The Eternal battle

Chapter 233: Choice After Explanation

After everyone stepped out of the Transition Array, the energy density and variety in the atmosphere immediately felt the difference.

" Follow me "

The Madness Academy is a vast land without any significant architectural planning, as anyone could know that most of the buildings were built randomly without paying attention to appearances, but this doesn't change the fact that every building they saw gave a slightly oppressive feeling, the closer they were to a building They felt an invisible power pushing them away.

Gu Xu led them between several buildings without explaining anything to them, though, and they noticed something strange that there were no disciples, even after walking for some time, they hadn't seen any pupils at all.

The first who could not hold back his curiosity was Jiang Beizhou who asked

" Sorry, but why aren't there any students? Even if the number is small, we are supposed to meet one or two by now. "

Gu Xu ignored the question but looked at Jiao Lang with some hope and was not disappointed.

"Are you stupid? " Jiao Lang didn't hesitate to show his contempt and said, " You must be stupid to ask such a stupid question, are you not using your mind to think, or is it only for decoration? "

" You .... and what do you know, just a red talent? Don't be cocky just because you are a little smarter. You are a just red talent, what are you doing here basically? "

Looking at the contempt on the face of Jiao Lang. Jiang Beizhu felt a few pairs of eyes staring with contempt that he didn't bear the situation, he has always been respected wherever he went had possessed a blue talent, when he had to suffer this?

" Fellow Jiang, I think it is wrong to judge the intelligence of a person by his talent for cultivation. "

Tantai Renxian Intervened, hoping to resolve the matter peacefully but unfortunately, Jiang Beizhou didn't appreciate his good intentions.

" And who are you to teach me? You are just the heir of a branch clan in the second heaven, what are your qualifications to teach me? Do you even know why there are no disciples? If you don't know then you should be silent. "

" Because they are all busy with cultivation and don't have time to wander around aimlessly and have no obligation to gather to receive us. "

Die Yingming said quietly to clean the conflict because their voice has bothered him but he didn't act politely.

" Now that you know the answer to your question, stop yelling "

" How dare...."

Jiang Beizhou was about to shout at Die Yingming but immediately stopped after feeling a pair of cold eyes towards him.

Jiang Beizhou was stiff in his place due to Die Yingming's frightening eyes and could only lower his head and tighten his fists tightly, he could imagine the kind of expressions on everyone's faces, especially Jiao Lang.

Jiang Beizhou touched his storage ring in order to withdraw his weapon but quickly retreated.

It is unwise to act at this time, it may be permissible to kill here, but this will be a lack of respect to Gu Xu and it is not in his interest to gain his hostility, but that doesn't mean that things are over here.

After walking for some time, they reached what looked like a large battlefield where Gu Xu had stopped.

" Okay, wait here, I'll go and see how much I can bring for you. "

Then without waiting, Gu Xu left.

After Gu Xu leaving, tension could be noticed in the air for various reasons and almost everyone stood alone except for Shi Tu and Die Yingming who had a companionship with them.

Arcana approached Raskreia and said in a low voice, "It seems that you have decided to come. "

Since they are both title talents, Raskreia felt confident in front of Arcana and didn't hold back as before, believing that she is no less than her.

" Just tell me what you want. "

Looking at Raskreia that she is no longer behaving respectfully with, Arcana just gave an amusing smile and said.

"It looks like you've gained some confidence here, but it doesn't matter. "

Arcana looked in the direction of Shi Tu she said, " I don't know if Shi Tu is testing you or he wants to give me a chance to talk to you or maybe he doesn't care at all but I will tell you this ....."

Arcana showed some helplessness and frustration on her face and said, "As for Shi Tu, Die Yingming, and Jiao Lang, they are on a different level from us, so their ranking is different from us. "

" Isn't that clear? We are title talents and they are just orange and red talents, naturally, we are on completely different levels. "

Raskreia looked at Arcana with amazement and wondered why she would say such an obvious thing.

" Previously, Shi Tu told you that it was good that Etray didn't let you test your talent before and that you will know why after meeting the so-called geniuses, now that you did, did you understand? "

Raskreia seemed confused and asked

" What do you mean? "

Arcana sighed and answered, "It seems that you are stupid than you seem, did you not notice the change in your behavior after knowing the difference of talents between you? All the respect that you held for him turned into complete disdain, and all the abilities he showed you before, you probably interpreted it as a treasure of some kind he got from me or a dirty trick, and in the future, regardless of his abilities, you will not believe that he is on the same level as you, and you will continue to believe that he uses dirty methods or that he is just luck and you will never believe that he depends on his abilities, after all, you are a title talent and he is an orange talent, how is it possible that Is outperforming you? ''

" This kind of prejudice blinds your eyes to facts and will lead you to perdition. That is why Etray didn't allow you to examine your talent so that you would not be blinded by excessive vanity from seeing the facts. "

Raskreia was shocked by the absolutely correct words of Arcana, even with the strict teaching of the vampire clan about not bullying the weak, fear of the strong and not judging people by appearances, but she subconsciously changed her behavior towards Shi Tu exactly as Arcana said.

" As I said, I don't know Shi Tu's intentions but I personally don't like his behavior ambiguously and not giving the facts at a time like this, because of his high level, he expects a lot from me and from you or maybe he expects a little from us but it is too much for us, maybe he hopes that we can understand him without The need for words, but unfortunately this is far-fetched because our capabilities are at different levels."

Arcana added in a low voice, "He might also just do this for fun. "

" What are you talking about? Even if my behavior towards him is wrong but that doesn't change the fact that he is an orange talent and the difference between us is very big and ...."

"It seems that you didn't understand what I said before. "

Arcana interrupted her and seemed to run out of patience, " I said that the ranking of these three is different from us because they are at a much higher level than us. "

" For us, we want the highest possible score and this is very easy, after all, it is easy to hit with full force but hard to hold back, for them, they are competing for who can best hide his strength in front of the Tower of Truth, because if they do like us, Tower of Truth cannot distinguish the difference between them, but if they try to hide their abilities in front of the Tower of Truth, this is very difficult and it is considered a better way to determine the best among them."

Raskreia opened her eyes completely in disbelief as if she had heard something silly.

" Impossible!! this is impossible, how can the Tower of Truth be blocked? "

" Nothing is impossible. I told you the truth, believing it or not is up to you, but don't take too long or you will miss your chance. "

Raskreia tried to calm down and think about it carefully.

" Why are you doing this? Isn't it better to turn me away to get him all for yourself? This is just strange, how a proud woman like you not objecting to sharing her man with other women and even helping him get another woman "           

" There are two reasons, the first is to help Shi Tu by your vital Yin, and the second is to have a strong supporter. "

" Just like that? How can you accept this? "

Raskreia was not satisfied and asked again.

" Because it is the reality, even if it is against what I want, I have no choice but to accept as it is already too late to object to his participation. "

Raskreia doesn't know that but Arcana knows, when Shi Tu was Yin Yang, nobody knew exactly how many women he had conquered so she never felt upset.

" You talk just like my father as if you've seen everything in the world. "

Raskreia pondered a little before she nodded an agreement.

" Ok, I will come. "

" Just like that? "

" Yes "

Raskreia nodded said

" My father once told me that I might encounter a strange situation where I have a great opportunity, but most people don't take advantage of it because it looks too ridiculous, I think that this is that opportunity just as Shi Tu has fulfilled his side of the agreement and it will be a shame for me to go back on my words. "

" In that case, I think I'll be the first to truly welcome you into the family this time. "

Arcana reached out to shake hands with Raskreia, who grabbed her hand and nodded and then returned to Shi Tu's side.

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