The Eternal battle

Chapter 235: Newbies Crush (2)

Somewhere in Yin-Yang world, someone sat in a room with a wooden floor and was quietly and slowly practicing the sword like an old man even though he looked so young.

"Hmm? "

Suddenly the silver-blade sword in his hands began to tremble relentlessly as if he was afraid of something, in the blowing up of time, the person felt a strange turmoil in the air.

"As this sword will, it is powerful enough to make the silver dragon sword tremble in fear. "

The person tried to suppress the sword but was unsuccessful because the sword refuses to stop shivering

" In the absence of any heavenly title and the death of the Heavenly Sly Emperor eighty years ago, is there still a swordsman with this skill? Since I don't feel any clash, he seems to like to bully weak, or is this a warning for us not to behave too recklessly while he's here? In any case, he is someone I cannot bear to offend "

The man smiled and seemed eager to meet a swordsman at this level, but unfortunately, the sword will quickly disappear and he was unable to trace its source.


Somewhere inside the Madness Academy

A young man quickly opened and grabbed his sword for some time before closing his eyes again


On top of an iceberg in the Yin-Yang World, an old man opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction as if his eyes could see everything in front of him.

"He's still alive? Hey, sure, how could he die so easily? But what a greeting "

The old man takes a white sword that was buried under the ice and threw it away.

"I kept my promise, use it well."


Suddenly, all the sword intent around Jiao Lang disappeared as if it hadn't existed, but the tension filling the air didn't disappear, Jiao Lang remained steadfast, holding his sword high but with a provocative smile on his face.

Seeing this, and after Xia Tian had regained the ability to move normally, he immediately rushed towards Jiao Lang.

Jiao Lang dropped his black sword to repel Xia Tian's sword, the clash was extremely strong and it seemed that neither of them had used any art and any energy, but only relied on physical strength and sword art, in this case, it would not be strange for Jiao Lang to throw away due to the big difference. In physical strength, due to the difference in five levels of cultivation, this didn't happen.

On the contrary, they are completely equal in strength that neither of them can push the other.

" Amazing, this young man is really amazing, thinking that he can face Xia Tian, I hope my opponent is also fit. "

One of those brought by Gu Xu smiled, whose name is Ni Jie, Ni Jie couldn't help but grasp his spear tightly because this clash made him extremely excited.

" Amitabha, this poor monk is truly impressed. Benefactor Xia's abilities are known after all, but ...."

The monk called Ba Zhi narrowed in and said, " But I think it is too early for the Benefactor to judge that it is a tie. From this poor monk's point of view, the Benefactor Jiao is superior. "

" Argh! "

In the next instant, Xia Tian's chest split open and blood spilled out of him and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

Gu Xu swiftly waved his hand and surrounded Xia Tian with a golden glow.

Gu Xu quickly sighed because he could save Xia Tian's life, it would be wasteful for someone like him to die like this.

" This is .... one attack? How is that?! "

Jiang Beizhou stood amazed at what had happened and had difficulty believing what his eyes could see.

" You bastard, what trick did you use? How can you defeat someone stronger than you by five complete levels with one attack that contains no energy? "

Jiang Beizhou angrily shouted, he couldn't accept the fact that Jiao Lang was so strong, it is not that he is narrow-minded but that is a difficult achievement even though it is no impossible.

It is not that there are no precedents like this, but rather looking at the history, what Jiao Lang did is nothing important, but all of those who achieved it possessed extremely high talents, but what about Jiao Lang? He's just a red talent, how can he do something even Jiang Beizhou, who owns a blue talent cannot do?

This time no one tried to stop him or calm him down because they all have the same doubts.

" If I am not mistaken, the secret lies in the sword you are using. Correct? It must have a deep origin. "

Dogu Lingtian spoke with some suspicion, although he was not interested in what was happening around him, the ingenuity he showed caught his attention.

" Yes, right. "

" True "

Unexpectedly, Jiang Beizhou and Wushuang Ranying simultaneously shouted in agreement.

Jiao Lang smiled sarcastically and said, " Don't tell nonsense. This is just a random sword that I picked up at random. How could it be something special? "

" Jiao Lang, don't waste your time talking to idiots, I want to finish this game and sleep quickly. " Shi Tu shouted 

" You ....."

" Enough "

Go Xu interrupted them.

" Regardless of whether his sword is special or not, it doesn't matter. His good fortune in obtaining a sword like this is his ability. The recognition of the sword is his ability, even if it is an ordinary sword that only means that his ability is real. A true cultivator should not put the blame of his defeat on external causes. "

Gu Xu looked at Jiao Lang with a deep expression, the exchange a while ago showed the difference between the abilities and the mental from their expressions, and although he was disappointed with their short sight, he was not surprised that they were still young after all.

What surprised him the most was that there were at least seven people who could figure out what happened, even if they couldn't feel it then they guessed it at least.

Any expert swordsman would have seen that Jiao Lang's stance was perfect and flawless and a testament to countless years of practice, if he had not seen this in front of him he would not have believed that a young man could reach this level in sword art.

He defeated his opponent with one blow because he targeted the defect of an opponent's attack directly and very quickly and instead of energy, he focused the sword intent on the sword edge to directly cut the opponent, which means that his sword intent is strong enough to have a tangible effect on the opponent.

As for his sword? he could not judge because he didn't feel something of the sword, either it is really a normal sword or very high-level.

Gu Xu quietly declared, "The winner is Jiao Lang, and according to rules, he replaces Xia Tian in the overall ranking and takes 31st place."

This time Ba Zhi climbed the stage and said.

" This humble monk steps up to give some advice to the Benefactors and hopes that the Benefactors will not make fun of this monk's wicked skills. "

" I will be your opponent "

Jiang Beizhou stepped up with his sword and stood in front of Ba Zhi.

Looking at Jiao Lang previously, Jiang Beizhou thought that these people are generally weak and not true disciples, maybe just people that Gu Xu brought randomly or how could someone like Jiao Lang win?

Looking at Jiang Beizhou's expression, Shi Tu smiled and said to Raskreia.

" Well watch for, this is the type of geniuses that Etray didn't want you to be it "

" Hmm? "

Raskreia didn't understand what Shi Tu meant but she focused on it since Shi Tu said that, this means that she would benefit from the observation especially as she began to regain her confidence in Shi Tu after what Jiao Lang showed.


Jiang Beizhou's aura erupted strongly forming a severe energy storm centering Jiang Beizhou.

This storm was so violent that even Raskreia felt the pressure coming from Jiang Beizhou and could only praise him internally.

" Amitabha, Benefactor Jiang is really excited, in this case this poor monk will not hold back. "

Ba Zhi grabbed his Buddhist stick and shook it slightly, making bells and rings on the stick making some sounds.


Jiang Beizhou violently pushed towards Ba Zhi, leaving deep traces on the ground.

As for Jiang Beizhou, he focused on cultivating brute strength, every time he attacked, he showed a violent force that would forcefully destroy his opponent, he didn't distinguish between the weak and the strong because he always fights with everything he has, this is his principle in life.

The sword and stick clashed with force, causing a gust of intense energy, Jiang Beizhou's lips bowed in a proud smile waiting to see Ba Zhi fly away, after all, he is a dual cultivator of energy and body so he excels so much in this type of attack, in terms of physical strength only, he is similar to a first step fifth level cultivator with his special cultivation technique he can raise his power during combat to the eighth level.

This is definitely far from defeating Ba Zhi with one blow, but Ba Zhi will definitely not expect this strength from him and he will not use his full strength from the start so it is clear that he will fly away.

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