The Eternal battle

Chapter 308: My Disciple Is Doing a Good Job

"Very frank, just like my Shura clan."

Among the crowd, Mingzhi Mei couldn't help but comment.

Die Yingming commented, "It's people's nature, and it's the best move they can take. Nobody wants any hindrance on the one hand and on the others. like this, there won't be many deaths."

Mingzhi Mei sneered and said, "Isn't their real goal that no one gets in their way to get more treasures?"

Die Yingming calmly replied, "What do you mean? I think that's very fair, after all, no one wants someone else to profit from their effort."

Die Yingming looked at Mingzhi Mei and said, "Mei, you're still so naive, very few people wouldn't mind people taking advantage of their effort without doing anything even if it was just leftovers, let alone the good stuff."

Die Yingming's demeanor seemed to have changed a little and seemed more intimate with Mingzhi Mei since the last incident, he seemed more willing to talk to her more freely.

Die Yingming smiled and said, "Okay let's see the level of this generation's geniuses, I hope there are many who are willing to risk their lives after knowing that they might not benefit from the presence of Title Talents, after all, I don't want to allow some random trash to escape from First Brother's trap."


From afar, Shi Tu quietly stood observing the place and then shook his head.

"Exaggerated kindness, it's best to bring the crowd to use them as cannon fodder for exploration. His disciples are unexpectedly kind unlike him. What does he teach them anyway?"

"I want to do this but I can't"

In front of Shi Tu, Fengkuang Yinhu appeared with a serious expression on his face and warned and asked.

" How do you know? "

"Know what? About the Genius Class or about your Master?"

Fengkuang Yinhu's eyes narrowed and he took out his longsword with intense battle intent emitting.

"Since you don't want to make it easy, I have no choice but to force you."

The corners of Shi Tu's mouth twisted into a mocking smile and said, "Forcing me, you say?....even your Master won't say that he can force me to do"

Shi Tu noticed something approaching him but it wasn't clear as if it was a shadow.

Four misty hands quietly approached Shi Tu, not even Fengkuang Yinhu noticed them.

Shi Tu did not move from his place and said, "I know you were following me when you entered the God Hand Medicinal Village, you must be from the Genius Class as well, just show yourself, you can't catch me or rob me with your humble abilities."

"Haha, did you notice me? As expected."

From the shadows, the same young man who had noticed Shi Tu stealing Jin Yinzhong appeared and stood beside Fengkuang Yinhu.

"Even I can't recognize your current face. What kind of face-changing technique is this?"

Currently, Shi Tu is not using his real face to not be recognized by Fengkuang Yinhu, which makes things a bit awkward.

"You are an interesting and amusing person. If you are willing to sever ties with your current Master and worship me as your Master, I am willing to teach you."

The young man shook his head without hesitation and said, "Since I am a thief and an assassin, it is absurd to speak of morals but the law of assassins is not to betray for life, in a nice language it is 'Master for a day, father for life'"

Fengkuang Yinhu looked at the young man beside him and said, "Xiao Ke, what are you doing here?"

"Haha, I just ran away from training."

"You ..… doesn't matter. You know him? Help me deal with him."

"Yes, I know him but now he has changed his face, but…. Junior Brother, why do you want to do that? He may not be strong but his skills as a thief are beyond me. I see no point in getting his hostility."

"He knows Master."

Xiao Ke's eyes widened for a moment before shrinking to the size of a grain of rice and filling with coldness.

'' In this case, there is no choice.''

"Hey, why the hurry? I haven't said what I want to say yet, do you think I called you out just to let you kill me?"

Hearing this, Fengkuang Yinhu fell silent for a bit. As Shi Tu said, he possessed the ability to hide without being detected but he deliberately revealed himself to him. Fengkuang Yinhu didn't think he did this to save that idiot so he must have something to say.

" What do you want? "

"Nothing much, I just want to ask about someone, is there a student in the Genius Class practicing a Dual Cultivation technique that has dazzled even your Master?"

Fengkuang Yinhu was surprised and asked in astonishment.

"Do you know Lu Huang?!"

" Oh? "

Shi Tu smiled and said, "there is really a person who did such a thing called Lu Huang?"

Fengkuang Yinhu felt the urge to vomit blood. He was so easily deceived.

Seeing Fengkuang Yinhu's expression, Shi Tu felt some amusement.

Looking at that person's education, Fengkuang Yinhu must be used to acting like an adult and role model for young children, so Shi Tu enjoyed it quite a bit.

"The name of his technique is the Dragon and Phoenix Dual Technique, right? He succeeded and is now my disciple."

"Your disciple? What are you raving about now?"

"I stipulated that he join the Genius Class if he wants to become my disciple, and that is all there is to it."

"That bastard! I knew he had no good intentions."

"Hehehehe, no need to be angry, that person didn't teach him anything anyway, the technique I gave him is more than enough for him. But I feel that the reason you are angry with him has nothing to do with your Master."

Shi Tu showed a look of contempt and said, "If you fail to get the woman you want or allow her to be stolen from you, you should only blame yourself for being a failure."


Xiao Ke laughed and said, "Junior Brother, it seems that even this brother can see that you are taking the matter personally. Not only Junior Sister Xia Jin but even Junior Sister Jingchen, you are really pathetic."

" Shut up!!!! "

Fengkuang Yinhu shouted angrily.

"It's all because of his strange technique that charms all women! how else could he defeat me?"

Xiao Ke sneered and said, "And what about Senior Sister Shen Ran? Didn't Lu Huang reject her even though she is the most beautiful?"

" This ..... "

For a moment, Fengkuang Yinhu was speechless and couldn't find any excuse. If Lu Huang used some evil way, why would he refuse Senior Sister Shen Ran?

Hearing this conversation, Shi Tu smiled contentedly because Lu Huang did not disappoint him.

The Dragon and Phoenix Dual Technique is the greatest dual cultivation technique but it has high requirements for women and emotional level and of course, there is no such thing as forcing a woman, it all depends on Lu Huang's abilities. If Shi Tu hadn't seen that Lu Huang had such a high talent for chasing women and could become one of the greatest Dual Cultivators, he would never have given him this technique because he wouldn't be able to make use of it.

Eighty years later, if Lu Huang doesn't get himself a decent harem, Shi Tu would be very disappointed, but Lu Huang seems to be doing a good job.

Shi Tu remembered something and said, "By the way, did your Master receive the letter that I placed on Lu Huang's body?"

Hearing this, Fengkuang Yinhu and Xiao Ke remembered the strange expression on their Master's face when he first met Lu Huang.

Also, strangely, Master did not accept him as a disciple but allowed him to join the Genius Class and enjoy all the privileges and in return did not teach him much but Lu Huang managed to become the strongest person in the Genius Class.

Thinking about all of this, most of the doubt in Fengkuang Yinhu's heart disappeared, especially considering the mystery around Shi Tu.

" so what? "

Fengkuang Yinhu adjusted his mood and said, "I dared to disrespect Master's name and called him without reverence. That's reasoning enough for me to teach you a lesson."

Although Fengkuang Yinhu realized that it was reckless to confront Shi Tu, he needed to vent his anger on someone after reminding him of his humiliating defeat against Lu Huang. Since he can't deal with Lu Huang, Shi Tu is the perfect target.

Fengkuang Yinhu did not give any time to Shi Tu and waved his sword very quickly.

Fengkuang stroke with everything he had, cutting off all the trees and hills behind Shi Tu's insight.

Even Shi Tu was cut in half.

This is the peak power of the second step. Here in the Yin-Yang World, Fengkuang is at the top of the hierarchy, although he is the weakest in the Genius Class but outside the Genius Class, there is no one who can deal with him.

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