The Eternal battle

Chapter 297: God Hand Medicinal Village

Raskreia looked into Jiao Lang's cold eyes and felt a chill in her backbone. Her body trembled uncontrollably, and start to doubt her decision to give her life to him. Wouldn't he get rid of her straight away for no reason or use this to threaten her and force her to do things she doesn't want to do?

For a while, Raskreia couldn't get any words out of her throat and seem unable to say anything.

Suddenly the supreme blood erupted within her body in response to the danger she was feeling in her body and soul, spoke with difficulty.

" Yeah... cough "

Once Raskreia agreed, she felt an immense Soul Power penetrate her soul

The Soul Power that pierced her soul is overwhelmingly powerful and arrogant as if it had already considered Raskreia's soul as her home.

Very quickly, the Soul Power spread out and completely took over Raskreia's soul.

She did not resist because she knew that this Soul Power was Jiao Lang's Soul. If she showed the slightest bit of resistance, she did not doubt that this would be the last thing she would do in her life.

After fiddling with her soul for some time, that Soul Power disappeared and Jiao Lang retreated.

The frightening aura around Jiao Lang disappeared and returned to normal as if nothing happened.

" Hehehehe, Sister-in-law is good. Your courage is beyond my expectations. ''

Jiao Lang burst into laughter and looked extremely satisfied.

"What have you done to me?"

Raskreia's body didn't stop shivering from the fear she felt earlier but that didn't stop her from speaking.

Jiao Lang shrug indifferently and said, "Nothing big, just a small seal that allows me to kill you anytime, anywhere you are, no matter the distance between us. Don't worry because the seal will not let me spy on your thoughts or control you because this requires a permanent connection between us. It would be impossible to hide this from First Brother. A moment of distracting the First Brother will notice that there is something strange in your soul and will inevitably discover the connection between us."

Raskreia checked her body but didn't find anything.

Previously. It didn't seem that Jiao Lang's Soul Power had searched through her memories and left nothing in her Soul. No matter how much she searched, she couldn't find anything strange in her soul, so she could only ask.

"But I don't feel anything strange."

Jiao Lang spat contemptuously, "If you feel it, do you think First Brother can't?"

"That makes sense "

Raskreia nodded in agreement.

After knowing Shi Tu's shocking identity, it would be really strange for him not to notice something even she could notice, even though it's her body but Shi Tu is a monster that has become a Heavenly Title seven times.

"Are you done? It seemed that you were about to fight."

At this moment, Arcana came out, her face looking completely pale.

"No no, it's all right, Sister-in-law."

Jiao Lang quickly approached Arcana and took out a black Pill with a slightly smelly smell, on the Pill six bright streaks could be seen which means it is a Sixth Grad Pill which is the most refined in the Yin-Yang World.

"Sister-in-law, this is a Soul Cleansing Pill, it is the best that can be made in the Yin-Yang World, it will help you cure the soul power that you consumed to create a dream world for them."

Contrary to his behavior with Raskreia, Jiao Lang doesn't seem to have any prejudice towards Arcana.

Arcana was not humble and immediately took the Pill and swallowed it, then sat down to digest the effect of the Pill.

Suddenly, Jiao Lang's face changed and he showed a malicious smile and said, "Sister-in-law, aren't you afraid that I put something in the Pill? Maybe a slow-acting poison or something to spy on you."

Jiao Lang's eyes became very cold.

"You betrayed First Brother once already, because of you, Third Brother and I have been imprisoned for billions of years after all, do you think I am the tolerant type?"

Jiao Lang's hatred towards Arcana is quite real, he loves freedom more than anything, billions of years in that frozen prison were like a nightmare for him, all he could use for his entertainment was a little manipulation of politics inside Asgard and a little enjoyment of the internal struggles now and then.

Arcana didn't care much and spat with disdain.

"If you dare"

Seeing this, Jiao Lang's face turned pale as Die Yingming burst out laughing and looked at Jiao Lang with a sneer.

"Hahahaha, you can try to kill her or spy on her if you dare."

Jiao Lang had nothing to say. He didn't dare to spy on Arcana or even think of killing her, because this would inevitably anger Shi Tu. Unlike Raskreia, Arcana is Shi Tu's wife.

Jiao Lang's lips curved into a malicious smile.

'I may not be able to kill you or spy on you, but who said I should help you? Hahahaha, I'll take my time playing with you and that Pill is just the beginning'

"Does he always change his face so quickly?"

Mingzhi Mei asked because she couldn't imagine that someone could change his face so quickly between friendship and enmity.

Die Yingming replied with a mocking smile and said, "Even though he calls himself Jiao Lang now, he's still Loki, if he doesn't have such ability to change his face, do you think he deserves the title of Heavenly Sly Emperor? This bastard was born and lives only to deceive, you shouldn't believe anything he says."

'Even I almost deceived, I think only First Brother can handle him'

Die Yingming cursed in his mind.

In fact, from the very beginning, Jiao Lang did not intend to take Raskreia's life for two reasons.

The first is that it is difficult to transfuse the Supreme Bloodline to another person. There is nobody that is more compatible with the Supreme Bloodline than Raskreia's and achieving the compatibility between the woman and the bloodline takes a very long time.

The second reason was that only Shi Tu had the right to kill her and Jiao Lang did not dare to do it without asking Shi Tu's opinion, who knows if Shi Tu had some plans for her? Wouldn't he spoil Shi Tu's plans in this case?

Jiao Lang didn't dare to do this because he couldn't bear the consequences if he messed up Shi Tu's plans.

That's why he started this charade to pressure Raskreia and ensure her loyalty, at least for now until it loses its value.

As for a seal that Shi Tu can't detect? This is just nonsense because Jiao Lang didn't put anything into her soul, so no matter how hard you search, you won't find anything strange.

Of course, she wouldn't think that Jiao Lang nearly fought Die Yingming and ripped the face with Die Yingming to deceive her and even used Mingzhi Mei to threaten Die Yingming.

That is why she will always remain obedient because she believes that her level is far from Jiao Lang and Shi Tu and that her life is in Jiao Lang's hands.

"Okay, let's go get ready, the plunder cave of earth and sky will open soon."


Shi Tu discovered that he had been moved to a place very close to the God Hand Medicinal Village, as he could see the village walls after walking for a short while.

Although it's called a village, it's a fairly big city by Cultivators standards because its size is bigger than a mortal country.

God Hand Medicinal Village only has two gates, one in the east and one in the west.

The gates are heavily guarded by many powerful cultivators, if someone compares them, they will easily realize that they do not belong to the same power.

The Eastern Gate and the Eastern Section of the village are controlled by a force called Medicine King Temple.

As for the Western Gate and the Western Section of the village, it is under the control of a force called the Medical Sciences Pavilion.

Both forces are hostile to each other because of the nature of the methods each force adopts.

Previously, Medicine King Temple had controlled the entire God Hand Medicinal Village for billions of years which is a gathering of the most powerful alchemists and doctors in the Yin-Yang World.

On the other hand, the Medical Sciences Pavilion was only a few billion years ago, specifically after the rise of worlds that depend on technology that can transform those who have no talent of cultivation from nothing to strong people who rule entire worlds.

Because of the laws of the Yin-Yang World, God Hand Medicinal Village is the only safe place where killing is never possible and anyone who dares to attempt to kill will be punished by the law of the Yin-Yang World.

Shi Tu walked straight and saw a long line in front of the Eastern Gate.

Shi Tu initially wanted to sneak out using Star Shadow's steps, but he changed his mind and decided to simply wait in line to listen to people's conversations to gather some information.

Previously, when Shi Tu met the Nine Elders, he exchanged memories with them, so he knew the most important events that happened in the thirty-three heavens but he didn't know the little things that didn't require an elder's attention.

Shi Tu wanted to use the two Shadow Army members he had previously met to calmly communicate with the Shadow Army and gather basic information about the Yin-Yang World, but they had escaped and he's not willing to wait for them and he didn't find a chance to communicate with the Shadow Army himself so he had no choice but to listen to the rumors and news. that people pass on.

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