dragon Ball' rotates in front of the star, shining with the light of eighteen colors of stars, in which the power of the blood sun exists.

If you want to repair the 'Star Map Array' and solve the crisis of the 'Bright Sun Galaxy' being breached, you must either rearrange the formation, or restore the distorted and changing stars, and change from 'Blood Sun' back to 'Bright Sun' again. OK.

If you want to rearrange the 'Star Map Array', not to mention that the galaxy is now undergoing drastic changes due to changes in stars. Until the changes become unstable, it is impossible to arrange the array.

Even if they could arrange the formation, in such a fierce battle now, the starships and formation masters everywhere could not spare the time or manpower to arrange the large formation.

Therefore, the only possible way is to try to prevent the change of 'Rose Yang' to 'Blood Yang', and try to change the 'Blood Yang' back to 'Rose Yang'.

But it is obviously not an easy task to do this, which involves the creation of the demon.

Even many high-level Star Lords in the Star Alliance have no good solution for the time being, otherwise they would not have made the frontline battlefield so passive.

However, Liang Ji still wanted to give it a try.

Perhaps his strength and methods are not as good as many high-level star masters in the Star Alliance, but in terms of research and understanding of the power of the sky demon to create stars, perhaps no one in the Star Alliance can match him today.

Combining the power of eighteen kinds of heavenly demons to create stars, Liang Ji's understanding and mastery of these eighteen kinds of powers of heavenly demons to create stars can be said to be the strongest in the Star Alliance to create the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball'.

Even the high-ranking star master Yuanmu Mentor who presided over the experiment of 'The power of the sky demon to create stars' was far inferior to him in this regard.

Otherwise, the experimental group led by Instructor Yuanmu would not have made much progress over the years.

And among the eighteen kinds of powers of heavenly demons and stars that he smelted into the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball', there happened to be the power of the 'blood sun'; in the past few years, he had been studying the 'power of the rose sun' in the 'Rose Sun Galaxy'. It’s also quite rewarding.

Liang Ji was relatively familiar with the power of these two heavenly demons to create stars.

Therefore, he wanted to try to see if he could prevent the changes, or even change the 'blood sun' back to the 'rose sun'.

What's more, under the tide of the heavenly demon's power, the transformation of the 'Rose Sun' into the 'Blood Sun' will certainly cause a lot of destruction and crisis, but there are also opportunities.

This change in the different powers of creating stars will undoubtedly reveal more of the essence, details, and creation of the power of the sky demon to create stars.

As long as he can grasp the changes, he may not be able to prevent the change of 'blood yang', or even change it back to 'rose yang'.

As long as this can be achieved, Liang Ji will definitely make great progress in his research on the power of the sky demon to create stars, and even integrate the nineteenth kind of power of the sky demon to create stars, the power of the rose sun. Among the Dragon Balls, it is very possible to greatly increase the power of the Light of Creation of the Dragon Balls.

And as long as the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball' is improved, the benefits will naturally be more.

Further accelerate the growth of the natal stars, even break the limits of the 'Dragon Balls', integrate more power of the sky demon to create stars, complete the experiments required by the Star Alliance, thereby gaining more support from the Star Alliance, etc.

Whether it is these subsequent benefits or in order to solve the crisis of the Rose Sun Galaxy, it is worthwhile for Liang Ji to carefully study the change from Rose Sun to Blood Sun and try to prevent and change it.

Just when Liang Ji was studying the changes in the stars in the galaxy, Bian Yujiao, Peng Yue, Chen Zhao and others were commanding starships, leading the immortals and family members to fight and fight with the endless stream of void monsters.

Outside the Rose Sun Galaxy, the void trembled, and a sacred mountain tore out of the void, rushing straight towards the Rose Sun Galaxy where the Star Map Array had been broken.

Haha...I told you, I will come back!

On the sacred mountain, the seventh-level mountain spirit appeared, looking at the Rose Sun Galaxy where the star map was broken and invaded by a large number of void monsters, and laughed loudly.

With the tidal impact of the Sky Demon's power and the changes in the stars in various galaxies, the defenses of various galaxies occupied by the Covenant Alliance dropped drastically. As expected, the elemental spirits, gods and other enemies of civilization that had sneaked into the Celestial Demon Star Territory began to attack one after another. Show up, take advantage of the situation, and launch attacks on the galaxies occupied by the Covenant Alliance.

The one who was eyeing the Guiyang Galaxy and launching an attack was the seventh-level mountain spirit that had been driven away before.

The Nest of Elements! The Sea of ​​Elements!

On the sacred mountain as big as the stars, the seventh-level mountain spirit's eyes quickly locked onto the position of the Dragon Snake starship in the chaotic battlefield of the Rose Sun Galaxy, and the bright light of the elements shone in his eyes.

This time, I will never let you escape again!

boom! Click...

Amidst a loud roar, the elemental mountain as big as a star driven by the seventh-level mountain spirit directly crashed through the 'Star Map Array' and rushed into the 'Rose Sun Galaxy'. There were already flaws in the 'Star Map Array' , the crack, immediately suffered greater damage under the impact of the sacred mountain, and the crack became even bigger.

The entire 'Guiyang Galaxy' seemed to be shaken, shaking and vibrating slightly.

There were more Void Monsters, following closely behind the Elemental Mountain, rushing in through the larger cracks that had been torn apart. This immediately made the battle in the Rose Sun Galaxy more difficult, and the star masters and immortals on all sides suffered heavy losses. The pressure is also greater.

In the galaxy, inside the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Chu Yue exclaimed: No, the seventh-level mountain spirit is here again! And it's targeting us!

As she spoke, she controlled the formation on the starship and manifested the image of the elemental mountain and the seventh-level mountain spirit rushing in the distance on the starlight screen in the cabin.

Peng Yue and others, through the starlight screen, seemed to be able to look directly at the seventh-level mountain spirit, and could clearly see that its impact and direction of advancement were very clear, and it was directed at the Dragon Snake starship. Come.

On the Dragon Snake starship, Liang Ji was originally the captain. Liang Ji handled, decided and issued orders in all situations.

But now, the team has expanded, Liang Ji has become the captain of the True Dragon starship, and the captain of the Dragon Snake starship has become Peng Yue.

Therefore, it is now up to the new captain Peng Yue to decide and give orders on what to do and how to fight.

For a moment, everyone looked at Peng Yue.

Already familiar with the identity of the captain and having commanded many battles, Peng Yue said with a calm face at this time: It's expected, let it happen!

The means I have prepared are waiting for it!

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