The Eternal Heavenly Dao System of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1002: Someone wants to hurt me

Xiao Tian maintained a good work and rest again, and woke up on time at around one in the afternoon.

"Master Xiao Tian, ​​where have you been? The eldest lady and the third lady have been looking for you." The beauty Fox Fairy Jia and Yi Mei, who were stationed at the gate of the courtyard, stared at Xiao Tian who appeared from the room.

"Cool! I had a good night's sleep! Two fox sisters, I have never left the house." Xiao Tian blinked innocently, just hiding in the divine mighty space.

The two fox fairies looked at each other, and the beautiful fox fairy first lit a sky monkey in her hand!

"A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops will meet you!"

Seeing a fox firework that appeared in the sky, brilliant and brilliant, Xiao Tianqing couldn't help muttering.

"It's a good word." The cold, dignified and indifferent voice sounded behind itself.

Xiao Tian didn't turn his head, leaning on the three hundred and sixty degrees of the upgraded version with no dead ends, he saw the Fox Demon King who appeared one meter behind him, Tu Shan Honghong.

At this moment, Tu Shan's face was red and cold, his original emerald eyes turned into **** jade eyes, which seemed very angry.

call out!

Somewhere, a golden rope rushed in, as fast as lightning. Xiao Tian could have dodged, but he was directly pressed by Tu Shan Honghong's shoulders even faster.

According to the subconscious increase of the insulating claws on both shoulders, it seemed to tell Xiao Tian: ‘Dare to resist, you are done! ’

In fact, Xiao Tian has a variety of ways to get out, but it's not necessary. He doesn't bother to expose his hole cards, intending to play with Honghong and let them have fun.

The golden rope binds Xiao Tian like a python entwining people, and even the mana in the body is restricted and blocked.

"Ding! The magic power blockade restriction of the copy version of the magic rope has been automatically broken!"

Xiao Tian was happy.

"It's worthy of the immortal rope of the Yiqi Dao League, it's very easy to use." Squinted eyes and Tu Shanrong appeared.

Xiao Tian curled his lips and said, "Little master, come together, you guys will play this for me, it's too much."

"Get rid of the habit of staying up late, and we will no longer greet you." Tu Shanhonghong behind him was domineering and majestic.

"Absolutely impossible! Young master's work and rest are so regular, so normal! Don't you guys want to harm me!"

"Ah! There are always people who want to hurt me! You are only allowed to let me go within five minutes, otherwise I...I will die on a hunger strike!"

"Really? Rongrong, send someone to look at him, feed him forcibly every meal, and make him fall asleep by hypnosis. If this lasts for a few days, he will get used to the jet lag." Tu Shan red rubbed. Rubbing Xiao Tiantou, teasing his tone.

"Okay, sister." Tu Shan Rongrong smiled, narrowed his eyes to reveal a gap, and burst out brightly.

"I thought it would be able to get rid of the regular work and rest of the young master! It is absolutely impossible! You are waiting! The gods of my Q group 686222552 will come to rescue me! Know the captain, he has thousands of ships under his command, Each of them is supernaturally powerful and beautiful.. Oh!"

Xiao Tian's mouth was blocked by a big meat bag, and then he was sent into the house and tied to the pillar.

"Huh! I thought it would be able to trap the little master!" Seeing the two sisters Tushan leave, Xiao Tian used his tongue together and ate the big meat buns directly. After waiting a few minutes, he broke free from the low-profile version of the fairy rope. Leave the clone.

"Oh oh oh, bugger!"

Xiao Tian sneaked out of the house using ground walking.

"There is also a forbidden enchantment! Fortunately, Xiaoye's system ability to hide others can see through!"

"Emperor Flame Domain!"

Emperor Yan of Tiandao secretly ate the enchantment out of a hole without being alarmed, and Xiao Tian quickly slipped out.

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