The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1063: Star Technique ‘Peeping into the Sky’ Fusion of the Three-Gate Star Palace Inheritance

Star Alliance, Kunlun Star Palace.

Liang Ji successfully hunted a seventh-level void green bull behind the Sky Demon Star Territory. After obtaining the needed seventh-level demon elixir, he did not stay in the Sky Demon Star Territory for long. After contacting Peng Yue and others to understand their respective situations, Liang Ji Chosen to return to the Covenant.

The battle in the Sky Demon Star Territory is now intense. Even in the rear area of ​​the Star Territory that the Star Alliance has developed and occupied, there are often void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. sneaking in to cause trouble and destruction.

Naturally, it is not a suitable place for him to retreat and make breakthroughs.

Having practiced in seclusion for more than sixty years before, there were not many taboos or places to pay attention to, and one could even stop the retreat at any time. In addition, he accelerates the growth of his natal stars, which is inseparable from the Dragon Pearl light of creation formed by the fusion of the power of thirty-six kinds of heavenly demons' creation stars.

Therefore, he chose to stay in the Celestial Demon Star Territory for retreat, so that he could replenish the consumption of the thirty-six kinds of Celestial Demon's power to create stars at any time.

But now, he is fully prepared. The next step is to integrate the inheritance of the three star palaces and advance to the seventh-level star master practice.

However, there is no room for any interruption or mistakes. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will be easy for him to continue to fail in practice and advance, fall short of his achievements, and may even directly endanger his life.

In particular, the integration of the three-gate star palace inheritance is a path that previous generations in the Star Alliance have not taken, and it is extremely prone to problems.

Even though Liang Ji had already previewed it in the 'Dragon Beast Star', when it comes to the actual formal fusion in the natal star, he can't say that he is 100% sure of success.

If there is a slight interference or attack during this process, resulting in errors or even interruptions in the fusion process, it will definitely lead to the failure of the fusion.

When the time comes, he will not be able to advance to the seventh-level star master, and it may even directly threaten his life.

Therefore, Liang Ji attaches great importance to the next matter of integrating the three star palace inheritances and advancing to the seventh-level star master. Naturally, it is impossible to stay in the Celestial Demon Star Territory where various dangers lurk to integrate and break through.

Instead, he chose to return to the Star Alliance for retreat, fusion, and breakthrough.

Even in the Star Alliance, he did not just choose a place to retreat. He did not even choose to go back to his hometown of Serpentis. Instead, he contacted the Kunlun Star Palace and the Akadera Master to apply for a retreat in the Kunlun Star Palace. Carry out retreat, integration and breakthrough.

He is a Star Master monk who graduated from Kunlun Star Palace, and he has the reputation of a red jade mentor. What's more, he is trying to open up a high-level Star Master path of integrating the inheritance of the three star palaces. He is quite valued among the senior leaders of the Star Alliance, and there are many People are quite concerned.

Therefore, his application was easily approved by Kunlun Star Palace. Xing Gong arranged the best retreat room for him on the Kunlun Mountain.

After returning to the Kunlun Star Palace, visiting and thanking Master Chiyu, Liang Ji directly entered the retreat room of the Kunlun Star Palace for retreat practice and breakthrough.


With a dragon roar, Liang Ji's soul entered the natal star, and the dragon soul entwined on the star also swooped down, went straight into the origin of the star, and merged with the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei'.

Then the 'Dragon Star Spirit' flew out from the source of the stars, merged with his soul, and turned into the 'Dragon Soul' star spirit.

The List of Gods, the Bloodline Atlas, and the Melting Furnace of Ten Thousand Techniques!

‘Dragon Ball’ is the light of creation, the power of Tao Fruit, the power of stars, and the power of the Emperor of Heaven!

Liang Ji checked the situation of himself and his natal stars, and made sure that the power used during the rehearsal was complete and sufficient.

Subsequently, the family members of the natal stars received the Edict of the Emperor of Heaven, and under the leadership of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, they began to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony in the natal stars, enshrining, wishing, and praying to the Emperor of Heaven, and all kinds of things were destroyed. They all showed up to bless and bless the dependents for their sacrifices and prayers.

Similarly, in the Jiuquan underworld, various ghosts and gods have also appeared one after another. The ghosts and heroic spirits of the family members in various levels of the underworld have also begun to perform various sacrificial rituals under the guidance of these ghosts and gods, and the ghosts and gods have given blessings.

At the same time, above the nine heavens, all the gods entrusted by the imperial decree also appeared one after another, monitoring the entire stars and performing their functions.

The entire natal star, from the heaven to the earth to the underworld, the origin and the laws of the great road become smoother and more orderly under the control and operation of these gods.

At the same time, under the various sacrifices and Dharma meetings held by the dependents, heroic spirits, and gods, a steady stream of incense power, faith power, faith power, etc. gathered from all over the three realms of the natal stars and merged into the 'God List' Among them, the third-grade Golden Edict representing the Emperor of Heaven began to become more and more shining and real.

Even the various formations arranged on the natal stars, such as the 'Pagoda to control the mountains and rivers', the 'Elemental Wandering Dragon Formation', the 'Yin and Yang Two Worlds Formation', and the 'Three Worlds Formation' are all in operation at this time.

The next integration and promotion are related to the transformation of the entire natal star, and even life and death. Liang Ji is naturally fully prepared and mobilizes all the power he can mobilize, just to increase the chance of success.

On the natal star, in the ninth level of the sky, the star spirit of the 'Dragon Man Yuanshen' is seated high on it, silently experiencing the operation of various forces, heaven and earth, origins, and great principles in the natal star.

He did not take action, but was running a timing-sensing astrological technique. This astrological technique was given to him by his mentor when he visited Akadema, and was called the 'Peeping Sky'.

Taking the great secret of his own natal star as a guide, he lost a glimmer of the secret.

There are not many useful things that can be seen in this star technique. The biggest and most useful function is to sense and find the most suitable opportunity for breakthrough.

According to Master Akadema, the reason why he had been in seclusion for hundreds of years before breaking through to the eighth-level star master was because he had been using this star technique to spy on the heavens and wait for the best opportunity to break through. As a result, it took him nearly a hundred years to sense the most suitable breakthrough moment. With the right timing, he succeeded in breaking through and becoming an eighth-level star master in one fell swoop.

This time, Liang Ji also wanted to try to integrate the inheritance of the three star palaces to open up a new path for the Star Alliance. The red jade instructor had just passed on this star technique to him.

At this time, he was operating with the astrological technique of 'peeping into the sky', sensing and spying on the best opportunity.

After waiting like this for more than half a year, on this day, a light suddenly flashed in Liang Ji's mind, and he instantly realized: The time has come!

At this moment, the inheritance power of the three star palaces of the Star Origin, namely the ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’, the ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts’ and the ‘Bloodline Catalog’, were directly activated, moving closer and integrating with each other.

The light of creation from the 'Dragon Pearl' was poured directly into it, suppressing and integrating the inheritance of the three star palaces.

The source of the stars, the power of the Tao Fruit, and the power of the Star Spirits directly waved down by the 'Dragon Soul' star spirit, have been integrated into the source one after another, and integrated into the inheritance of the three star palaces. According to the original rules in the 'Dragon Beast Star' The preview was general, the fusion of the three star palace inheritances was carried out.

boom! boom! Rumble…

The entire natal star began to shake and vibrate amid the conflict and backlash of the inheritance and fusion of the three star palaces.

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