The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1002 ‘Dragon Ball’ makes great contributions to save the frontline battlefield

On the starship in the Kunlun Star Palace, Liang Ji looked at the 'Golden Yang' in front of him that was transforming into a 'White Yang'. He immediately raised the 'Dragon Ball' and activated the light of nineteen colors of creation to shine on the star ahead.

The power of the white sun and the power of the golden sun are the power of the stars created by the sky demon that Liang Ji has long studied and integrated into the light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl'.

Liang Ji was quite familiar with the power of these two heavenly demons to create stars. At this time, he was using the power of the 'Dragon Pearl' to prevent the 'Golden Yang' from transforming into the 'White Yang', and even twist it back to the 'Golden Yang' Come, of course there is no problem.

With the support of the Star Alliance's frontline headquarters, the power of the nineteen-color sky demons that Liang Ji integrated into the Dragon Ball to create stars is far greater than ever before, and now he is not afraid of consumption at all.

And among the natal stars, the amount of three-light dew that restored the origin of the stars was far more than the amount provided to the experimental group, and there was no fear of the consumption of the origin of the natal stars.

With the support of this abundant resource, the Dragon Pearl light of creation that Liang Ji triggered at this time was far more brilliant and intense than it was in the Guiyang Galaxy.

The nineteen-color light of creation even enveloped most of the stars in the galaxy in front of us, and the effect it caused was extraordinary.

Soon, the stars in the center of the galaxy stopped transforming into the 'White Sun', and then, under the illumination, distortion, and creation of the 'Dragon Ball' light of creation, they began to change and return to their original 'Golden Sun' appearance little by little. .

Affected by this, the stars in this galaxy that were originally displaced and changed began to regenerate and change under the influence of the changes in the stars, changing towards their original positions and appearances.

Affected by these stars, the 'Star Map Array' covering the galaxy is also slowly recovering. The original distortions are gradually straightening out, and the original flaws and tears are gradually being made up. The defense and suppression of the 'Star Map Array' The effect gradually recovered and increased under this influence.

All parties fighting and fighting inside and outside the galaxy naturally have personal and intuitive experience of this.

Immediately, the Zhongxing Lords, immortals, etc. on the Kunlun Star Palace side cheered one after another, shouting that Liang Ji's methods were powerful.

The void monsters that invaded the galaxy, the elemental spirits that infiltrated, etc., clearly felt the pressure increase, and the battle became more and more difficult. Naturally, they also discovered the changes in the stars in the center of the galaxy, and Liang Ji, who controlled the changes in the stars.

At that moment, many void monsters, elemental spirits, etc. rushed towards Liang Ji, wanting to destroy and prevent him from distorting and changing the stars.

At this time, Gao Yuan, the seventh-level star master who was responsible for protecting him, and the star palace starship carrying him began to exert their power, resisting and killing all the incoming void monsters, elemental spirits, etc.

In the galaxy, the starships, star masters, immortals, etc. that guarded the galaxy naturally came towards the central star of the galaxy one after another to resist the void monsters and elemental spirits who were attacking Liang Ji, and to protect Liang Ji. Let it reverse the stars and return the star chart array to normal without being disturbed.

For a time, around the central star of the galaxy, Liang Ji, the pioneering team of the Kunlun Star Palace fought and fought with the Void Demon Clan, the infiltrating elemental spirits, etc. who came on the tide of the power of the Sky Demon, and entered the most intense stage. The number of casualties and casualties on both sides increased dramatically.

After all, all three parties knew at this time that the last moment of the star change in front of them was the last critical moment that determined the outcome of all parties and the ownership of this galaxy, so they had to fight hard.

In front of the star, Liang Ji saw this and had to use all his strength to activate the power of the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball'. He even understood the changes in the power of stars, the power of creation of the sky demon, and the changes in the power of the stars and void in the galaxy. , had to put it down temporarily.

In order to concentrate all the energy and strength, and push the power of the Dragon Ball to the extreme, in order to twist the stars in front of us and return them to their original Golden Sun state as soon as possible, restore the Star Map Array, and increase the development team of Kunlun Star Palace. The combat power and assistance are needed to suppress these attacking and killing Void Monsters and Elemental Spirits as soon as possible and reduce the casualties and losses of the Star Palace development team.

With such abundant resources and Liang Ji's full force, in just a few days, the star in the center of the galaxy was re-distorted from the 'White Sun' and returned to its original 'Golden Sun' state.

The entire galaxy was also affected by this star change, and the stars, voids, etc. everywhere returned to their positions. The 'Star Map Array' covering the galaxy was affected by this and gradually returned to normal, with all the flaws and tears in it being repaired. .

For a time, the defense and suppression power of the 'Star Map Array' were fully restored, blocking and suppressing the void monsters and elemental spirits inside and outside the galaxy.

The Kunlun Star Palace development team's combat strength is naturally far superior to that of Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others. There is no shortage of high-level star masters and starship power here. Even the middle-level and low-level forces are far superior to Liang Ji. Waiting team.

After the Star Map Array covering the galaxy was restored, the combat power of the Kunlun Star Palace's development team suddenly exploded, and soon all the void monsters, elemental spirits, etc. that had invaded the galaxy were suppressed. All enemies outside the galaxy are resisted.

The stability and situation of the entire galaxy far exceeds that of the Guiyang Galaxy occupied by Liang Ji and his team.

Seeing this, Liang Ji and Gao Yuan did not stay in this galaxy for long, and immediately prepared to rush to the next frontline galaxy.

The fact is that now that the Star Alliance is opening up the front lines of the battlefield, many of the life galaxies it occupies are in critical condition. Liang Ji is urgently needed to save the stars and the Star Map Formation. It is not good to delay here.

Naturally, the development team of Kunlun Star Palace did not stay with them for long, but they did give Liang Ji a lot of treasures as a token of gratitude. They included the resources and treasures abundant in this galaxy, as well as the treasures produced by Kunlun Star Palace.

These treasures are of great use to those Liang Ji who also practice the 'Feng Shen Bang' inheritance, and can greatly enhance the effect of the 'Feng Shen Bang' practice in their natal stars.

Of course, there are also some that can directly enhance his combat power and self-protection, and even allow him to save his life and escape from attacks by high-level gods, elemental spirits, etc.

This is because Kunlun Star Palace and the frontline headquarters have truly seen that his methods can really save the stars and star map formations in the galaxies on the frontline, and can really save the frontline battlefields, so they are naturally willing to increase investment in him and strengthen His ability to protect himself prevents him from being attacked and killed by the enemy while saving the frontline battlefield.

After Liang Ji thanked the Star Palace, he escaped into the void again under the leadership of Gaoyuan Star Master.

Under the protection of starlight, he traveled through the void and saw all kinds of chaos and visions in the void. He also saw high-level star masters directly tearing the void apart, cutting off all kinds of chaos and visions, and escaping. An unscrupulous method.

This is a scene and method that he has never seen before.

Those who have not cultivated to the high-level star master level cannot enter the void and walk safely. Even if they escape into the void on a starship, they have to worry about being swept away by the chaotic void turbulence, visions, etc., and getting lost in the void. To the way out.

At this time, Liang Ji was able to see and experience in advance the methods and scenes of high-level star masters escaping in the void, and naturally gained a lot.

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