Alex stood perfectly still on a barren piece of land with his fist clenched so tightly that droplets of blood were dripping down onto the ground from his palms. Around him were the other slaves selected to be part of the ceremony tonight. All of them were cluttered together, surrounded by a bunch of lesser demons guards; their n.a.k.e.d bodies were being splashed with buckets of clean water, washing their acc.u.mulated filth away.

Alex's face was all bruised and bloodied, he'd suffered numerous cuts from the metal gauntlet of the lamia knight from earlier, and whenever water touches his face, he would make a painful scowl. The lamia did not hold back at all, punching his face to a pulp just because she felt like doing so. If not for his enhanced storm dragon bloodline, he figured he would be dead by now with his skull crushed by her.

"Why did I have to be beaten up? Why am I always on the mercy of them? If only... I was stronger!" Alex said to himself with clenched teeth. He swore to the heavens that he would make the lamia knight pay for what she did.

While he was feeling hatred towards the lamia knight, Alex reflected and came to the conclusion that it was his fault too that he'd almost died. He blamed himself for being too weak and not taking things seriously enough. He wasn't in his previous world anymore, Fiore is a world riddled with perils and dangers. And with the system going into hibernation, it would truly be game over for him if he dies now.

Keeping his focus, Alex summoned the blue screen again, revealing his current status.

[Host: Alex]

[Points: 0]


1. S Rank Skill - Divine Justice of Eros God (Shooting c.u.m inside a girl's p.u.s.s.y while they orgasm will make them a devout to you)

2. A Rank Skill - Eyes of the Eros God (Automatically allows User to see target's pleasure level)

3. B Rank Skill - Time Stop (Stop a target's time flow for 30 seconds before resuming to normal. Cooldown: 10 hours)

4. C Rank Skill - Storm Dragon's Lightning Body (Grant User immunity to lightning and abillity to use electric shock)]

[Daily Missions: 3]

[Completing mission is a source for you to gain points. Completing s.e.x.u.a.l acts with Demonesses will make the system more powerful, and in turns, grant you more power. Below are the missions available:

1. Easy mission: Mindbreak a demoness's mind through s.e.x.u.a.l acts (Teach a lesson to those bad demons) 100 points will be rewarded.

2. Normal difficulty: The sweetest thing a man can do is helping the girl with her makeup. C.u.m on a demoness's face. Points will be rewarded base on the completeness of the makeup. Capped at 100 points.

3. Hardest difficulty: Conquer one of the 7 great devils of the demon realm. 5000 points. Conquering all 7 of the ruling demoness, and all mankind will be liberated.]

[Women conquered: 1 (Erza, the lesser demon.)]

[Great Devils conqured: 0]


1. Capsule of Luck (Swallowing the capsule will grant User ridiculous amount of luck for 30 minutes.)

2. Capsule of Misfortune (Swallowing the capsule will bestow the User extreme bad luck for 30 minutes)]

Alex's status had increased significantly compared to the beginning, but it wasn't enough. The choices presented to Alex in his current situation were either fight or flight. However, upon mulling both options over, he found that both options were dead ends.

He could subdue 4 to 5 lesser demons with his speed and power, but he couldn't exactly win against the stronger demons. Furthermore, the mine are crawling with guards, it would be idiotic to assume he could stand against all of them.

Escaping wasn't a valid option for him too. Even if he could escape, he had no idea what's the outside world beyond the mine was like. Stumbling alone in a totally foreign land with no relevant information was just asking to be killed. Heck, he don't even had any idea what's the name of the mine he was currently in!

"Line up, chosen ones!" While Alex was deep in thought, a lesser demon ordered the n.a.k.e.d slaves to line up into 2 lines. After making sure the slaves were properly lined up, the lessers demons came over and begun painting temporary tattoos with red and blue dye on their n.a.k.e.d bodies.

The lesser demons all flocked headfirst to Alex, painting dye and drawing what seems like tribal patterns on his body while caressing his muscles. Alex's entire body was covered in dye by the end of it, making him looked like a caveman with the tattoos.

In the meantime, Alex was using the time to consider all his options, but ultimately failed to do so. Judging that the sun was about to set, and that the ceremony would start in about two hours time, he swallowed the capsule of luck hoping that a miracle would save him.


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