The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1016: Exploring the Frontline: The Plans of the Seniors

But I didn't expect that the top forces like the 'Shenra Company' would have such long and accurate hands. As soon as this 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power' ended, the created and reborn life galaxies in the star field behind had just made some movement, and they were They found and occupied it!”

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, on the light screen in the main control cabin, the figure of Senior Sister Bian Yujiao appeared, and she said with a somewhat ugly expression.

Obviously, she had also received news and understood the situation of the new life galaxy in the star field behind, and now she gave up the idea of ​​exploring and trying her luck in the star field behind.

When Liang Ji and others heard this, they also sighed a few words, then looked at each other and asked:

Sister Bian, what's the important thing you're talking about?

Hearing this, Bian Yujiao turned the conversation and looked at Liang Ji and the others: Xuedi Liang, after the last 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power', you successfully captured a new life galaxy. You must be very aware of this new creation. , the most important opportunities and treasures in the 'life galaxy' that emerged.

Liang Ji and the others nodded slightly when they heard this. Not to mention other things, the 'innate energy' contained in the life stars that were being nurtured was the best treasure for the intermediate star masters present.

If it could be found again, no one would be willing to let it go.

Seeing this, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao immediately said: Although Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and I have not personally tried the benefits of these new life galaxies, we have all inquired and learned about them.

So, after this 'tide of demonic power' ends, we are really not willing to give up on these newly created and born life galaxies.

When Liang Ji heard this, he couldn't help but said in surprise: Senior sister, all the newly born life galaxies behind here have been occupied. Don't you still want to fight for it?

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao waved her hand and said: The star field behind is occupied, and we don't have the ability to compete with those top forces.

“However, the scope of this ‘Tide of Heavenly Demon Power’ sweeping and impacting is not limited to the star field behind the battle line!”

The newly created and born life galaxies are naturally not only found in the rear star field!

Liang Ji listened to the other party's words and instantly understood what she meant. His eyes lit up slightly and he said, Senior sister means this front line...

That's right! Senior Sister Bian Yujiao nodded directly and said: Under the erosion and creation of the 'Tide of the Power of the Sky Demon', some galaxies in the rear star field will be reincarnated from the dead and breed new life stars and galaxies, but after all, Just a minority.”

This frontline battlefield and the Sky Demon Star Territory deeper ahead are the places where more new life stars and galaxies can be born under the impact and creation of the 'tide'.

The newly born life galaxies in the rear are easily locked and captured by those top forces. However, in this frontline battlefield or even in the Sky Demon Star Territory deep in the front, there is no way for those top forces to lock and capture in advance those new life galaxies.

This is our chance!

I have made an agreement with Chen Zhao and Xu Mao to take this opportunity to search for new life galaxies on the frontline battlefields and even deep into the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' ahead.

If you really gain something, you will not only be able to obtain various benefits in the new life galaxy, but you will also be able to open up another life galaxy on the frontline battlefield!

The benefits are huge!

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said, looked at Liang Ji and others and said, Senior Brother Liang, I wonder if you would like to join?

Liang Ji's expression changed several times when he heard this. Just as Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said, if a new life galaxy can be found near the frontline battlefield, and if it can be successfully developed and captured, it will naturally be of huge benefit.

But the greater the benefit, the greater the risk.

Unlike the newly born life galaxies in the rear star field, except for some void monsters entrenched inside the galaxy, there is almost no danger from the outside. If discovered, even some small and medium-sized forces can successfully capture and hold it together.

That's why behind the battle lines, the newly born life galaxies under the impact of the 'tide' are so popular, attracting so many large and small forces and teams to explore and search.

But the frontline battlefield is a dangerous place with fierce battles. Even if you are really lucky and find a new life galaxy under the 'tide', it will be very difficult and even dangerous to successfully capture it.

Especially since their team does not yet have a powerful enough high-level star master to take charge, the difficulties and dangers will naturally be greater.

Liang Ji was naturally a little hesitant.

However, he turned to look at the team members. Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Wu Shan, Peng Yue's grandma and others all looked very interested at this time, and they were obviously tempted by this.

Seeing him, several people nodded slightly, indicating their agreement.

Seeing this, Liang Ji no longer hesitated, looked directly at Bian Yujiao in the light curtain, and said, Senior, this is a good thing, and we are naturally willing to join.

Although they currently do not have a powerful enough high-level star master to take charge, their strength has been tested on the frontline battlefield and they understand the level of the frontline battlefield.

Even if it is difficult to win in the end, there are treasures to escape and save your life.

Therefore, Liang Ji directly agreed.

Haha, okay! Senior Sister Bian Yujiao also smiled when she heard this and said, I know that you, junior fellow students, are not willing to let go of this great opportunity.

We have already discussed it. We first need to explore and find the new life stars, but it is not appropriate to send out a large team together. Once the target is found, it is time for the large team to go out as a whole.

So from the beginning, the four of us each took the flagship to explore and search in the star field near the front line.

Our flagships have been transformed and upgraded. Not only are the detection formations and restrictions on them stronger, they can detect farther and deeper, making it easier to find new life galaxies.

In terms of defense, attack, escape, etc., our flagship will be stronger.

Once we do encounter a problem, it will be easier for us to escape and escape.

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard this. This arrangement was in line with his thoughts. The first exploration must be done with the Dragon Snake starship.

As for the two starships, the 'True Dragon' and the 'Bing Soul', they are just blank slate starships with limited formations and restricted strength. It is better to stay in the 'Guiyang Galaxy' to guard them.

At that moment, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao made an agreement with Liang Ji and others on the departure time, scope of exploration, etc. and ended the contact.

Next, Liang Ji and others still need to make some preparations in advance for this exploration. After all, this is not behind the battlefield, but on the frontline battlefield, and even needs to go deep into the Sky Demon Star Territory that has not yet been developed and occupied.

No one knows what dangers and situations they may encounter, so the more prepared they need to be, the better.

However, just when Liang Ji and others were almost ready and were about to set off.

However, Liang Ji suddenly received the news from Principal Huntian: The other party has settled the matter, and he can go directly to the Wanxiang Star Palace to accept the inheritance of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods'!

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