The Eternal battle

Chapter 284: Heavenly Tribulation (2)

At this moment, the sword in Shi Tu's hands shook and seemed to be absorbing Shi Tu's blood excessively.

Although the sword does not have a name, it has its own consciousness and it seems that he also wants his share of Shi Tu's body.

Sun Jie felt a close connection with the sword and the urge to hold it in her hand, but she resisted this urge because Heavenly Lightning might strike at any moment.

Indeed, at this moment, the first Heavenly Lightning bolt came down.

Heavenly Lightning struck Shi Tu's body as fiercely as an angry dragon.

When breakthrough to the Second Step, the cultivator is exposed to three waves of Heavenly Lightning, each wave is twice as large as the previous one.

The level of the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation can be judged by the size of the Heavenly Lightning Cloud formed.

Looking at the size of the Heavenly Lightning Cloud now, it's clear that it is the Immortal Heavenly Lightning Tribulation.

That's why Sun Jie didn't think that Shi Tu could survive, it would be a miracle if he could withstand two waves in his current state let alone six waves.

But what surprised Sun Jie was that the sword did not escape but rather defended Shi Tu.


The first wave of Heavenly Lightning consisted of a single strike that was countered by the sword.

Although this achievement seems great and miraculous, but the sword is already cracked and inevitably will not be able to stop the second wave.

The Heavenly Lightning intensified and seemed to be angry at the sword intervention and prepared for the second wave.

" retreat "

Shi Tu opened his mouth and commanded the sword.

The sword shook wildly in preparation to defend Shi Tu, but Shi Tu opened his mouth again.

" Retreat, do not spoil my chance "

Disappointingly, the sword back into Shi Tu's hand obediently.

Within the space of Blades of Chaos, Shi Tu stood in a vast space surrounded by Primordial Chaos from all directions

In front of Shi Tu stood two clones of Shi Tu completely covered in gray.

" What brings you here at this time? You better focus now on how to survive. "

" Defeating us will not help you at all. "

Shi Tu smiled understandingly and looked happy, " Great, although your strength has risen to be equal to mine, it doesn't look like your memories have altered. "

" Don't worry, I will definitely be able to survive but I want to know a little something, how many waves of clones do I have to defeat? "

" We don't know "

" So it's a gamble? It's okay, another question. If I defeat you two and want to go straight to the fight, isn't it unfair for me to fight while the clones are completely healthy? If the clones appear to like me, I'm sure I can defeat all the clones. "

"The world is not fair, you don't have to be greedy, it is impossible to do this ...!!!! "

The clone seemed to realize what Shi Tu was thinking and stared at him in astonishment for a moment.

" Are you ..."

" Karmic Reversal Technique!! "

At this moment, the second wave of Heavenly Lightning consisting of two strikes of Heavenly Lightning.

But the shocking thing was that the Heavenly Lightning did not target Shi Tu but rather the Blades of Chaos!

With Shi Tu's eyes, many red streaks left Shi Tu and surround the Blades of Chaos could be seen, transmitting the karma of the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation from Shi Tu to Blades of Chaos. 

In the Blades of Chaos space, the two clones in front of Shi Tu disappeared because of the Heavenly Lightning without uttering a word and four clones appeared.

After the second strike of Heavenly Lightning, the four clones were in dire straits.

Under the indifferent gazes of the four clones, Shi Tu did not hesitate to directly kill them.

The bodies of the four clones turned into gray clouds and regained their shape along with the appearance of four other clones.

" Is this your plan from the beginning? Transform your karma to Blades of Chaos and then erase Karmic Reversal Technique from your memory so that the next clones couldn't reverse it again? ''

In addition, Nu Wan Er obeys Shi Tu and will not interfere, which means that the Blades of Chaos will bear the damage.

Of course, Heavenly Lightning cannot do much in front of the Blades of Chaos, but the clones that are separated from the Blades of Chaos will definitely be affected, which is enough for Shi Tu to get rid of them.

Although everything went well, just like Shi Tu said it was a gamble and he wasn't sure what was going to happen.

He only thought about this at the last moment after feeling the pressure of Heavenly Lightning while inside the space of Blades of Chaos.

Soon, the third wave of four Heavenly Lightning Strikes arrived.

The fourth wave with eight strikes of Heavenly Lightning.

Fifth wave with sixteen strikes of Heavenly Lightning.

The sixth wave with thirty-two strikes of Heavenly Lightning.

During this, Shi Tu killed 126 of his clones.

The last wave consisted of 64 clones, but after killing them, no gray clouds appeared and no more clones appeared.

Then as expected, the black chains that completely wrapped Shi Tu's body appeared.

At the same time, out of nowhere, chains of blackness appeared and surrounded Shi Tu's body.

" What is this? Is this a defensive treasure? Why do I feel so oppressive from these black chains? "

Sun Jie's body began to shiver uncontrollably as if she was in front of her own executioner and her natural enemy.

Although she didn't understand why, she felt such deep fear towards those baskets that her legs became flaccid and Sun Jie fell to the ground.

After some time, the black chains disappeared with the strange pressure, and Shi Tu stood healthy and sound with a wide smile on his face.

" I can't believe that such a perfect body can be possessed. As expected, with my imperfect understanding of Primordial Chaos, it is impossible to form a perfect body. "

Currently, Shi Tu's body was completely made of Primordial Chaos and turned gray.

Not just the skin, but even the flesh, bone, entrails, and even Shi Tu's blood, everything in Shi Tu's body had turned gray.


Shi Tu looked at Sun Jie and said, " Protect me while I'm done "

After that, Shi Tu did not care and did not say more, but rather sat in a meditating position.

Although it is a little early ...

It's time to breakthrough to the third layer of the Eternal Suffering Art.

Or that's what he thought.

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