The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1052 The path to advanced star master

The power of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl' is indeed as Liang Ji inferred, and can suppress the conflict of the inheritance of the three star palaces.

You must know that in the origin of the 'Dragon Beast Star', although it is only the projection brand power inherited from the Three Gate Star Palace, the power of the 'Dragon Ball' activated by Liang Ji at this time is less than one ten thousandth, and it can suppress it at this time. The conflict and backlash of the projection brand power of the Three-Gate Star Palace.

Then, when the power of the 'Dragon Pearl' is fully mobilized in the origin of his natal star, it will naturally be able to completely suppress the conflict and backlash of the inheritance body of the three-door star palace.

This ensures that if he later integrates the inheritance of the three star palaces and attacks the high-level star master level, even if the fusion fails, he does not have to worry about backlash or injury. After all, the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball' is suppressing him.

However, through this experiment, Liang Ji also discovered that the light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl' played a considerable role in promoting the inheritance and integration of the three star palaces, and was even an important opening force for the integration of the three powers.

However, relying solely on the light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl', it is obvious that the power of the inheritance of the three star palaces cannot be completely integrated.

What has been verified in the experiments and rehearsals just now will not work!

It seems that we still have to try the second option.

Thinking of this, Liang Ji's soul came out of the body and merged with the dragon soul and the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei', and turned into the 'Dragon Soul' star spirit, walked out of the 'Star Gate' and landed on the 'Dragon Beast Star'.

Using the 'Dragon Ball' to directly suppress and integrate the inheritance of the three star palaces is not possible. Next, Liang Ji plans to add the power of the 'star spirit' to the second experiment and rehearsal to see if he can let the inheritance of the three star palaces pass. The power of the projection brand merges together.

The star spirit of the 'Dragon Soul' stood in the void on the 'Dragon Beast Star', stamped with his hand, and drove the treasure seals condensed by starlight into the 'Dragon Beast Star', directly into the origin of the stars, and fell respectively. Enter the three gate star palace inheritance projection imprint.

The next moment, Liang Ji clearly sensed that under the suppression of the light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl', the power of the three star palace inheritance projections, which were gradually stained with the color of starlight, began to merge at an accelerated pace, causing conflict, backlash, and turmoil. greatly weakened.

The suppressive power of 'Dragon Ball' began to relax a little.

Sure enough, the power of 'Star Spirit' does help the integration of the inheritance of the three star palaces...

The thoughts in Liang Ji's mind were spinning, and the star spirits of the 'Dragon Soul' were also placing more and more starlight treasure seals, and the starlight was getting brighter and brighter.

But soon, after more than half of the power of the inherited projection brand of the Three Gate Star Palace was integrated, he quickly felt the familiar feeling of conflict, stagnation, and vibration.

The fusion progress slowed down greatly again, while the conflict began to greatly intensify!

Liang Ji couldn't help but frown again, urging the 'Dragon Soul' star spirit to increase the input of star spirit power, but he still didn't feel much change.

It seems that the power of the star spirits can at most fuse more than half of the inheritance of the three star palaces.

If you want to continue to integrate the three-door star palace inheritance in the future, you will need other means...

Liang Ji's thoughts turned around and he gradually made a decision.

Afterwards, the 'Dragon Soul' star spirit returned directly to the natal star and handed down the 'Edict of the Emperor of Heaven'.

Therefore, under the leadership of the ‘Celestial Emperor Sect’, the dependent families in various cities in the natal star began to hold large-scale sacrificial activities.

Under this national sacrifice, Liang Ji's Dragon Soul star spirit gradually sensed the power of the Tao Fruit in the natal stars, and activated the power of the Tao Fruit to project through the Star Gate. Entering the origin of the 'Dragon Beast Star', it is consistent with the inheritance projection brand of the Three-Gate Star Palace.

Immediately, the experience of the three projection imprints of the ‘Bang of the Gods’, the ‘Bloodline Atlas’, and the ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts’ began to merge at an accelerated pace again.


Liang Ji's eyes brightened slightly, but he wasn't too surprised by this.

In fact, for a Star Master to advance to a high-level Star Master, he needs to integrate his own Tao into the ‘Tao Fruit’ of his natal star, and then use the ‘Tao Fruit’ to influence and change the origin and power of his natal star.

Therefore, for every Star Lord to advance to a high-level Star Lord, the power of ‘Tao Fruit’ is indispensable.

The practice of the Star Lord at lower levels is to continuously strengthen the connection between the Star Lord itself and the natal stars. From the 'body and star combination' to the 'qi and star combination', and then to the soul and star combination, every level of practice is Constantly strengthening the connection between the star master monks and their natal stars.

At the middle level, the influence of the natal stars on the star master itself is continuously strengthened, and the star master himself is strengthened.

At higher levels, the reverse begins. The star master monks themselves need to influence and change the natal stars in order to make the subsequent integration and transcendence possible.

Therefore, every star master in the Star Alliance who wants to advance to a high-level star master needs to find his own path, that is, his own Tao, and then integrate into the 'Tao Fruit' of the natal star to change and influence the natal star. Origin, avenue.

If you succeed, you will advance to the seventh-level Star Master. If you fail, you will suffer backlash and heavy losses.

So at this time, as he invested the power of the 'Dao Fruit', it was not surprising that the power of the three star palace inheritance projection marks in the 'Dragon Beast Star' began to strengthen the integration again.

He only hopes that under the fusion of the power of the 'Tao Fruit', the power of the three-door star palace inheritance projection brand can be successfully integrated without any stagnation or accidents.

However, the reality is always unsatisfactory.

Liang Ji saw that the fusion of the three-gate star palace inheritance projection brand had reached the final moment. When it was almost successful, he suddenly found that the integration had stalled again, and even the conflict and backlash of the three-gate star palace inheritance began to increase violently.

He had to increase the suppression of the light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl', so that the 'Dragon Beast Star' did not suffer heavy losses or even be destroyed in the conflict and backlash.

It's just the last bit, and it still can't be completely integrated!

What is the reason?

Is it because the 'Dragon Beast Star' is not my natal star after all, and the power of the 'Tao Fruit' cannot fully play a role in it?

Liang Ji's thoughts swirled in his mind, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

And the more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed that it was possible. After all, the 'Dragon Beast Star' was very different from his natal star.

The role of the Dao Fruit, the power of the Star Spirit, and even the inheritance power of the Three-Gate Star Palace in his natal star will ultimately be different from that in the Dragon Beast Star.

This difference may very well prevent the three gate star palace inheritance projection imprints from being integrated in the 'Dragon Beast Star', but it does not prevent their bodies from smoothly integrating in his natal star.

However, although the inference is likely to be correct.

But Liang Ji cannot be completely sure. If there are other reasons that have not been discovered, when he merges and advances in the natal stars later, but finds that he cannot succeed at the last moment, then he will have failed!

Liang Ji's heart raced with electricity, and he suddenly made a decision: It seems that we still have to use the alternative plan!

At the moment, he activated the power of the projection imprint of the 'Gods List' in the origin of the 'Dragon Beast Star', and an illusory and real golden 'divine edict' flew out from it, and the figure of the 'Emperor of Heaven' faintly appeared!

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