The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1072 Target: Huangyang Galaxy, the seventh-level star master’s ‘Eye of the Star Spirit’

Yellow Sun Galaxy!

In the Dragon Snake starship, Liang Jizheng was presiding over a pre-war meeting. Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others were all present.

At this time, Bian Yujiao manifested an image of a galaxy and a galaxy on the starlight screen in the center of the crowd.

It can be seen that in the galaxy, a star has been twisted by the power of the sky demon and created into a 'yellow sun'.

When we were developing the 'Huangyang Galaxy', we encountered the impact of the aftermath of the battle between the eighth-level star master and the eighth-level void demon clan. As a result, the development failed and there were heavy casualties. Even junior Xu Mao died here.

Fortunately, after our understanding, this 'Yellow Sun Galaxy' is still in the hands of the Void Monster Clan, and no other team has launched an attack on this galaxy!

We can open up and attack this 'Yellow Sun Galaxy' again!

Bian Yujiao said, calling out many images and galaxies, sending them to the light screen in front of everyone, and said: This is the data and information we have collected before about the 'Huangyang Galaxy'.

However, because some time has passed, there must be some changes in the galaxy. Before we start to develop and attack, it is best to conduct a survey first.

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao finally suggested to Liang Ji instead of giving a direct order.

Obviously they are already familiar with it. The current alliance team is led by Liang Ji, and he is required to issue orders for various actions.

Thank you, senior sister. Liang Ji nodded to the other party, thanked the other party for the information, then looked at the crowd and said:

I also contacted Vice Principal Huntian before and asked him to learn about the whereabouts and fighting situation of the eighth-level void demon clan on the frontline battlefield.

Hearing what he said, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others all stood up and stared at him, waiting for his next words.

After experiencing the aftermath of the previous Eighth-Level War, they failed to open up the galaxy and suffered heavy losses.

Nowadays, the eighth-level void demon clan can be said to be a demonic obstacle in their hearts. They are most afraid of running into the aftermath of the eighth-level battle again during this pioneering operation, which will once again lead to failure and heavy casualties.

Liang Ji naturally understood their thoughts, so he did not beat around the bush and said directly with a smile: In the past, the frontline command headquarters monitored and tracked the eighth-order void demon clan in the star field. For at least five months, the 'Huangyang Galaxy' There will be no eighth-level Void Monster Clan nearby.

Naturally there will be no eighth-level battle!


Very good!

This time we explore the 'Huangyang Galaxy' and we will definitely succeed!

After hearing Liang Ji's words, everyone present suddenly shouted excitedly.

Seeing that everyone's morale was commendable, Liang Ji didn't waste any time and said directly: In that case, the 'Huangyang Galaxy' will be chosen as the target for this development!

All starship teams lock in the target direction and set off!


Yes! Captain!

Following Liang Ji's order, Chen Zhao, Bian Yujiao and others all responded to the order, much more seriously and respectfully than when they followed Bian Yujiao's order.

After all, there is a big difference between the seventh-level star master and the sixth-level star master.

Then, the Alliance starship team, which had been overhauled and supplied in the Gray Sun galaxy, set off again, turning into streaks of starlight and heading towards the frontline battlefield.

Half a month later, the starship team successfully arrived at the 'Yellow Sun Galaxy'.

Liang Ji stood on the Dragon Snake starship, with starlight filling his eyes. He was already using the star technique Episodes of Star Spirits to look into the Yellow Sun Galaxy.

The star technique 'Episode of the Star Spirit' was a star technique that Liang Ji had learned as early as the fourth-level star master, but he had never fully utilized the power and effects of the specialized star technique.

Since it is named after Star Spirit, we can know that if this star technique wants to truly exert its greatest effect, it needs to advance to the seventh level Star Master and cultivate the Star Spirit Body.

Just like this, Liang Ji activated the star technique of the 'Eye of the Star Spirit', and the power of the 'Star Spirit Body' in the natal stars was poured into it. He suddenly felt that something inexplicable seemed to be happening in the void, the galaxy, and the universe in front of him. The change.

The void, galaxies, and universe are no longer what they see on the surface. Under the 'Episodes of Star Spirits', he can see many things inside and deep. He sees the laws of the void, the movement of galaxies, and the way the galaxy operates. Reaching the original power of the universe!

Use the origin of the natal stars and the power of the avenue as the fulcrum and cornerstone to leverage the avenue and origin of the universe, void, and sea of ​​stars, so as to fight and fight!

This is the fighting style and power of high-level star masters!

Liang Ji understood something in his heart.

This is all the information he learned from the Star Alliance official website after registering as a seventh-level star master on the Star Alliance official website. However, at this time, he could intuitively see the void, star sea, and the laws of the universe and the original power with the 'Star Spirit Eyes' Later, I had a clearer understanding and understanding of this.

However, Liang Ji just turned around and suppressed these thoughts. The battle and combat power of the seventh-order star master would be experienced and verified by the seventh-order void demon tribe later on.

Now, he is running the 'Pupilla of the Star Spirit', just using one of its functions to observe the 'Yellow Sun Galaxy' in front of him.

With the infusion of star spirit power, the distance that Liang Ji's Star Spirit Eyes can see and observe has increased by more than a hundred times. Now he can see the entire Huangyang Galaxy at a glance.

The 'Episodes of the Star Spirit' can observe the void, the sea of ​​stars, and the avenue and origin of the universe through the essence. Naturally, it can clearly see the inside and outside of the 'Yellow Sun Galaxy' in front of us.

This is more comprehensive and accurate information than what Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others can obtain by driving starships, traveling around the galaxy, and using various methods such as fairy arrays and weapons to carefully explore the galaxy.

After all, starship exploration often misses some places that are difficult to detect, but the seventh-level star master’s ‘Eye of the Star Spirit’ basically makes no mistakes.

Unless there is a being stronger than the seventh-level star lord among the enemies in the place being explored.

Feeling the power of the 'Episode of the Star Spirit', Liang Ji began to understand more and more why the high-level star masters in the Star Alliance mostly acted alone. Even in the outer star sea, they explored and developed alone, and rarely cooperated with other star masters. , driving a starship.

In fact, at the stage of high-level star masters, even the combat power and functions of various starships are often no longer as good as the star skills and methods of high-level star masters. Carrying starships is a drag.

Only in such a large-scale pioneering war or all-out war, where there are too many enemies to deal with, and there are also many high-level beings among them, do the high-level star masters of the Star Alliance need to cooperate with many mid-level star masters, as well as immortal monks, etc. fighting.

The small 'Huangyang Galaxy' actually has eleven seventh-order void demon clans!

As expected, the further the development war goes, the more dangerous and intense the battle becomes.

When we first opened up the Green Wing Galaxy, Rose Sun Galaxy, and even the Gray Sun Galaxy, there were never so many high-level void monsters entrenched in the galaxy!

Fortunately, there are no high-level gods or elemental spirits here!

Liang Ji checked the situation in the Huangyang Galaxy through the Pupilla of the Star Spirit, and suddenly he had a calculation in his heart:

This battle to open up the galaxy can be won!

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