Xiao Tian, ​​Xu Si, Xu San, and Feng Baobao gathered on the roof of the hotel opposite the Qinglong SPA Beauty Massage Club. They have been using high-end thermal telescopes to observe the room where Zhang Chulan is.

"You haven't taken the bait yet, five hours have passed."

"Better fast, I can't calm Lao Zhang anymore." Xiao Tian curled his lips.

Xu Si lit a cigarette again, took a sip in his mouth, and smiled: "Xiaotian, you're a little anxious. It's only five hours. In our business, it is commonplace to stay for a few days. If the bait is caught in a day, it will be earned by blood."

Xiao Tian's eyes showed awe, and he accepted this.

"You know it," Feng Baobao muttered.

"Let me see." Xu Siyi looked at the binoculars and couldn't help laughing: "I started to be baited. It's just not easy to see who it is, but it seems that Zhang Chulan is scared."

At this time, Xiao Tian concealed other people’s visible eyes and white eyes, and relying on his perspective ability, ignored the obstacles on the fourth floor of the hall, and completely combined Zhang Chulan with a pink-haired, graceful woman who entered the house. After looking at it, it became clear.

The Butterfly Effect!

It was not Liu Yanyan who came to capture Zhang Chulan. Liu Yanyan might not have joined the whole **** because of Xiao Tian's original words. As a result, Xia He, the four mad bone scrapers of the whole sex, appeared in person.

The bone scraper Xia He has the ability to control the desires of life. With Zhang Chulan's small head, it is really difficult to resist, so he was easily knocked down and taken away.

"It's a pity, little handsome boy, if the occasion wasn't the right place, my sister would really like to show you a fun game."

Xia Heyu softly brushed Zhang Chulan's face, dragged Zhang Chulan, who was fascinated with loving eyes, and walked into the room.

"Get started." Xu San made a call.

Somewhere in the outskirts of an abandoned factory.

"Sister, you won't really want to be here, let's get rid of Zhang Chulan."

The all-round Lu Liang has a black line.

"Why not?" Xia He's weak and boneless little hand passed between Zhang Chulan's chest.


"Someone broke in! Not a human!"

"Damn it, that fool Liu Yanyan!" Lu Liang's face went dark.

He had contacted Liu Yanyan before and planned to use Liu Yanyan, but the girl didn’t know whether it was the increase in IQ, or the betrayal of the plan that was urged by the expert. Otherwise, this time it would not be Xia He’s personal action. Caught Zhang Chulan.

Soon, the windows and doors in the warehouse were broken open, and some walking zombies broke in, mixed with zombies with a little wisdom and good fighting strength.

"Sister, anyway, we have already got something from the old fellow Zhang Xilin, so why not just withdraw."

"It's a pity, time is not enough." Xia He got up, his figure was straight, and his eyes were full of displeasure.

"But before that, let's get rid of the disobedient little sister first, so that my interest is gone."

Lu Liang didn't say much. He knew that once this elder sister said something to do, she must not arbitrarily propose and negate it. Unless she is strong, she would be abused and killed.

From the bottom of his heart, Lu Liang felt terrified for this woman and didn't want to touch too much.

"Quan Xing, you treat me Liu Yanyan as a fool, I have contacted the company everywhere, and I will keep you from leaving! Humph!"

"Damn it, although our traces are hidden, this method of expelling the corpse is powerful when investigated." Lu Liang frowned.

"Lu Liang, take Zhang Chulan away, that little sister, I will solve it." Xia He twisted his waist and walked towards the broken warehouse gate. Several walking corpses rushed over, but were caught by the sharp knife in her hand. The head was torn instantly, the nucleus of the head was shattered, and the body fell to the ground weakly.

Seeing Xia He's fierce means, Lu Liang responded and walked to Zhang Chulan's side.

"It's a pity, you don't even know." Lu Liang shook his head, planning to carry Zhang Chulan away.

When Lu Liang was only half a meter away from Zhang Chulan, Zhang Chulan opened his eyes, very clear.


A silver-white thunder arc wandered the earth, and Zhang Chulan used Yang Wu Lei.

"Not good!" Lu Liang was always vigilant, and instantly put his hands in his head.


With a fierce impact of the five thunders running around the sun, Lu Liang spurted blood from his mouth and flew out more than ten meters.

"Really be an uncle, don't you have a temper!"

Zhang Chulan's face was cold. It is unforgivable that these self-proclaimed whole-sex guys made a fuss on his grandfather's body!

"What a powerful Lei Fa." Lu Liang was shocked. Fortunately, he had consumed some damage with his family's Ruyi Jin, otherwise it would be more than just internal injuries.

"I woke up unexpectedly." Xia He, who easily solved the walking corpse, turned his head and glanced, her eyebrows frowned slightly.

Zhang Chulan looked at Lu Liang who fell to the ground with a pale face and blood overflowing from the corners of her mouth. She snorted coldly: "Wait until the uncle has cleaned up the woman first, then come to hello!"

Seeing Zhang Chulan rushing towards Sister Xia He, and quickly fighting with Sister Xia He, Lu Liang smiled and immediately got up and quickly turned the window and fled.

"Liu Yanyan, idiot, sooner or later, take care of you, Sister Xia He, ask for more blessing."

Lu Liang's glasses reflected light and his eyes were cold.

Lu Liang escaped decisively, and quickly came to a van and drove away.

"Don't let him run away!"

Everywhere in the ambush, foreigners from the company instantly exposed their whereabouts. There was a golf ball-sized shell exploded from the palm of the foreigner, and a large wave bombarded the van that broke through obstacles at high speed.

"Let you see my skills! And this car is not an ordinary van!" Lu Liang sneered.

At this time, in the warehouse, although Zhang Chulan was mentally tough, she was once freed from the control of Xia He's lustful ability of the bone scraper, but because of Shou Gongsha, she had a demon in her heart, and under Xia He's ability to urge herself .

Zhang Chulan collapsed again, was disturbed by the demons, and lost her mind.

"Little handsome guy, why are you so anxious?"

Xia He listened to the movement outside, and the whole-sexed person had already been killed. Everywhere was surrounded by the company's strong, so he immediately pinched Zhang Chulan's neck and quickly turned the window to the warehouse.

After crossing Zhang Chulan on the motorcycle, Xia He saw Xu San and Bao Bao Feng appear in front of him, after all, she smiled softly.

"Xu San, why are you here? Are you seeing me off?" Xia He said, showing love to Xu San.

"All-sex demon, catch it!"

Several companies approached and flew towards Xiahe.

"Stop, you are not her opponents." Xu Sandao.

"Coco...Xu San, I want to go, won't you stop them?" Xia He cast a charming look at Xu San.

"Fang is blind and dirty." Bao Bao Feng said.

"Little girl, you are very concerned about this handsome boy, but it is a pity that my sister needs him very much now."

"Fang blind him." Bao Bao Bao carried the kitchen knife and rushed out like a bolt of lightning.

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