The Eternal battle

Chapter 275: Moon Shadow Clan

In this situation, Wulong Wuhe showed his heroic side and said seriously.

" To avoid a chaotic fight and get in each other's way I want to ask in advance, does any of you have a plan? Or perhaps some kind of Martial Art that might be useful to us or some secret weapon, I suppose everyone knows this is a life-and-death battle so it's foolish to hide anything in this point "

Unfortunately, no one said anything but Sun Jie looked at Shi Tu with a meaningful look, she refused to believe that the person who had attracted Alice's attention was just an ordinary and weak person.

Seeing this, Shi Tu sighed and it seemed that Sun Jie's thoughtful mind hadn't disappeared, as expected from the woman who had amused him a bit, she still didn't fully trust him yet and her opinion of him changed every moment.

But what made Shi Tu upset was everyone's regression and unwillingness to cooperate even in the face of death, Shi Tu didn't care about the rest but Sun Jie's act was not wise at all.

Shi Tu said, " Moon Shadow Clan brats, both of you will come with me and the rest will deal with sixth and seventh level cultivators, I guarantee that no one will be able to interfere with your fight, I think you can win in these circumstances if you ' cooperate ' right? "

Oddly, Shi Tu emphasized the word ' cooperate ' but no one seemed to care.

Wulong Wuhe replied, " Well if we get everything out without backing off, I think everyone will be able to defeat their opponent? "

Everyone agreed without any objections, did not ask one more question because there is not enough time for this no one doubts the ability of Shi Tu anymore.

" sigh "

Seeing this, Shi Tu sighed, none of them seemed to have any intention of cooperating.

Cang Sihe, Wulong, Catherine Asmodeus, and Sun Jie steps forward while Shi Tu remained with Yingjun Jiu Yingjun Xiye.

Both Yingjun Jiu and Yingjun Xiye looked at each other in understanding and seemed to have the same idea.

They both held a dagger in each hand without changing their facial expressions, a pulsation before them or the aura around them, not knowing where they were looking or what they were thinking, but they did not seem to act strange in the current situation.

" Don't even think about that. "

Suddenly the couple felt as if a fist was gripping their hearts tightly, they felt as if their lives were no longer theirs and their fate was in someone else's hands.

" T-this … is this Shadow Heart Seal? "

Yingjun Jiu managed to speak with great difficulty, but the despair is shown instead of shock.

After all the effort they put in to escape they were caught by a high-ranking person so quickly?

" From the moment you join the Shadow Army and the Shadow Heart Seal is planted in you, you can never escape, although, for the sake of secrecy of missions and the organization's secrecy, the Shadow Heart Seal cannot track people, but it is easy for the Shadow Army to hunt down traitors from the shadows, all who escaped before you became An example to others, or did you want to taste freedom before death? "

Shi Tu only gave them a quick glance before turning around.

" I usually kill traitors directly but you can live longer since you are both useful since you are both members of the Moon Shadow Clan, the most powerful clan in the Shadow Army, your Shadow Steps should be good, you just have to make sure that no ant escapes from here. "

Yingjun Jiu and Yingjun Xiye looked at each other to see the despair in the eyes of each mixed with some hope.

It seems to escape from their fate is impossible after all.

They had no idea opposing Shi Tu because he could decide their fate with just a thought and their only hope was to let them live longer if they proved themselves.

They both took off in different directions and after a few steps a strange black mist appeared around her feet and soon it seemed that both of them had turned into black mist that spread in the air.

Shi Tu took out his sword with a happy smile on his face and pointed at the men in front of him

" Let's start then, come to me all at the same time. "

" Tsk, you're arrogant. "

" Haha, does this person have a mental illness, or has he become so desperate that he must have been abandoned? "

" But why can't we feel them? Did they use some treasure to escape quickly? "

"It should be "

Among the crowd, a masked person with bloodshot eyes stepped forward. This person possessed a Fifth Level Second Step cultivation and considering the gazes of his comrades at him, he must have a fearsome reputation.

" jejej, go and leave him to me, I can see that this brat's body is special because it is not affected by my poison in the air, jejeje, it's rare to meet someone like him so I want to try my new poison on him. "


An explosion sounded from behind Shi Tu and it seemed that the main battle had begun and with their speed, they started to move away a bit, most likely so as not to harm the rest of the weak ones.

" What are you doing? Go help the Boss and the two commanders, even if you're useless, it doesn't matter, as long as you distract the enemies for a moment, the Boss will win fast. "

" Right, Master Zhu Hen is the better alchemist and poison user after the boss. He will deal with the wretched quickly and catch up with us. "

Almost everyone rushed in to pressure Sun Jie's group from two directions but suddenly the necks of the two people in front exploded with blood as if their throats had been slashed at great speed.

The crowd stopped for a moment but someone shouted, " Don't be afraid, they must be the two people who just disappeared and are assassinated, but there's no need to be afraid of them because they are only two and they won't be able to do much for us. "

" That's right, it was only negligence, as long as we are careful we will be able to catch them as soon as they try to attack again. "

The fall of two was not enough to stop the crowd, especially after it was said that they rushed again, but after one moment the matter was repeated, but this time there were five victims at the same time!

" W-what happened? Aren't there only two? How can five fall? Are there more assassins? "

At this time, everyone heard the voice of two people talking in unison.

" Anyone who crosses the line will die "

" Anyone who crosses the line will die "

Hearing this, everyone looked at the ground to see a line dug on the ground and the seven who died were the people who crossed the line.

" Don't be afraid, just push in large numbers and they won't be able to do much, with your numbers there is a good chance of getting caught if they try to attack. "

Zhu Hen shouted angrily from behind.

" I love seeing the play but it gets really boring after watching the same play a million times, don't you agree with me? "

Zhu Hen looked at Shi Tu's dull face in amazement.

" Let's get it over with quickly before the Sun girl gets into trouble ….. Berserk God Art! "

Shi Tu's eyes glowed with a blood red color and surrounded by a crimson aura that completely changed the atmosphere around him.

" roar "

Shi Tu let out a powerful roar just like an angry beast, this roar caused the battlefield to freeze for a moment in shock.

Everyone felt a strange pressure being applied to their hearts and souls and looked intently at the source of the sound.

Shi Tu stood, whose aura had completely changed. He seemed to have turned into a ferocious and frightening beast.

" cough "

" cough "

Everyone at the first step fell to their knees and spat out large amounts of blood with a terrified face as if their souls had been ripped from their bodies.

" This … a sonic attack? How is that possible? "

Sound attacks are considered one of the most terrible types of soul attacks because their range is measured by the extent to which the sound reaches and most importantly, most defenses do not mean anything, as long as the sound is heard, that is everything.

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