The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1087 Ignite the Stars and Cultivate the Stars

Stellar core!

In particular, it is the 'star core' that has been tidally created and twisted by the power of the sky demon. It contains thirty-six kinds of power of the sky demon's creation of stars, and appears in thirty-six colors of light, which is very similar to the light created by Liang Ji's 'Dragon Pearl'. , fit!

Liang Ji looked at the 'star core' that flew out from the fallen star and the blazing light. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he almost couldn't help but reach out his 'star picking hand' and pull out the 'star core' that flew out. Taken off.

After all, he could see that this 'star core' was quite consistent with his practice.

In addition, it comes from a huge star that is special, is tidally distorted by the power of the sky demon, and contains the power of thirty-six colors of created stars, making this 'star core' even more special.

If he could take down this 'stellar core' and send it into the galaxy where his natal star is, it could replace the false star derived from the 'Celestial Star Array' and gradually cultivate it into a real star in his natal star galaxy. .

It will definitely be more precious than the ordinary stars that move or refine the void into reality, and have more powerful and precious functions!

It will be of great benefit to his natal star and the galaxy where the star is located!

Even in the next seventh-level star master stage, he may not be able to find a star that is better than this and more suitable for his natal star system.

For a moment, all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Liang Ji couldn't help but want to capture the flying 'star core'.

However, he still maintained his rationality in the end, and moved his hand, and finally used the star technique of 'Star Reaching Hand'.

This is not only because the explosion and blazing star light caused by the fall of the huge star in the central black hole is simply not something he can resist or interfere with, let alone take chestnuts from the fire and pluck stars from the power of the explosion and blazing star. Starcore'.

This is because Liang Ji knew very well that this ‘stellar star core’ was the trophy of the ninth-level star master Tianhe Immortal Lord, and he did not have the force field or strength to pick it off.

Sure enough, Liang Ji soon saw that just as the 'stellar core' blooming in thirty-six colors flew out from the power of the star that fell and exploded fieryly, a bright and huge 'starlight giant hand' appeared. Poke out from the light of the exploding star and the central black hole, directly grab the 'star core' and take it back.

The bright and huge ‘starlight giant hand’ was obviously the hand of the ninth-level star master Tianhe Immortal Lord.

And since Immortal Lord Tian He was able to take action to capture the flying ‘star core’, it also meant that the battle between him and the ninth-order sky demon in the central black hole had come to an end for the time being.

I just don’t know how to win or lose.

Sure enough, not long after, Liang Ji saw the 'starlight giant hand' grasping the 'star core' and moving it in the light of the falling and exploding stars.

Suddenly, the blazing star power that exploded and filled all directions began to roll back, being retracted and refined into the 'star core'.

The blazing light and star power that shrouded and filled the central black hole were quickly swept away, revealing the situation in the central black hole.

Under the fall and explosion of the huge star, even the void and chaos around the central black hole were shattered and torn apart.

But looking at it at this time, the central black hole at the center of the collapse and explosion of the huge star was still intact, with no signs of tearing or destruction.

This shows how solid and powerful the central black hole is.

At this time, the surging starlight and the tide of the power of the sky demon can still be seen in the central black hole, but it is nearly half less than what was seen before.

It can be seen that the plan formulated by Tianhe Immortal Lord to use the twisted and created stars to absorb and devour the tide of the power of the sky demon and consume the power of the sky demon is completely feasible.

At this time, the ninth-level star master Tianhe Immortal Lord was still standing in the void above the central black hole, holding the 'Stellar Core' in one hand and looking down into the central black hole below.

From his body, there are no traces left over from the previous fight with the ninth-order heavenly demon, which at least shows that in the previous fight, the ninth-order star master Tianhe Immortal Lord should not have suffered any losses.

Then, he was seen lifting up the 'stellar core' that was shining with the power of thirty-six colors of stars and placing it in the void above the central black hole.

Raise your voice and say: Light up the stars!

The next moment, in the galaxies surrounding the central black hole, high-level star masters, star ports, star ships, etc. were seen taking action.

It has a bright and blazing stellar origin, which was plundered from the stars in two real galaxies by high-level star masters, and continuously sent into the stellar core.

The original power of these blazing stars has become the most basic energy and force to rekindle this huge star.

In the two 'artificial galaxies', there are many high-level star masters, starships, star ports, etc., who have sent all kinds of precious and valuable cosmic treasures, such as the light of creation, the innate energy, and the true fire of the sun. , the God of Purple Void, star spiritual veins, and even various high-level spiritual soil, spiritual gold, spiritual wood and other materials.

With the continuous injection of the power of the star's origin, and the integration of the true fire of the sun, the huge star core blooming in thirty-six colors was gradually ignited again.

Various treasures and valuable cosmic treasures are refined in the burning of the star, integrated into the star, and gradually become the resources and body for the star core to grow and expand again.

Liang Ji stood on the 'Star Port', running the star technique of the 'Episode of the Star Spirit', concentrating on observing the top of the central black hole. The 'star core' was rekindled, and then gradually grew and gradually recovered into a complete Stars even continue the process of growing and changing in the direction of their original giant stars.

He has known for a long time that there are generally two ways to refine the stars and stars in the galaxy from virtual to real, and from fake to real in the seventh-level star master's process.

One is to move the stars, just like how Immortal Tian He directly tore the void and pulled and moved the galaxy where the huge stars were.

The second is to use precious treasures such as star cores, light of creation, and star origins as materials to cultivate suitable stars and stars from scratch.

Now, Liang Ji was lucky enough to see and observe both methods in the black hole area in the center of the Sky Demon Star Domain.

And they are far beyond the ordinary seventh-level star master's process of refining the void.

However, the first process of moving stars is directly completed by the ninth-level star master Tianhe Immortal Lord.

His method of directly tearing apart the void and then moving a galaxy was obviously too high-end and must be something that a new seventh-level star master like Liang Ji could understand or learn from.

It was difficult for him to gain much understanding or gain from it, and it did not help him in his own method of moving stars.

But now the process of cultivating stars by 'igniting stars' is obviously different. It is ignited and cultivated by many high-level star masters using many precious materials. Liang Ji can see the whole process clearly, and naturally he can gain more from it. , enlightenment, which will be of great reference for him to refine himself and cultivate his own stars and stars later.

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