"As for us, the lamia clan is ranked the dead last among all demon clans. Furthermore, with our mortal enemies - the beast faction kept interfering with our internal affairs, looking to devour our clan, our strength is at an all-time low."

"If reproduction has become a problem, then what's the use of this?" Alex angrily pointed at the culling collar around his neck. Even after death, the collar was still bounded to his neck. Although he could use the defibrillation method to ejaculate safely, it was still a bother and pain to him. If possible, he would like to limit the use of this method as the risk that something unlucky might happen was pretty high.

"Impregnating a demon depends more on the mana acc.u.mulation of the human s.p.e.r.m rather than the number, hence, there was still a need to cull the human in case their population becomes too high. The longer it gets acc.u.mulated, the more the mana of the s.p.e.r.m could break through into the demon's egg." Rin explained.

"Then, between you and the Great Devil Rena, what's the difference between your strength?" Alex questioned. He needs to know more about Rena as he found out that the information and lore that the system had given him were all outdated.

"Compared to Lord Rena, I am just nothing. I am simply cannon fodder in her eyes. For lamias, there are two main combat types. Most lamias have the strength of an ox and could wield heavy weapons with their physical strength. Only a handful of lamias have the magic affinity in casting powerful spells with their mana pool. The difference can be easily seen in appearance between the two types. Lord Rena is the number one genius of our clan. The only reason we are not wiped off from the continent is because of Lord Rena's protection." Rin said proudly of her admiration towards Lord Rena. However, watching her look of happiness had angered Alex greatly.

"Lord Rena this, Lord Rena that. Have you forgotten who is your master, you arrogant pig!"

"YEEEEEPPP!" Blue sparks enveloped Rin's body, forcing her to scream in pain. Despite her screams, Alex continued to zap her with high voltage as bad behavior must be met with punishment. That was the only way a dog learn new tricks.

After an hour of shock therapy, and being branded with the words - "Property of Alex" on her ass and b.r.e.a.s.ts using electric sparks, Rin became much more docile. With that in mind, Alex wanted to test her loyalty.

"There's no place to relief myself here, do you know where I can do so?" Alex smiled.

"Master, you can pee in my mouth. I am your personal meat dumpster." Rin said as she stretched her mouth open widely with her fingers.

"What a clever girl. Don't waste any drop of it or you will get it." Alex laughed as he shoved his meat rod inside and release his hot steamy liquid.




"Look! Master, I swallowed every drop!" Rin declared loudly.

"Here, lick it clean. Don't you know that you have to clean up every time you make a mess? I'll reward you by letting you have s.e.x with Rena." Alex replied.

At the mention of Rena's name, Rin's body twitched uncontrollably and remained silent.

Watching her reaction, Alex's smile broaden even wider. "Don't you know you have fallen too far? There is no way out for you now. Drag your friend down together, I might be benevolent enough to f.u.c.k both of you together. Come piggy, you'll help with the fall of Rena!"

After getting the questions that he had on his mind for so long, Alex reached a resolution. With some help from his friendly pet, he was confident to take Rena down.

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