The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1095 The Eighteen Colors of ‘Dragon Ball’: The Possibility of Creating Other Star Lords

Sky Demon Star Territory, central black hole.

The ninth-level sky demon escaped into the depths of the black hole and could not escape. The attacking void demon clan, gods, elemental spirits, etc. were either killed or escaped, and the surrounding void had been completely cleared.

The third 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power' surging in the central black hole has also been exhausted.

Liang Ji's mission here has been initially completed.

At this time, after the frontline command destroyed the eleven galaxies, the remaining stars, star ports, starships, etc. were relocated, gathered, and arranged to form two galaxies on the left and right sides of the central black hole.

Both galaxies are half cosmic stars, half star ports and other artificial stars, which together form two half-natural, half-artificial galaxies, arranged in a large array to re-encircle and suppress the central black hole.

The star alliance development teams gathered here were busy cleaning up the battlefield, repairing and pacifying the void and chaos that were destroyed and broken in the battle.

At this time, Liang Ji was sacrificing the 'Dragon Ball' on the star port where the frontline headquarters was located, and was urging the thirty-six-color light of creation in the 'Dragon Ball' to emit and sink into the eighteen-color star core of the star ahead.

Sensing the power of the eighteen colors of stars in the star core, it slowly adjusts and integrates the thirty-six colors of the light of creation in the 'Dragon Ball'.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, three months later, bursts of dragon chants came from the 'Dragon Ball' sacrificed by Liang Ji, and the thirty-six colors of light of creation blooming on it began to slowly merge in pairs, blooming towards the star core. Eighteen color directions, fusion and change.

This whole process lasted for another two months, and Liang Ji spent a lot of the origin of his natal stars and the power of the thirty-six-color heavenly demon to create stars, and just now the thirty-six-color light of creation bloomed in the 'Dragon Ball'. The two blend together and become the eighteen-color 'Light of Creation'.

Although it has changed from thirty-six colors to eighteen colors, the power of creation and various creation effects contained in this new fusion of the 'Dragon Pearl' eighteen colors are greater than those of the thirty-six colors. The color is more than ten times stronger.

Originally, after his natal star advanced to the seventh level, the effect of the thirty-six-color creation light of the 'Dragon Pearl' on the seventh-level natal star's accelerated digestion of seventh-level demon pills, seventh-level spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, etc. was greatly reduced.

But now, as the thirty-six colors of the light of creation in the 'Dragon Ball' merged into eighteen colors, Liang Ji sent it into the natal stars again, turning into eighteen colors of stars, shining the eighteen colors of the light of creation into the destiny. Among the stars, he immediately felt that the seventh-level demon elixir, seventh-level spiritual seeds, seventh-level spiritual roots, etc. planted in his natal stars began to digest and grow at an accelerated rate.

After a while, Liang Ji turned his attention back from his natal stars. Looking at the star core emitting eighteen colors of star light in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh:

It would be great if you could give me this stellar core!

It can be said that this eighteen-color stellar core is his best choice for refining the stars in the galaxy where his natal star is located.

If the refining can be successful, turning the stars and the sun above the natal stars into this huge eighteen-color star, it is impossible for Liang Ji to use this as a basis to gradually enhance the power of the galaxy formation and control it on the natal stars. The ability to control the flow of time.

At that time, above the natal stars, it will be very easy to speed up the flow of time, accelerate the development of the family, accelerate the growth of the natal stars, and accelerate the development of civilization.

It is a pity that Liang Ji once made a request to the frontline headquarters to exchange his meritorious service for the core of this eighteen-color star, but was rejected.

He could only exchange his merits for several months of use and research time of this star core for his reference and fusion of the thirty-six colors of the light of creation in the 'Dragon Ball'.

Just like today.

As for the ownership of the eighteen-color star core, the frontline command has no intention of rewarding it.

According to the information Liang Ji got from Vice Principal Huntian, Tianhe Immortal Lord seems to intend to keep the eighteen-color star core as a treasure to deal with the central black hole and the power of the ninth-level sky demon later.

Even the frontline command headquarters also intends to let these eighteen-color star cores continue to grow and merge in the battle with the sky demon, and advance into nine-color star cores, or even one-color star cores, using the power of the sky demon's creation Completely accommodate and master it.

Therefore, even if the frontline headquarters and Immortal Lord Tianhe credited him with great contributions for this action as promised, Liang Ji would still have difficulty redeeming these eighteen-color star cores.

He could only secretly express his regret, and then return the eighteen-color star core to the frontline headquarters.

However, he finally used the eighteen-color star core as a reference and influence to successfully fuse the Dragon Pearl light of creation from thirty-six colors to eighteen colors. It was a great harvest, which made Liang Ji feel a little relieved.

In the frontline headquarters, Vice Principal Huntian took the eighteen-color star core handed over by Liang Ji and said with a smile: You returned it so quickly. Have you successfully integrated the power of the thirty-six-color star?

Liang Ji nodded, offered the 'Dragon Pearl', and bloomed the eighteen colors of light of creation, saying: The basis for fusion has long been established, and now we have these eighteen colors of star cores as a reference. If we want to merge into eighteen colors, we should Easy.

As for these eighteen-color star cores, I'd better return them to you as soon as possible. You won't exchange them for me. Keeping them in your hands is just a waste of my merits.

Vice Principal Huntian didn't pay attention to Liang Ji's complaints, but stared at the 'Dragon Ball' eighteen colors of light of creation he offered, and said with stars twinkling in his eyes: Liang Ji, you used the thirty-six colors of the heavenly demon to create After the power of the stars is merged into the thirty-six colors of the light of creation, it can accelerate the growth of one's own sixth-level natal stars, but it cannot be used to accelerate the growth of other star owners' natal stars.

Now, these thirty-six colors of light of creation have been further integrated into eighteen colors of light of creation. Are the effects of creation and acceleration stronger?

Liang Ji nodded and said: I have already tried it on my own natal star. The eighteen colors of the light of creation can even accelerate the growth of my seventh-level natal star.

In this case, you should submit the further fusion plan as soon as possible. We will let people fuse it into a batch of advanced versions of the eighteen colors of the light of creation as soon as possible, and then use it to conduct experiments in the natal stars of other star owners to see if it can Will it accelerate the growth of other star owners’ natal stars?”

If this experiment is successful, I am afraid that the merits you obtain will be greater and more than the merits obtained in this battle in the central black hole!

Liang Ji's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately nodded and said, Okay, Vice Principal, I will sort out the fusion experiment plan as soon as possible.

If this experiment is really successful, he will not only be able to gain a lot of merit, but at the same time, Peng Yue, Wang Ziqiu, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and other relatives and friends star owners will all benefit from it, greatly accelerating the growth of their natal stars.

At that time, the cultivation and strength of the star masters in the entire Star Alliance will be greatly increased.

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