The Eternal battle

Chapter 280: What a Persistent Young Man

Sun Jie quickly approached Shi Tu and said, " You are really strong, you've managed to stab him with Blades of Chaos, he cannot survive now, hehehehe, will not have an even chance of reincarnation as a pig "

" No "

Shi Tu shook his head and said, " Blades of Chaos destroys everything, but with my current strength, I can destroy one tangible thing at a time, and I destroyed his body and all the laws attached to his current body. "

" His current body? …..what do you mean ….. it can't be …."

Sun Jie quickly realized Shi Tu's meaning and looked at Situ Lianheng with anticipation.

Under Shi Tu's eyes, all the threads of karma attached to Situ Lianheng's body had been severed along with all the laws and arts he had cultivated throughout his life, cracks scattered on Situ Lianheng's body until his body shattered and turned into dust but among the dust stood Situ Lianheng completely intact.

Situ Lianheng's hands trembled and said in a trembling voice of excitement.

"Energy Poison? Was that Energy Poison? "

Situ Lianheng asked with great longing, an incomprehensible obsession in his eyes.

As a Poison Cultivator, Poison Energy is the dream and goal of all Poison Cultivators, never heard of someone who can use Energy Poison because it can't be produced and never had the chance to see a deviation in cultivation that produced Energy Poison and all his knowledge about it comes from books.

" Sure, I can't destroy your body with a single blow from the outside so quickly even with your body being corroded by Blades of Chaos but with Poison Energy from the inside, a single blow is enough to destroy your true body but thinking that your avatar is for cultivating Destruction Energy, it seems that you have a deep grudge with someone since you are willing to cultivate the Destruction Energy. "

Situ Lianheng sighed and said, " You didn't intend to recruit me from the beginning, right? If you told me that you could use Energy Poison, I would have got you on my knees without hesitation even if you didn't intend to teach me anything about Energy Poison, just following you and doing things for you is enough. "

Situ Lianheng's eyes narrowed and said, " Actually, looking at the course of events so far, I am almost convinced that everything went as you wanted just for us to be alone and you could test your strength on me, right? "

" Ho? What makes you say that? Can't you see that I did my best to fight? "

" Don't play the friend in front of me, except for the woman behind you. I doubt you care about anyone else's life. If you didn't want them to put their lives on the line, you would have used Energy Poison from the start. People like us have no chance against Energy Poison, we will die instantly. "

" Although the transformation of energy into Energy Poison after contact with energy poison and the spread of Energy Poison in the body takes time, but considering the amount that you injected into my body without hesitation, you must have a lot and even have a way to get more, right? "

Shi Tu smiled and said, " You're fine with ordinary people since you can understand all this, but by my standards you're a failure given your 10000 years, so of course I didn't intend to recruit you from the start. "

Sun Jie looked terrified at Shi Tu, this meant his tacit confession that what Situ Lianheng had said was true, although she came to the same conclusion as Situ Lianheng but guessing and confirming are two different things.

' Sister, what kind of monster did you get? Despite the kindness Cang Sihe showed him, he was willing to give up on him so easily in order to enjoy the fight without being seen? sis ...'

Shi Tu looked at Sun Jie and could see many questions and said, " Don't worry, I may be cruel and heartless, but I respect feelings. If I was as heartless as you think, I wouldn't have cared about you, because Alice would never know I was here, so she will not blame me for your death and I even letting you see some of my secrets, too … You better watch what happens and try to understand some things, because with your current level you won't be able to stand in front of your younger brother and that would be embarrassing for you. "

' Ha? younger brother? What is he talking about? I only have one sister and that's Alice, my adopted family and I don't have any brothers, only cousins, what's he talking about? ... hey, what's that headache again? Argha … Sun … Chi … Wei. "

Suddenly, a great explosion resounded and the ground under Situ Lianheng's feet exploded due to his powerful thrust towards Shi Tu.

" Destruction Fist "

Due to a misunderstanding about the Destruction Energy, Situ Lianheng could only use physical attacks capable of destroying everything.

Situ Lianheng's fist seemed a bad omen that would destroy everything in his path.

Shi Tu fended off Situ Lianheng with one of Blades of Chaos, only to be surprised by the fact that Situ Lianheng wasn't thrown away and was even able to push Shi Tu a few steps.

This clash between them caused sparks to fly, and because of Blades of Chaos and the Destruction Energy, everything around them began to shatter and disappear.

Sun Jie and Yingjun duo quickly carried the rest and ran away to avoid being affected by the battle.

What Sun Jie noticed was that the array that Shi Tu had built was constantly expanding which made her realize that the normally silent Shi Tu was not talking to them in vain but rather to buy time for the array to cover enough battle space.

The clash between them ended and they both retreated a few hundred steps back.

While Shi Tu remained completely intact, a crack appeared on Situ Lianheng's fist, which collided with the Blade of Chaos, causing Situ Lianheng to frown slightly.

" What's the matter? Don't tell me that you were hoping that the Destruction Energy could stand up to Blades of Chaos? "

Shi Tu sneered while looking at Situ Lianheng's frown.

" If it wasn't for me being weak to extract the power of Blades of Chaos, you wouldn't be able to resist the corrosion of Blades of Chaos, although the Destruction Energy is a bit like the corrosion of Blades of Chaos, but there is no comparison between the two and it will destroy your body in the end. "

Situ Lianheng grabbed his fist and said firmly.

" From the moment my first avatar was destroyed, I am doomed to die and not be able to take revenge. "

" One punch, all I need is to punch one punch at your body to win, what you are currently using is the power of Blades of Chaos, not your strength, your cultivation or physical strength has not increased much so I can still win. "

Shi Tu smiled and showed a happy expression.

" You are a really persistent young man, I hope all the young people these days are like you. "

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