The Eternal battle

Chapter 238: New Game

" Isn't that despicable? He doesn't face Sikong Hun directly and just making deceptive blows, that is not fair. "

Wushuang Ranying gave her opinion openly and followed," This is a battle to test our capabilities, what is the benefit of winning by deception? It is better to lose after fighting with fairness than to win by relying on such methods. "

" I agree. "

Tantai Renxian agreed with Wushuang Ranying gave a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

" Hahahahahaha "

" You .... what's the funny thing about what I said? "

Wushuang Ranying turned towards Jiao Lang who was laughing without any regard to her.

" fairness? Do you really believe in such things? "

Jiao Lang stop laughing and looked at Wushuang Ranying, "If there is any justice and fairness, why do people's talents differ? Why do their backgrounds and the way they are treated differ? Even the environment in which they are born, justice and fairness is just nonsense invented by the weak in order to gain the sympathy of the strong, and the strong accept it to show their generosity and build reputation. "

Jiao Lang pointed to the battle between Shi Tu and Sikong Hun and said, " Where is fairness in a battle with five levels of difference in cultivation base and years of cultivation? Where is fairness in allowing one to use weapons while others cannot? This battle is not fair, a party where he received an overwhelming advantage over the other party, why Shi Tu have fight with fairness? "

For some reason, Jiao Lang looked extremely angry and continued," In battles, everything is permissible with the except for using outside help or threatening by relatives or something like that, Shi Tu's style is absolutely correct and ....."

" Jiao Lang "

Die Yingming spoke coldly

" You babble a lot. "

" Tsk "

Jiao Lang clicked his tongue and said no more and seemed to lose interest in speaking with Wushuang Ranying who remained stunned in her place and seemed to be having trouble comprehending what Jiao Lang had said.


At this time, Sikong Hun's body fell to the ground after reaching his limits and lost consciousness with numerous broken bones and severe pain throughout his entire body.

"The winner is Shi Tu, and since you defeated 41st, you will be ranked 41st like him, but as you have proven your strength, you will be ranked 39th because you defeated Ba Zhi previously. "

Gu Xu announced with a satisfied smile on his face.

Currently, he is much more interested in Shi Tu, Jiao Lang and Die Yingming than the title talents, not because of their abilities, but because of their mentalities that don't seem to be youthful.

Anyone who enters the madness academy is definitely someone who doesn't follow common sense and they will be taught everything that Shi Tu and Jiao Lang said gradually before graduation after all they are still young, it is normal for them to be so impulsive and act before thinking.

After Sikong Hun's body was pulled out and Shi Tu descended, Ni Jie ascended to the battlefield.

"It seems to me that there are some unexpected monsters this year in addition to the four title talents. "

Ni Jie's smile widened and said, " Who wants to be my opponent? I am currently very excited so it would be nice for another monster to climb up and it would be nice for him to be a spear user. "

" In this case I will be your opponent. "

Die Yingming stood up and climbed into the stage, took out a long silver spear and placed it on his shoulder relaxed and said indifferently.

"I am Die Yingming "

This time, Wushuang Ranying didn't open her mouth and kept calm, realizing well that whatever she would say, Jiao Lang would never spare her so she chose to remain silent.

Ni Jie grabbed his spear and seemed ready to attack at any moment, but looked a little hesitant

" I give up "

Suddenly, Ni Jie raised his hand and admitted defeat, with a bitter expression on his face.

Gu Xu nodded complacent and said, "The winner is Die Yingming, and thus replaces Ni Jie in the overall ranking, but ...."

" Ni Jie, in order to avoid any misunderstanding like previous times, can you tell us why you surrendered without a fight? "

Everyone seemed to want to know why and Ni Jie didn't mind saying it.

"A true warrior can know the level of his opponent with just a glance, at most after the first exchange. Looking at my orange talent, I am always fighting with my life. "

Ni Jie looked at Die Yingming very appreciatively and said, " I can say this from one look, I am not his opponent, knowing this is very easy given that I am also a spear user. His stance may seem reckless but it is perfect in defense or attack, with this posture and angle of inclination of the spear, he can defend any attack at all directions and then eliminate me with one blow, whenever I want to attack my instincts scream that I will die if I attack and I have great confidence in my instincts. "

Die Yingming said with a blank face

"What I said is true, unlike them, I always respect my opponents and the greatest lack of respect towards the opponent is being lenient with him. The moment you attack me you will really die because I was going to kill you with one blow without mercy after all it will be a shame for you to live because your opponent has suppressed his strength instead of Your ability to resist

Ni Jie's lips trembled and couldn't find anything to say, although Die Yingming probably praising him, but was not without offense because he meant that he could not stand a single blow from him if he did not suppress his strength, although he had some objection to this but it would not be good to say this is after he announced his surrender.

Gu Shu noticed this and stepped in to cool off the atmosphere.

" Well done, arrogance is not a bad thing, but the bad thing is allowing arrogance to close your eyes to facts, which leads to death. "

Gu Xu waved his hand and threw something at Ni Jie and said, ''Take your classmates to Elder Jun for treatment. As for Ba Zhi, leave him here, he is in the middle of enlightenment and it would be bad to change his place. "

Without saying anything, Ni Jie nodded and took his teammates with him, but gave a look at Die Yingming, who was talking to Mingzhi Mei with a slight smile.

"It seems to me that there are a lot of people who are still dissatisfied so I have a little game in my mind. "

Gu Xu showed a hint of malice and cruelty but was deeply hidden.

" This is not the first time that senior is defeated in front of the newcomers, and it is customary to reward those who did it generously with many privileges, but frankly this is the first time that Senior defeated and frankly there is no dedicated person to come and challenge you for that ..."

" Impossible!! "

" No way "

" don't even think about that "

Shi Tu, Jiao Lang, and Die Yingming flatly refused.

" I still didn't say anything. "

Jiao Lang gave a look of contempt towards Ju Xu and said," Do you think we are stupid? You want us to fight them, and if they defeat, they will get our privileges, and if we are defeated we lose these privileges for them, right? "

" Exactly "

" This is why we refuse. "

" Coward "

Wushuang Ranying mocked Jiao Lang and said, " Are you afraid that you will lose because we may forbid you to use your sword? This is true given that you don't possess any commendable abilities and it would be humiliating to be defeated in a miserable way. "

Of course, Wushuang Ranying knew that the real reason behind their rejection was that they would lose their privileges if they lost and would not get anything if they won, perhaps because the Academy could not grant these privileges to many, but it didn't want to miss the opportunity to hit Jiao Lang.

" Beauty, good try but it ..."

" I don't think it's a bad idea, it sounds fun. "

Both Die Yingming and Jiao Lang looked at Shi Tu in surprise.

Since when this bastard like amusing? No matter what you look at, getting involved in this fight is useless.

Shi Tu stood up and climbed into the ring and said, " Whoever wants to challenge me, go up, I will deal with all of you at the same time. "

" Are you serious? "

Although he doesn't consider Shi Tu to be weak, this is a bit exaggerated, Buddhism will not work for him this time, and the method that he used with Sikong Hun will not work either, he may be able to do something in a one-on-one fight But it challenges multiple people?

" Certainly "

Shi Tu replied

" I've been getting bored lately so I'm thinking it would be nice to put in some effort now and then to break the boredom. "

" What about the two of you? "

" OK "

" I also agree, it sounds fun. "

Jiao Lang looked at Wushuang Ranying and said, " Beauty, you should definitely choose me as your opponent. Haha, these two people don't know how to treat beauty with kindness, but don't worry, I will treat you very kindly. "

Everyone looked at Jiao Lang stupidly, but no one commented, as they quickly became accustomed to his sharp tongue.

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