The Eternal battle

Chapter 299: Conquering the First Stray Soul (1)

Jin Yinzhong's face turned pale after he hadn't found his Storage Ring containing everything, he had brought with him.

Seeing this, Commander Cai's eyes turned cold and he spat in disdain, "Fatty, how dare you try to trick me? Do you think that if you impersonate an important person, I will let you pass for free?"

Commander Cai gestured with his hand and then a group of guards surrounded Jin Yinzhong with their weapons pointed at him.

"W-wait …. I'm not lying ….. w-what are you waiting for? Someone come over with some Energy Stones!! "

Jin Yinzhong shouted in the crowd behind him and someone quickly stepped forward and handed him a Storage Ring.

"Haha, Commander Cai please take it. There are ten thousand Energy Stones inside."

Commander Cai grabbed the Storage Ring and inspected its contents before showing a satisfied smile on his face and said sarcastically.

"Okay, you can go, but make sure you don't get robbed again, because the law forbids murder, not theft."

" Thanks for the advice, Commander Cai."

Jin Yin Chong did not dare to express any resentment and passed.

Behind Jin Yinzhong, a young man stood with a sly smile on his face.

'Haha, this fellow is really interesting, he managed to steal the Storage Ring and break the seal on it without anyone realizing, even with my extraordinary Spiritual Sense, I didn't notice how he stole it, if I didn't watch him get money out of that fatty Storage Ring, even I wouldn't notice'

The smile widened on the young man's face.

'Just like Master said, true masters never need to enter Yin-Yang Tian ridiculous list since we are both thieves, maybe we can become friends, after all the rest in the genius class are very boring and they are Cultivation Fools.'


After walking for a few hundred meters past the gate, stalls were scattered everywhere along a wide street with many side streets.

All of these kiosks are related in one way or another to alchemy, as they either sell alchemy supplies such as cauldrons or herbs, and the kiosks of doctors and alchemists have proliferated in abundance.

The reason for the fame of God Hand Medicinal Village is entirely due to the law of the Yin-Yang World that not only prevents killing but also prevents deal fraud.

If someone claims that he can cure a disease or refine a pill without any possibility of failure and then it turns out that he is only exaggerating and fails, he will pay with his life for his lie.

So here in the God Hand Medicinal Village, no one dared to exaggerate their abilities for fear of death making this place a paradise for patients and cultivators. If they find someone who says he has what they want, he definitely has what they want.

Shi Tu continued to wander for some time and while wandering, Shi Tu entered many stalls and large stores selling medicinal herbs to inquire about two specific herbs in the hope of finding them because they were necessary to refine the Tyrannical Demon Pill. of course, he stole a large number of alchemy ingredients from the Medicinal herbs and rare ingredients on his way.

Shi Tu did not exaggerate and stole quantities whose disappearance could not be easily noticed but he did not hesitate to steal rare herbs even if there was only one of them.

Because he cultivates Primordial Energy, Shi Tu does not need any kind of pill, only Primordial Chaos. But he can now obtain all he wants from Blades of Chaos.

This does not mean that the pills are completely useless, although he does not need them, Arcana and Raskreia do.

With Omnipotent Hands and Eyes Art, no ordinary person could see Shi Tu's movements so he was able to steal smoothly.

In the past, Shi Tu would not steal and try to earn money in legitimate ways, but now?

He's coming here to commit a massacre, so why bother with some morals?

'Looks like there's a curious cat around'

Shi Tu felt that someone was following him from the moment he entered through the eastern main gate.

Given the high abilities of this stalker, Shi Tu would usually play with him a little, and considering his skills he wouldn't mind hiring him but time is running out, so he wasted him and then changed his look to a normal-looking guy.

After collecting a large number of herbs, Shi Tu searched for a little big and empty shop and after searching, he could hardly find an entire shop that was a bit big, most likely no one could afford its estimated cost of one hundred thousand low-level Energy Stones which was not commensurate with Inappropriate space and location.

Shi Tu didn't care about all this because the Energy Stones is no different from the stones on the way for him, it wasn't as if he worked hard to get it anyway.

Shi Tu quickly changed the shop sign and wrote in bold

Higher sage, with the right price, I solve all kinds of problems for you no matter what.

Solve all Cultivation problems

I cure all diseases

I make all kinds of cereal

Don't miss the chance because I may hope and leave at any time.

Not that Shi Tu needs money but it's the best way to get VIPs to gather information, all he has to do is do a miracle or two and all the old monsters will come to him, and maybe he can hire some useful people

Of course, Shi Tu received a lot of ridicule and no one believed him since so many people had noticed his youthful appearance, who would waste his hard-earned herbs on such a person? As alchemists are known, they do not bear any responsibility if the refinement fails and the herbs are burnt.

According to the same logic, no one will surrender his body and allow Shi Tu to treat him no matter what happens, so Shi Tu did not get any clients.

Since he had nothing to do, Shi Tu decided to chat for a bit

"By the way, Frank, you said that the Sands of Time came from your body and your blood formed Void Water, what are those things?"


No one replied to Shi Tu for some time.

"Shi Tu, although Frank was talking to you before, but didn't you hear? He is the least interested person among us to talk, unless the topic arouses his interest he will never talk, if you want to talk to him you have to get to the Diamond Temple first, the same goes for The rest, to varying degrees.'' Reply Mu helplessly.

"Really? Didn't you previously complain that I never talk to you? Now that I have taken the initiative to talk to you, you refuse to talk?"

"Don't distort the truth and don't bother, no one will answer your questions unless you get his full admission, even Xuanyuan Linfeng who admires you deeply hasn't given you his admission yet."

"So you don't even recognize me?"

"Without a doubt, you are still a long way off." Mu answered without hesitation, "Although I find that you are the best person who has wore the Darkness Ring so far, it takes more than that to get my recognition, after all, to get my recognition means handing over my powers to you."

Shi Tu looked interested and asked, "Well, how can I get your recognition then?"

"I explained to you earlier and I won't say the same again, do you want to try? I advise you to start with the Stray Souls first because the requirements of the judges are very high and you cannot achieve them with your current strength."

" Okay " simply nodded, "I have nothing to do right now"

Shi Tu didn't waste any more time and sank into the depths of the Darkness Ring.

Shi Tu felt that he was sinking deep into a dark swamp that he could not leave, the number of negative emotions he felt overwhelmed him, and had it not been for his sobriety, he would have gone mad.

"Why? Why did you do this to us?"

"She must die, must kill her, kill her"

"This is against the deal, what you're doing is against the deal."

"He is our servant, you must force him to kill her, you must! "

The cries of Stray Souls heard by Shi Too intensified.

Although Shi Tu has not stopped hearing these sounds all the time and just ignored them completely, the number and strength of the sounds are currently increasing as if he is getting closer to their source.

This made Shi Tu wonder what these Stray Souls went through to have such hatred, it also didn't seem that hating stray spirits had the same goal.

As Shi Tu continued to dive, his feet fell to the ground.

Shi Tu found himself in a windy mountainous place covered with thick snow.

" cool "

Shi Tu's body shivered slightly from the severity of the cold, and he wondered how cold the weather had affected him.

Shi Tu looked around and could see about twenty warriors trying to endlessly traverse a large and deep valley.

To cross to the other side, there is no way but to cross a bridge, but this bridge has collapsed and is no longer usable.

This bridge could be repaired with some time, but with Shi Tu's acute sense, he felt the small vibrations of the ground and guessed that a sweeping army of ten thousand people would arrive in a quarter of an hour.

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