Wang Quanzui, the daughter of the royal family, saw Xiao Yan who had turned into a six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque smiled meaningfully at Xiao Tian, ​​his eyes seemed to ask, ‘what to do? ’

Xiao Tian curled his lips and did not answer.

"Xiao Yan! Where have you been, my aunt's grandmother has been looking for you for so many days, and you can't go bankrupt if you want to eat!" Wang Quanzui was very dissatisfied with his hands on his hips.

"Looking for my brother." The six-eared macaque touched Xiao Tian's head.

Xiao Tian squinted his eyes slightly, the six-eared macaque is doing something!

"Your brother, he is so handsome." Wang Quanzui looked at Xiao Tian for a few times, and he was arguing with the six-eared macaque about eating bankruptcy and looking for the previous place.

"Where can it be convenient? I seem to have a bad stomach after eating." Xiao Tian took the opportunity to urinate.

After all, Xiao Tian got rid of the six-eared macaque.

"I don't know how the two young ladies from the Dongfang family look like now." Xiao Tian rolled his eyes, cast his wishful magical power through the wall, and left the bathroom.

Before he knew it, Xiao Tian got into a garden of the Eastern Spirit Clan.

The mansion of the Eastern Spirit Clan is huge, like a small town.

"Sister, Master's birthday banquet is about to begin, let's go over."

Looking for the sound of Xiao Tian, ​​he couldn't help looking towards the river bank, and saw a young girl holding a very cute and cute little girl about three years old, and a black-haired teenager in a light yellow brocade looked at fifteen or so with a restrained look. Young girl.

"Oh Huh, my little master is so lucky." Xiao Tian thought to himself that the black-haired boy should be Jin Renfeng, the disciple of the Eastern Leader.

The two daughters, one big and one small, are the two daughters of the Eastern Leader.

"Hey, he looks really good, but it's a pity that he doesn't have enough bust..." Xiao Tian said his mind.

"Brother, you go first, we will come later."

"Okay, Junior Sister." Jin Renfeng turned around, the original Qingming eyes suddenly turned into scorching heat, and said inwardly: "Sister, sooner or later you will be mine! You are mine!"

"Do you want to get rid of this golden phoenix now?" Xiao Tian thought that the original time-space golden phoenix used the method of exchanging blood obtained from the leech essence and jade tan to **** the blood of the Eastern League lord from lying in bed, and became frantic Ambition, there was a chill.

"At present, Jin Renfeng is at the level of an ordinary Demon King, and it is still very easy to clean up."

Through the 72 transformations of the supernatural powers of the Ruyi supernatural power, Xiao Tian turned into the old appearance of the golden man Feng in the original time and space, and appeared in front of the golden man Feng.

"Old man, who are you? The Dongfang family has never seen you before, so why did you come here!" Jin Renfeng frowned and couldn't help being alert.

The old man in front of him, if lightning touches his soul, it makes him feel familiar and terrified in his heart, and he does not know why he is afraid of something.

In short, the old man felt very dangerous to him.

"Let's lie to the little master!"

Following Xiao Tian's curse, the golden man's phoenix eyes widened, his body was very honest, and he knelt down unconsciously.

"how is this possible!"

He was shocked in his heart, and tried his best to resist his mind and get his body to stand up, but his body did not listen, his consciousness seemed to be driven into a cold palace.

"Jin Renfeng! Listen carefully! I am the future you!"

"The future me?" Jin Renfeng was silly in his heart, what's the joke?

"Jin Renfeng, you have colluded with the leech spirit, and you will get the method of exchanging blood and seek to seize the blood of the master, so as to be able to master the pure sun flame of extinguishing demon and divine fire! But the disadvantage is too great. I came across time and space to tell you, Eliminate that drawback!" Xiao Tian started to flicker.

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