The Eternal battle

Chapter 243: Incarnate Sword

Yin Shuang put her hand on her arm and was covered in ice for a moment before the ice broke off and regained her ability to move her arm.

In front of this scene, Wushuang Ranying showed some shock, it's known that the water element has a therapeutic feature, but it's very difficult to use it with ice even though it's also made of water and this means that Yin Shuang has a high ability to control her energy as she received a high education which means her position in the Yin-Yang bliss is not low.

" I agree with you, this bastard was able to sever my arm strings even with the protection of the Ice Soul Divine Shield while cutting the Ice Spears, it would be difficult for me to deal with him alone. "

Wushuang Ranying nodded and said, " In this case, you and she will take turns facing him while I'm supporting you from behind and replacing you as needed. "

" But she's a Title Talent. Would she accept cooperation? "

"Of course, she will probably understand the plan herself and she is also not stupid to expect to win on her own after this. "

They both looked at Mingzhi Mei who nodded from afar, seeming to also realize that there is no choice but to put their pride aside and cooperate together to conquer Jiao.

" Have you finished making plans? "

Jiao Lang looked a little disappointed and said, " After all that bragging, and although I allowed you to take the initiative, you didn't saw me anything impressive. Do you want me to allow you some time to create some Arrays and plans? I have no objection. "

" Stop making fun of us! "

Wushuang Ranying said in anger.

" Just because you are a little strong, this doesn't give you the right to mock us and treat women as your toys. You are just a cunning bastard with a silver tongue that deceives others and reflects black and white. "

Strangely, Yin Shuang showed a disgusting and furious expression towards Jiao Lang.

Jiao Lang extended his sword behind his back to hold off Mingzhi Mei, who tried to make a sneak attack against him.

Mingzhi Mei felt extreme danger but focused on monitoring the movements of Jiao Lang and this confirmed her thoughts and then used a movement technique to escape to the side of the two women.

" Ranying, this is so cruel of you, when did I make fun of you? When did I consider women mere toys? All I have said so far is the absolute truth, when did I deceive someone? I only say the truth and you misunderstand me. "

Jiao Lang showed a grieving expression but was soon replaced by a resolute expression as if he was about to make a great sacrifice.

Seeing this, Shi Tu couldn't help but smile and say, " Fool women, now no matter what he will do will not be able to complain because they asked for it "

" Ha? "

Raskreia was surprised that she didn't understand and asked, " What are you talking about? I don't see anything strange here, and how will he be able to do whatever he wants without complaining? "

Shi Tu responded, " They permitted him to do whatever he wanted to them. "

Raskreia still didn't understand, but she was a little embarrassed about asking again because that would make her look stupid since Arcana probably knew so she kept silent thinking that she would be able to understand if she kept watching.

Without knowing it, this act demoted her in Shi Tu and Arcana's eyes.

From their point of view, ignorance is not wrong, but the shyness of ignorance is wrong. If you don't know anything, ask instead of remaining silent or you will never learn.

Finally, Jiao Lang seemed to make up his mind and said firmly and sincerely.

"Well, since Ranying thinks I am like this, and because I am a very nice person and I don't want you to be a liar, I will act exactly as you said so that your words will become true. You said that I consider women just toys, so from now on I will consider you just toys, you said that I am cunning so from Now I will be cunning. "

" !!! "

" !!! "

" !!! "

" !!! "

Everyone was surprised by this, mysteriously understood Jiao Lang's trick, and almost thought of the same thing.

" They fell into a trap and asked him to. "

Jiao Lang said, " What do you think? Does this satisfy you? "

" What are you saying ...!! "

Jiao Lang didn't allow her to speak and silenced her with a wave of his sword slashing her cheek.

" Tsk Tsk, didn't I tell you? From now you're just a toy. Who allowed you to speak? "

The faces of the three women turned red in shame as they realized what was happening.

So far, all that Jiao Lang said is the exact truth, although his style was rude in expression, but they accused him of lying and deceit due to their dissatisfaction with him and since he is now trying not to make them liars by acting as they described him, they cannot complain about his actions anymore no matter how rude he is, because they are who asked for it.

Jiao Lang looked at them with perverted looks and said, " But after thinking, what is your need for clothes? You are here to please me, so you don't have to hide anything or how can you please me? Don't worry, since you are my toys now, it's my duty to choose the right clothes for you that suit my taste, hahaha. "

Jiao Lang waved his sword again, and despite the three women trying to escape, the sleeves of Wushuang Ranying's dress were cut off while Yin Shuang's dress was cut in slightly inappropriate places, it was strange that Mingzhi Mei had directly countered Jiao Lang's slash.

" You ... you damn shameless animal!! how dare you? This is rudeness. "

Wushuang Ranying's face blushed in embarrassment and hide her arm with some cloth.

Without delay, Jiao Lang waved his sword again.

Other parts of their clothing showed white skin like jade, but again, Mingzhi Mei managed to block it.

" Hey? Have you successfully blocked this? Not bad. "

" I thought Die Yingming was exaggerating when he told me that he had reached this level since he hadn't shown it to me, but it turns out that Incarnate Intent really exists. "

Swordsmen are divided according to their understanding of the sword into four levels, sword Intent, Sword Qi, and the Sword Will and the highest level is Incarnate Sword.

" Impossible!! Incarnate Sword?! Impossible! how is this possible? "

As swordsmen, they are well aware of the meaning of reaching the Incarnate Sword, this means that the Swordsman doesn't need a sword anymore, but his body is a sword in itself as he can even Incarnate the Sword intent to affect what is around him, unlike ordinary Swordsmen who cannot influence what is around them unless they can use the Sword Will. 

Mingzhi Mei completed the explanation and said, " Didn't notice? What was released by him cannot be a single attack because of the spacing of the appearance of the effect of strikes place and rime, but in fact, it was moving the other hand fingers that are not used completely in the same direction in which other strikes show as it didn't issue any energy didn't show the Sword Will, the only explanation is that he reached the Incarnate Sword level and could release the Sword Intent incarnate from his fingers to attack us.''


Jiao Lang clapped heartily and said, " Wonderful!! it seems that the education of my dear brother didn't go in vain "

Mingzhi Mei frown little because she didn't like Jiao Lang's comment

" If what you are saying is true, how can we defeat him? He is a real monster!! "

"It's okay, when the Sword Intent released, it places a great burden on the body, although his understanding of the sword is ridiculously high, but his cultivation base is too low to support it, and if we attack at the same time from different directions ...."

Wushuang Ranying realized and completed, "he will run out quickly, may not be able to keep up with our speed, and his attacks will be weak. "

" Correct, At first I thought it was a kind of mockery or bragging towards us, but  I think that his abstention from moving is due to his need to focus on Incarnate Sword Intent so his movements are restricted. "

The three women nodded towards each other in understanding and surrounded him from different directions.

" Ice God Art, Iceland "

Due to Yin Shuang's art, the ground was frozen and Jiao Lang's movement restricted more and as soon as it finished, Wushuang Ranying pulled her using her whip, and in the next instant cut marks appeared on the ground.

" Behind you "

Jiao Lang blocked Mingzhi Mei's Spear with his sword as usual, but this time noticed many black wheels that surround her, while most of them centered on the spear.

" Devil Slaughtering Spear, Devil Spear! "

The wheels around the spear unleashed an ominous and alarming feeling, and it's clear that this a demonic technique cannot be used unless she kills many Cultivators and absorbs their flesh and blood, and it seems that there is no need to kill the opponent in order to devour him because Jiao Lang felt his container drained.

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