The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1060 Hunting the Seventh-Level Void Green Bull

The first-order Void Snake Demon Pill, the second-order Void Whale Demon Pill, the third-order Void Camel Demon Pill, the fourth-order Void Mirage Demon Pill, the fifth-order Void Eagle Demon Pill, the sixth-order Void Tiger Demon Pill, next After advancing to the seventh-level void star master, Liang Ji chose to refine the demon elixir for his natal star, which was the seventh-level void green bull demon elixir.

Referring to the Dragon Soul, Liang Ji had a clear choice of the demon elixir that needed to be refined for each level of natal star, and he did not need to hesitate too much.

Therefore, while he was in seclusion, he had already ordered the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce to inquire about and find traces and news of the seventh-order Void Green Bull for him.

Fortunately, in the pioneering battlefield of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', there are many rare and cherished Void Demon Clan.

Although the seventh-level Void Blue Bull is not a common Void Demon Clan, some traces can still be found in the battlefield of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

Needless to say, it goes without saying that the battle is the most intense and the frontline battlefield with the largest variety of void monsters, as well as the remaining half of the ‘Celestial Demon Star Territory’ that has yet to be developed and captured.

There are many figures of the Void Blue Bull Monster Clan, even the seventh-level Void Blue Bull.

However, it is definitely impossible for Liang Ji to go to the dangerous frontline battlefield at this time, or even the depths of the unoccupied 'Sky Demon Star Territory' to hunt the seventh-order void green bull.

After all, in order to advance to the seventh-level star master, he hunted the seventh-level void green bull across the level and obtained the seventh-level demon elixir.

It is definitely impossible to pilot the Dragon Snake starship and bring Peng Yue, Chu Yue and others to help hunt the seventh-order void green bull, but can only rely on the combat power of his own family members to hunt.

In this case, there is no help from the formations and restrictions of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, no suppression from the origin of the 'Elemental Sea', and no help from immortals such as Wu Shan and Chu Yue.

It is simply impossible to complete the hunt in the frontline battlefields and deep areas of the star field where there are many demon clans in the void, including high-level gods and elemental spirits.

It cannot be said that he paid a huge price. The family members succeeded in hunting a seventh-level void green bull with heavy casualties. After seizing the demon pill, they would be surrounded and killed by more seventh-level void demon clans, even gods, elemental spirits, etc., and they would be killed on the frontline battlefield. middle.

Therefore, the hunting location chosen by Liang Ji needs to be behind the frontline battlefield, in the rear star field already occupied by the Star Alliance development team.

This is the home ground of the Star Alliance team. Even if there are high-level void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. sneaking in to hide and attack, Liang Ji is completely confident that he can successfully hunt the seventh-level void green bull.

Even if he is attacked by infiltrating gods, elemental spirits, etc. during hunting, he can call for support in time without having to worry about too many safety issues.

Therefore, Liang Ji has been waiting for the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' to help him find the seventh-order void green bull in the rear star field.

But now, we finally got good news.

At the moment, he did not take the True Dragon starship to rush and waste time. Instead, he directly opened the Starlight Gate of the Green Wing Galaxy and reached the seventh level through the Starlight Gate transmission between galaxies. The living galaxy near the area where the Void Blue Bull is located.

When he walked out of the Starlight Gate, he saw that it was a Green Sun galaxy. The galaxy was occupied by a large company in the Star Alliance that spanned multiple star fields.

However, at this time, the galaxy is under martial law, and the 'Star Map Array' in the galaxy has been activated to protect the entire galaxy.

The target of martial law is a small wave of void monsters that suddenly appeared outside the Green Sun galaxy.

After the frontline battlefields were defeated one after another, the Void Monster Clan began to continuously send some forces to attack the various galaxies behind the front lines and occupied by the Covenant Alliance, in order to create destruction and chaos, so as to disrupt and delay the battle of the Covenant Alliance's pioneering team on the frontline.

Relying on the 'power of the sky demon', as well as the strange abilities of many void demon clans, and even cooperation with gods and elemental spirits, there are often small void demon tides like this, suddenly rushing out of the void, as if they are Teleport here and attack various galaxies.

It may not cause much damage or casualties, but it often poses a lot of threats to the operation and order of the Covenant battlefield at the rear.

At this time, the small void demon tide that suddenly appeared outside the Green Sun galaxy was a typical disruptive and destructive attack.

Liang Ji looked at the small wave of void demons outside the galaxy. Most of them were composed of various void bull demons. The leader was a seventh-level void green bull, which was exactly what he needed.

At the moment, he found the person in charge of this galaxy, and after revealing his identity, he successfully obtained the cooperation of the Star Map Array covering the galaxy.

Opening the star gate in the void, amidst the roar of dragons, Qi Niu, Ya Sui, Chao Feng, Chi Kiss, Bi Yan, Suan Ni, Ba Xia... and so on.

A 'Dragon Beast' with a body length of tens of thousands of feet came out of the star gate and pounced directly on the seventh-order void green bull outside the galaxy.

After more than sixty years of accelerated cultivation, Liang Ji not only reached the sixth level of consummation in his natal star, but the dependents on it also experienced tremendous development, reaching the ultimate level of sixth level.

Not only has the number of sixth-level dependents greatly increased, but after transforming into a dragon beast, the great magical power of operating the 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth' has directly exceeded the original limit of ten thousand feet, reaching the current size of tens of thousands of feet.

Moreover, every dragon beast transformed by the sixth-level family members rushes out of the 'Star Gate' and immediately stirs up majestic and terrifying elemental power. Although it has not yet reached the level of origin and law, it still shakes the void and transforms into various forms. The sea of ​​fire, sea of ​​thunder, and sky of storms flooded towards the seventh-level void green bull.

As the natal stars have developed to the sixth level, the 'Bloodline Catalog' has also reached the extreme in enhancing the bloodline and magical powers of these dependents; similarly, the 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace' has also enhanced to the extreme the power of various elements they control.

The ultimate under the origin and law.

In addition to these sixth-level dependents, the large number of 'Dragon Beasts' that rushed out of the 'Star Gate' also included a large number of 'Dragon Beast' starships.

During more than sixty years of seclusion and cultivation, the natal stars have grown all the way to the sixth level of perfection. During this process, various sixth-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots have also been digested and grown into various sixth-level spiritual minerals with rich yields and powerful effects. , spiritual plants, spiritual materials.

At the same time, Liang Ji's family also digested various sixth-level inheritances and improved the alchemy talismans, shipbuilding skills, etc. to the extreme.

With the support of these sufficient and powerful sixth-level spiritual minerals and spiritual materials, the family members have already upgraded these 'dragon beast' starships several times, and their sizes have also expanded to tens of thousands of feet, with various formations and restrictions. It is the limit of being promoted to the sixth level.

At this time, they were driven out by the Familia, forming a battle formation, activating the attack formations and restrictions, and bursting out various attacks of elemental breath, elemental disintegration, and elemental destruction.

In addition to the sixth-order Familia and the 'dragon beast' starship, among the various dragon beasts that rushed out of the 'star gate', there were also 'dragon beast' elemental spirits derived from various elemental spiritual veins.

The growth of the natal stars to the sixth level also allows the contained 'Dragon Beast' elemental spirits to grow to the extreme. Their size, attack, and combat power are comparable to those of the sixth level Familia and Dragon Beast Starships.

It can be said that in order to hunt down the seventh-order void green bull and seize the needed seventh-order demon elixir, Liang Ji almost sent out all available battles in his natal star at the first move.

However, the real killing moves are not these Familia, Starships, and Elemental Spirits, but the three gates of 'Apotheosis of the Gods', 'Bloodline Catalog', and 'Metal Furnace' that rush out from the 'Star Gate' immediately afterwards. Xinggong inheritance body.

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