The Eternal Heavenly Dao System of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1474: The order of the celestial master Zhang Zhiwei

"Sister Sweet, Sister Yu, don't play anymore, there will be an exam tomorrow, I have to review it."

Sister Tian is what Zhang Chulan calls Xiao Tian, ​​and Sister Yu is Zhang Lingyu.

Although Xiao Tian could not be sure whether Zhang Chulan believed that Zhang Lingyu was a sister, at least Zhang Chulan absolutely believed that he was a sister!

Xiao Tian and Zhang Lingyu, a teenager with internet addiction, were finally in the world. They were unintentionally discovered by Nine Senior Brother Rong Shan, and gave the Tianshi the specific details of how Xiao Tian and Zhang Lingyu played games with netizens in female voices. Confessed.

"Master is looking for us."

Zhang Lingyu felt a little flustered for some reason after the disciple left.

"Brother, Master, it's no good for the master to find us." Zhang Lingyu frowned.

"I also think, but I'm afraid of anything, you and I did not make a mistake." Xiao Tian curled his lips, but he already had an answer in his heart.

The residence of the celestial master Zhang Zhiwei.

"Xiaotian, Lingyu, have you ever neglected your practice during these hours?" The old heavenly master opened his eyes slightly, examining Xiao Tian and Zhang Lingyu.

"Master, I've been lazy." Zhang Lingyu spoke sincerely.

Xiao Tian said nothing.

"What are you lazy?"

Zhang Lingyu said truthfully: "Playing mobile games outside of practice."

"anything else?"

"No more." Zhang Lingyu shook his head.

The old master snorted coldly: "You two have very good talents, and the progress of your cultivation is very fast. It's okay to play some mobile games for entertainment. Your brother once told me that you two actually cheated in a female voice. Netizens, why is this?"

"This." The honest Zhang Lingyu didn't know how to explain it.

"Master, I remember you said that our identities cannot be disclosed to the outside world, especially in today’s rapidly spreading Internet society, which urges us to have a sense of self-protection, so we use the voice of a woman to contact netizens, even if accidentally. I was told that in Longhu Mountain, no one would think that we belonged to the Heavenly Master's Mansion."

"I only think that we are playing games on the journey of Longhu Mountain." Xiao Tian explained seriously.

The celestial master couldn't help having a headache, he really said that.

He really shot himself in the foot.

The old master is uncomfortable. Since Xiao Tian's memory has recovered a bit, he always feels that the kind and honest spirit jade will be led by Xiao Tian.

But Xiao Tian's explanation was indeed fine.

"You slick, forget it, you two finished reciting your names with me a hundred times in a woman's voice."

"Yes, Master."

After a hundred times, the old celestial master waved his hand and hurried away and said: "Okay, after walking in the world, this kind of changing voice can sway the enemy."

Zhang Lingyu breathed a sigh of relief when he successfully escaped.

"Junior, it's fortunate to have you, otherwise I really can't explain it."

"Oh, it's nothing, let's not make a mistake, we learned all useful skills." Xiao Tian said with a curled mouth.

"You are right." Zhang Lingyu recognized the remarks made by Zhang Zhiwei before.

In the afternoon, the old master found Xiao Tian again.

"Xiaotian, do you know how many top powerhouses and forces are there in the foreign world today?"

Xiao Tian shook his head, pretending to be confused.

The old celestial master smiled and said: "At present, the ten guys in the alien world have the highest right to speak. In addition, there is a special organization that connects to the express company. You must not provoke this organization and avoid contact."

"Master, I understand, is there a master among the ten guys?"

"That's natural. I am looking for you this time to let you protect someone."

"Protect someone? Is it a girl?" Xiao Tian's eyes lit up.

The corners of the old heavenly master's mouth twitched, and suddenly felt that this kid still didn't recover his memory. After awakening a little memory, he only knew the girl. Now the four mad Xiahe abilities might be effective for this kid.

"If it's a girl, I won't go, women are too troublesome, too much trouble."

The old master was ashamed and withdrew his previous thoughts.

"It's a man, a lot younger than you, right now, he should be in college."

When Xiao Tian heard this, his heart moved, according to the original time-space information, it wouldn't be that guy, right!

It seems that the celestial master has always had information about that person.

"This is a photo, remember his appearance, and his identity."

"Don't open a university in South China? Zhang Chulan?"

"Master, how long do I have to protect this kid?" Xiao Tian curled his lips, but his heart was excited.

"Graduate from university, are you willing? If not, it doesn't matter, the old man will be replaced."

Xiao Tian scratched his head and said curiously: "Master, why did you choose me?"

"You have been staying on the mountain, and you have not made much progress in the recovery of your memory. Experience the warmth and coldness of human relationships, urban life, and meet all kinds of people. It may be helpful to you. In addition, you don’t need to worry about your daily life and money. The cost of eating and drinking is relatively high. If you hold this card, this card will enter 5W every month, as long as you save some points and spend enough."

5W's monthly allowance? I have to say, this is very comfortable!

"Well, it's all up to the master's arrangement."

In the afternoon, Zhang Lingyu learned that Xiao Tian had been assigned a task, fearing that he would not be able to return for a while, and felt a little bit unwilling.

"Xiao Yuyu, I will contact QQ and WeChat in the future. This is my bank card account number. Don't be stingy, transfer some more money." Xiao Tian whispered secretly afterwards.

Zhang Lingyu was taken aback, showing a gentle sunny smile, and nodded.

The old master smiled to himself when he discovered this scene.

"Junior Brother, this task is a bit severe, but I believe you will be able to complete it perfectly. Considering your eating and drinking problems, you can take this card. I am alone, and I don’t need much money." Zhang Ganhe, a disciple of the Heavenly Teacher, looked in his eyes. Gentle, with a kind smile, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​secretly took out a bank card and told the password.

Xiao Tian was in a coma for ten years and Zhang Ganhe took care of him for ten years. It is a fake that Xiao Tian is not grateful to this elderly senior brother.

"Master these days, take care of yourself too. This is the wine I secretly got down the mountain last time." Xiao Tian handed the Wuhun drink Shenzhu Moutai he privately made to his master Zhang Ganhe.

Big brother Zhang Ganhe's body tends to be decayed between heaven and man, and his life expectancy is close to the extent. Shenbong Moutai has the effect of washing away the lead and transforming the body, as well as more secret awakening recessive genes and bloodline ability.

Xiao Tian went down the mountain.

With regard to the Nanbukai University where Zhang Chulan was located, the celestial master had already ordered everyone to take care of everything.

Xiao Tian strolled around slowly, and a few days later, through the contact person designated by the old master, he made an appointment to meet at the gate of a supermarket not far from Nanbukai University.

Night fell.

"You are Xiao Tian."

Xiao Tian looked at a handsome young man in his thirties with silver hair, a little beard, with his hands in his trouser pockets, and his brows were raised.

"You don't seem to be Wei Hai."

"You will receive a call from Wei Hai later."


"Brother Xiao Tian, ​​this is Wei Hai. You are here, right? Just follow a brother named Xu Si, and he will help you handle the process."

Xu Si?

Xiao Tian couldn't help but feel pain. According to the original time and space information, this Xu Si is a company anywhere, that is, the management of a state-owned enterprise.

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