The Eternal Heavenly Dao System of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1062: The shock of the Vulcan family

Faced with the attack of Jin Renfeng, who thought he was possessing the protagonist's aura, Xiao Tian curled his lips and swung a stick directly in his mind to control Suzuo Nenghu.

"Not good!" Seeing that the dragon stick in the giant's hand was extraordinary, the Dongfang Patriarch secretly squeezed a cold sweat for the golden man Feng.

"That's it? The trick Xiao Yan used by his brother?" Dongfang Huaizhu was shocked.

Jin Renfeng's dual-wielding fire dragon was obviously transformed from the time when it was against Xiao Yan. It is restrained and powerful and tyrannical. Through the eyes, Xiao Tian can see that the energy density of the two fire dragons is very delicate.


Still vulnerable!

As if the sky had fallen! The Shenlong stick swung and smashed, and it set off a terrible gust of wind.


In the eyes of Dongfang Qin Lan and others, the two fire dragons were directly smashed by a stick, the flames collapsed, and the terrible sticks blasted the golden man phoenix. The golden man phoenix couldn't help screaming, vomiting blood like a broken kite and turned into a beautiful The parabola smashed the ground heavily into a big hole.

"Sneak attack Young Master! Who do you think you are! Haha! Qin Lan, is Young Master such a great stick?"

"Awesome! If you can give me this technique, it will be even more powerful!" Dongfang Qin Lan's face was excited.

The Eastern Patriarch hurriedly inspected Jin Renfeng's injury and found that it was just an ordinary minor internal injury, and it was no problem to recuperate for a day or two under the nourishment of the pill.

"Xiaotian, get your magical powers."

After hearing the words of the Eastern Leader, Xiao Tian still had to give this face, which was to relieve the extraordinary Suzuonenghu.

Xiao Tian grabbed Dongfang Qin Lan's collar and settled on the ground. In a large pit not far away, a dozen of Shenhuo disciples who had passed out were buried.

"Xiao Tian, ​​teach me your magical powers, I want to learn!" Dongfang Qin Lan swayed holding Xiao Tian's arm and said coquettishly.

"Come on, good brother." Xiao Tian laughed.

"Good brother!"

"Hey, comfortable. But it's a pity, you are not of our family's blood, you can't learn, this supernatural power must match my family's blood, hehe." Xiao Tian laughed.

"I don't believe it! You must be fooling me! I want to learn! If you don't teach me, I will kill you!"

"Damn! You are a dog!"

Dongfang Huaizhu awakened a dozen family disciples in the pit, and he probably understood what happened. It must be his sister Qin Lan who took these disciples to bully Xiao Tian, ​​and the car overturned.

At this time, Jin Renfeng fell into a state of self-doubt and autism, he could not beat an eight or nine-year-old kid!

"Jin Renfeng, take a good rest. Losing is not terrible. I am afraid that you will not grow up. If you fight against Xiao Tian in another way, you will naturally not lose." The Eastern Patriarch continued to enlighten Jin Renfeng.

After Jin Renfeng was supported by the senior brother to rest, the Patriarch of the Dongfang looked at Xiao Tian who was arguing with Qin Lan and smiled.

He didn't expect that Xiao Yan's younger brother was not a good stubborn, and had a decent combat power. Even so, he was just cannon fodder in the Heavenly Dao Palace. It can be seen how terrifying the Heavenly Dao Palace is, and Xiao Yan's true level will definitely not be weaker than him.

"Hey, although my family of Shenhuo has a great family, none of the new generation seedlings can be top-notch."

As time passed, Xiao Tian had lived in the Shenhuo family for four or five years, and had grown from a kid to a young man with a wind **** like jade. The achievements of the Shenhuo family were basically finished.

In addition, during the period, Xiao Tian and Tu Shan Honghong exchanged information through the red pupil rabbits. In recent years, Tu Shan Yaya is still in retreat, and the ice cave in the retreat has gradually become a forbidden place. Even Tu Shan Honghong is not easy to approach, and the cold is bitter. It's terrifying.

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