The Eternal battle

Chapter 288: Shi Tu has Died?

" What is happening to him? Is it a cursed sword? "

" This strange sword draws blood from his body! "

Seeing this, Situ Lianheng reminded that this is the sword that Shi Tu used to deal with his men as he was using blood for it.

Seeing the strange condition of their leader, three men descended from the Profound Shuttles and seemed to be of high rank.

" Boss!! what's going on with you? "

Two of them quickly grabbed Hei Shan from both sides to help him get rid of the sword.

But this stupid decision is the last decision they made in their life.

Just like Hei Shan, they were unable to move normally or move their hands and their expressions turned paler as time passed due to the sword absorbing their blood.

" Damn, what is that sword? "

" Boss! Third Brother! Fourth Brother!"

The second brother named Xin Zhazi cried loudly but did not rush stupidly, because he knew that his end would not be different from the end of the rest.


Under everyone's gaze, they finally let go of the sword but they fell lifeless corpses to the ground, just like a dried-up mummy of blood.

Looks like the sword drew not only their blood but even their life energy.

Even so, the shape of the sword didn't change much but it did release a violent red aura and a bloodthirstiness intense that terrified everyone present including Situ Lianheng, not because they were weak they had never seen much blood before, on the contrary, anyone here has shed so much blood before, especially the four bosses who shed rivers of blood and are extremely experienced.

But in front of this sword's aura, they felt that they were no different from ants in front of a giant.

For a moment, there was silence and no one dared to breathe, for some reason, everyone felt that anyone who moved now would die mercilessly.

The cracks on the blade of the sword widened very quickly until it was completely shattered into a lot of shards but those shards turned into pure red blood that surrounded Shi Tu forming a barrier to protect him.

" Destruction Fist! "

Taking advantage of the distraction of all, Situ Lianheng rushed and his fist and hit the blood barrier hoping to destroy it and steal the body of Shi Tu.

Unexpectedly, Situ Lianheng felt that he had hit something so hard that he felt pain in his fist.

Not only that, he even felt that some blood was sucked out of him during the moment of impact.

" Situ Lianheng!!! what are you doing? ", Wu Qing cried coldly.

" Old Situ, we are old acquaintances so why are you trying to get all the good stuff for yourself? You should share it with us. "

Hu Lu said in a warning tone as he put his hand on his storage ring and was ready to start fighting at any moment.

" Situ Lianheng, the Boss, and two of my brothers died because of this bastard, so you should tell us everything you know! "

Situ Lianheng was about to reply but he noticed something and said, " Hey, where's the girl? "

" Damn it, she must have run away while we weren't paying attention. "

" What are you doing?! ", Hei Shan yelled at his men, " Why didn't you stop her when she ran away? Hurry up and bring her again. "

The rest also sent some of their men behind Sun Jie, but how could they find her with their strength?

Half of the people who went after Sun Jie soon returned and it was clear that the fate of the other half was not good since they would never return.

Meanwhile, Situ Lianheng told everything that happened after making them swear an oath in the name of the Heavenly Law as a witness to ensuring his safety and helping him with something if they obtained Shi Tu's treasures.

" A young man like him possesses a Shen level technique that allows him to fight above his level by a full step? "

" Not only that, you're saying Blades of Chaos? Six Waves of Heavenly Lightning? Even the legendary Energy Poison? "

No one questioned Situ Lianheng 's story simply because he swore with the Heavenly Law as a witness, if he was lying, he would be dead by now.

'' But this is really hard to believe, how can such a person be so unknown? ''

" What do we do now? ", Tie Quan asked.

Wu Qing replied helplessly, " What do you want us to do? Of course, we will retreat. We can't offend such a monster, even if we escape, this is the end of all our men. "

" Not necessarily "

Hu Lu shook his head, and his eyes sparkled with ambition, " After getting through the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation, he must have made great progress in his cultivation, but this would require a long time to digest what he had besides, he had to treat his injuries, which is why he set up this blood barrier. "

" What do you mean? "

" Isn't that obvious? If we can break this Blood Barrier before the young man insults his isolation, it is our victory. "

Wu Qing said hesitantly, " But it would be a disaster if he leaves while we're still here. "

He Lu said with confidence, " no matter what, he will take at least a month to get out, at least no harm of trying, everyone is afraid or hesitant, just leave. "

In the end, no one left and they all stayed, no one wants to miss such an opportunity.

After that, they all started to try every possible method to break the Blood Barrier as more arrivals arrived since the Heavenly Lightning was so striking and of course Shi Tu's Array couldn't block out something like that.

Of course, many people retreated after hearing such a story as there were those who did not believe and continued trying to destroy the Blood Barrier even though many had left.


" What?! Shi Tu is dead? How is that possible? "

Raskreia stared awesomely in Die Yingming, who told her something shocking with a cynical expression.

" How do you know that? ", Raskreia asked carefully.

" This is the talk of everyone now, someone found Shi Tu's dead body near the road leading to a transition array, they say that the Shi Tu has fallen into empty place and died because he did not receive assistance "

Raskreia didn't wait any longer and ran crazy.

Unless she sees Shi Tu's corpse with her own eyes, she will never believe that Shi Tu can die.

At the same time, her heart ignited with anger towards Arcana, and she considered her the reason for this.

Despite the superficiality of her relationship with Shi Tu, as a noble vampire, she values ​​promises and responsibility very much.

As Shi Tu's woman, it is her duty to worry about him, treat his corpse with respect, and even avenge him.

But to think that someone like Shi Tu would die in such a senseless manner because of Poison Energy.

From the start, Shi Tu gave the impression that he is an old monster who knew everything, especially his own Will Aura, although she did not spend much time with her father in the Second Heaven because he had to return to the thirty-third heaven due to his responsibilities, but she received a perfect education thanks to the dream world that Etray created personally.

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